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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. The remaining parts of the marathon. Easily baited Andy, I've got a Bonne Jenet to pick with you, Kill Billy the Kid and Time Splitters. Shinra defeats Cloud, Dead guy in a Pool, Footdiving Doom to his doom and Wrestler that has a grappling move but rarely uses it. Dead guy in a pool Kiwami and Elegant Festival of the nicely suited people. Kaiser Beer Wave, Sharp Nails with Broken Claws and Reckless Ralf. And a bonus shorty with a broken door.
  2. Team 2 Joyce: Put one when you think it's a good time, just like the previous round. Joyce: The same goes for you. Don't go too far ahead without proper backup or else you'll get hit in the head again. Ryuko: Yeah! You said it! Joyce: I never said he was wrong. You better keep working together with us or else you'll most certainly end up being the first. Ryuko: Owchies... Leaf: We're moving out. Good luck on your side Joy! Joyce: Yes. Let's make this a battle to remember! Hinamori: (Then...it's time to start.) Leaf, can you guide me toward the right gate? I have to stay with my eyes shut for a while to concentrate. Leaf: Got it. Then, the defense team split into the Left and Right Entrance groups. Team 1 Hugh: Since we don't know the enemy formation yet, choose any flank you like. Once we know their position which will most likely be when we merge the teams, then we'll act accordingly. Hugh: Jeez...I sounded like a smartass right now...Guess "she's" rubbing off on me. Etomo: She? Does he mean Emilia? Ludger: Well... Hugh: It doesn't matter right now, let's go. Etomo: (He shot down the topic rather quickly...And he looked a bit embarassed as well.) Ludger: I'll tell you later with more detail, right now we have a match to win. Ludger and Etomo followed Kirimuri. Hugh: Well...Work with whatever you're comfortable with. Either way, we'll have each other's backs on this.
  3. All the parts of the Infinite Characters Marathon so far. Failure Casanova, The Legendary Warrior of Space, Daimon vs Daibanchou and The Family Man. A Guy with no chill, Dumb as bricks Hinata, DOSUKOI!!! and Parry God K'. Only Ken Ken deal with Ken, You're not Yagami, The Mature who only cared about charging her batteries and Super Armor Maxima. Nashville, Fanservice bait vanishes from existence, Just your usual Tiger vs Dragon fight and more predictable AI. (Not as dumb as Hinata but the waiting game is still rewarded.) The Lesser of Four Shadowy Dark Violent Evils. Sheen Wuss, The Treey and the Goose, Sadism from hell, Russian Storm and More Machine than Mann.
  4. Track: 円陣(アニメVer.) Team 2 After putting the teleporting mark on the knife, Joyce puts the weapon on her belt, then, makes a movement that made her cape flutter. Joyce: Alright everyone, let's do our best! Push ourselves to the limit and win this! Ryuko: Full power ahead!!! Hinamori: Understood! Leaf: Even though it's my Master that should been here, maybe I should get some experience out of this in case I end up possessing her again. I'll do my best as well! Joyce: Heh! Okay then, let's go! Team 1 Meanwhile, Hugh claps his hands twice. Hugh: Let's show them how serious we are this time around. Ludger: Right! Etomo: This won't be a repeat from the first round. We'll crush them like intended. Hugh: That's the spirit! Foward!!!
  5. Before the hit **muffled The Battle for the Dream in the background** Ryuko and Hugh: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Hugh: Wait, what? Ryuko: We won? Ryuko: We WON!!! Joyce: Eh? Joyce: We'll see about that. Joyce: You did great. Joyce also raised her hand to return the gesture. Yui: Hooray...I guess... Yui knees in the ground, Joyce and Ryuko rush to her aid. Meanwhile, Hinamori looked upset since she saw what happened, but decided not to speak up. Hugh: Well...He isn't wrong... Etomo: Dully noted sir... Etomo: *shakes her head* Mistakes exists so that you can learn from them. Ludger: Whew...I can finally move again... Hinamori: Must feel horrible... Ludger: Julius would also scold me for losing so soon...Or I think he would...When I heard that he rigged my entrance test, I don't know if I still believe in him. Hinamori: I see...well, better luck in the next round. Ludger: Same to you! Meanwhile Yui: ... Ryuko: Nice job calling Bulb's attention! Yui: I could've done more if I actually eliminated him with that attack... Ryuko: Hey, the same goes for me. I would probably take my sweet time to take Maes Hughes down. Hugh: *from afar* Debatable at best. Ryuko: We both had chances to fail so don't feel bad something went wrong, just try harder and harder. Joyce: I half-agree with that. Doing your best is good, but you shouldn't be ashamed of running away either. Yui: I see... Joyce: Anyway, I believe this is yours. Yui: My wooden sword...but...what about you? Joyce: I'll manage without it. Valiant Knight is more of a strenght boost after all....Most of it just applies to my arms but still, I'll manage it. We'll need you to not use your Holy Sword in the next round. Yui: ...Alright then... Yui got in a sitting position, but all of a sudden, she felt like her conciousness was slipping away, briefly closing her eyes. Yui: (What...I can't...move...) ???: Oh no! Master is fainting! Yui: (A voice? Who's...) ???: MASTER!!! Then, all of a sudden, her eyes opened and she let out a yelp of surprise. Ryuko: Whoa! Don't doze off on us now. Yui: Well...err... She looked both ways, as if not knowing where she was. She got up as if she wasn't tired at all, and looked at her hands with a confused face. Yui: (No way...) Ryuko: Hey...Are you sure you are okay? You look like you've seen a ghost... Joyce: Second that...How are you feeling Yui? Yui: Well...That's the funny thing...How do I put this...Master isn't here. Ryuko: Um...Translation please... Yui?: Pleased to meet you, I'm the spirit that allows Yui to use the Holy Sword. The name's Caleaf II (2nd), but you can just call me Leaf. Joyce: .... Joyce: WHAT? NO WAY THIS IS HAPPENING!!! Leaf: I wish I was joking, but Master ended up losing conciousness. I tried to stop it...but I ended up possessing her instead. Ryuko: Ooookay...that's freaky as heck... Joyce: The question is...Can you bring her back. Leaf: I don't think that's possible right now... Leaf: But... All of a sudden, Joyce parries an incoming sword slash with her two hands. Joyce: Too close!!! (I almost didn't see that.) Leaf: Let's say I'm better with a sword than she'll ever be right now. Joyce: (Oh yeah....Yui did say she isn't very good with a sword.) Hugh: And there goes a the advantage Rokurou and Emilia had against her. Ryuko: WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE! SHOO!!! Joyce: Alright then Yui...or rather, Leaf, I guess we'll be counting on you for the next round. Possessed Yui's Fighting Style: She has now more precise, stronger and fast sword slashes. Due to being controlled by her sword spirit, fatigue doesn't affect her as her body is techinically being "puppetered", which enables her to do movements she can't do while concious. In exchange, she can't use her magic, due to Yui not being concious to channel with, and Leaf is just an amplifier. She's still rather fast, but not to the same extent as her master.
  6. Yui: (That energy flow...An explosive attack?) Yui dodges the attack with a quick backstep. Yui: (How? What kind of move is that? He didn't turn into a ghost did he? If that was the case, my Holy Sword would've still hit him. Or maybe it did but the damage wasnt apparent...Either way...I got his attention to me. Now it's up to how much my body can take the exaustion.) She took a fighting stance, then ran at LightFlare at normal speed. Joyce: Alright, let's go! Joyce ran foward, then ducked under the swords with a spinning crowch. Following Penelope's cue, she went for a stab. Meanwhile, the swords aiming at 13P would be redirected slighty upwards. Hinamori: (The wall is getting attacked already?)
  7. Both Teams Hugh: Whoa! Hugh avoids the water torrents by doing a quick backstep. Hugh: (Smart move...But she knows I can reach him at any moment...) Hugh: Wait! Before he could give chase, Ryuko stood in his way and punched the ground. Ryuko: You're not going anywhere! This time, I won't fail in protecting! Hugh: (Still, there's no way she can take on me and LightFlare at the same time...) The moment Hugh thinks that however, Yui shows up from the right flank door, having starting to sweat a lot due to having to use more of her Light Magic to increase her running speed. Yui: (I shouldn't be afraid...to push myself!!!) She spends more energy to warp behind LightFlare in order to deal a slash from behind, if she is succesful, she'll follow up with more warp attacks. Ryuko: Come at me! This Dragon will devour you whole! Hugh: Heh! You're still at Carp level!!! Ryuko: As if I didn't hear that one before. I'll be so happy to prove you wrong! Hugh: Odd, that feels like a line I heard from a thug once...And that's the cue for me to fish you! Ryuko: It's... Hugh: ON!!! They both run at each other, Ryuko attempts her Dragon Dive, but before she could properly execute it, Hugh manages to stop it with his own flying kick. Both landed on the floor, ready to fight each other. Joyce: Heh...It's seems you're just pretentious in your boasts as I am...I keep telling myself that my flames will forge me into something that will make me stronger than anyone...But that didn't stop me from losing against someone. Joyce: Even still...I'll cling into such a claim and defeat you! Joyce takes an fighting stance, holding the sword with just a hand, waiting for Emilia's first move. Hinamori: (Time for one last move to secure the escape route.) Hinamori used her hands to raise an water wall that covered the left flank entrance. If one attempted to pass through it, they would be smashed to the ceiling. In the chance someone actually managed to go through it, Hinamori pulled out her knife as there would be a delay for the wall to be dispelled. Then, she went to the L-shaped wall in order to observe if anyone would go through the right side route.
  8. Holgan jokes, A Dance Battle going frenetic and the end of the Literal Spam Bot.
  9. Both Teams Hugh: Tch... Hugh's fist stopped inches from the maid. Hugh: Nice try...but if my body control couldn't keep up with my speed, I would be clumsly running into walls and probably wouldn't be even here... He took a step back while mentally saying "Close freaking call", trying to keep his tough exterior. Yui: Ah! Light just launched an attack straight at Miss Ryuko. Hinamori: (And she can't dodge it because she's in the air...There's not much I can do unless summon an attack from above his position.) Ryuko: (I HAVE THIS HUGE AURA FOR A REASON!!!) Her strike collided with the Light Burst. While it managed to halt her advance, she didn't suffer damage. Ryuko: (Dang, it doesn't change the fact thirties is surrounded right now...And knowing Lightbulb, he'll just shower me with bullets again while pulling a Mr. M the moment I throw a big gun.) Hinamori: Yui, secure his escape route. Yui: Okay. Yui makes a dash for the right flank entrance. Hinamori: (This might not hit, but it will give 13P time to escape. Double Splash!!!) Using her both hands, Hinamori summoned eight torrents of water, four above Hugh and four above LightFlare. Joyce: (So we got another strike in...but finally lost one of ours. While 5T's idea ended up having us capturing the maid, they shouldn't have gone in without proper backup...And now 13P is surrounded...I have to at least keep Emilia occupied so that she doesn't go after him.) The wooden sword was enveloped in an flame-like aura, increasing its reach, then, she dealt a downwards diagonal slash at Emilia in hopes of at least keeping her busy.
  10. Two debuts today. Plus the videos that I couldn't put here because the forum was down
  11. Teams 1 & 2 Music: Previous Notice Seeing that Penelope managed to spot Agni and started attacking him, this was Ryuko's cue to stop being the bait. Ryuko: Hey Thirties, wait for me! Seeing that she was a bit far away, she decided to improvise and use her EX-Dragon Drive to close part of the distance gap she had with 13P. Hugh: (It's not over until you get her to the other side...Now let's see how fast your computer specs are.) Hugh started running, but all of a sudden, his speed greatly increased in order to avoid the gravitational pull, then, he went for a punch in the stomach as he approached 13P before Ryuko. Hinamori: They got the maid but, LightFlare and Kirimuri will most certainly go after them if they go through that direction. By the way, leave your wooden sword for Joyce, she might need it right now. Yui: *nods* Yui went for the L-Shaped wall in order to get a better view of the right flank exit while staying hidden, but not before leaving her wooden sword behind for Joyce to use. Joyce: ...So you're saying... Hinamori: This is the last strech, we'll need all the trump cards that we have. Joyce: Alright... Music: Heavenly Sunshine Joyce: Ethereal Flames, Heed my call and burn my soul! Forge me to be stronger than anyone! Joyce: VALIANT KNIGHT!!! Suddenly, a vortex of fire engulfs Joyce. Hinamori saw her picking up the sword, then doing a swipe with it, dispelling the flames. Joyce: Joyce Vilude, now joining the frontilines. She left her position and went running to aid 5T.
  12. Team 2 Offense - Both Groups Yui: Gah!!! What the- Music: Nothingness Space Then, they saw the ensuing explosion from the Sunshine Blaster. Ryuko: It's over right? Joyce: No...There wasn't any announcement. (His sensory abilities let him fight despite being cornered...Guess I didn't overestimate him enough.) Ryuko: So wait...If he could dodge through all this shit...WHY THE HELL DIDN'T HE FIGHT US WITH THAT SPEED? This guy is even a bigger coward than I imagined. Hinamori: I can only think of one place where he could've gone...The room below is filled with smoke, so he can't go there. Yui: And I would've seen him if he tried to run through us... Hinamori: So it means he must've gone through the rooms in the right...We can't exactly leave him unchecked if he's capable of this much. Joyce, go ahe- Joyce: Okay...going to have to stop you right there. You saw what he was capable of doing. Going after him again would be a wild goose chase and a waste of time. He's not the target anymore, so let's go back to the objective and take advantage of our numbers. Hinamori: ...You got a point. Joyce: Let's do it like this, have someone to check our rear and secure the escape route. It's clear that both Light and Kirimuri are going to try to stop us. Yui: (In that case...I'll volunteer myself of the job of stopping them.) When she opened her eyes, they were blue instead of gold, she had hid her aura in order to avoid LightFlare's sensory ability, as well as trying to detect his. Hinamori: (Her natural eye-color...This is the first time I've seen it.) Yui: ... Joyce didn't say a word, knowing Yui was up to the task by the look in her eyes. Joyce: Alright everyone, let's get going. Joyce: We do this because we know he can take it. If we ever held back during trainning, there wouldn't be really a point in it if you don't push yourself of your partners to the limit. Joyce: Still, I do understand your concern. People like you keeps reminds us that we're still humans at heart. As long as we understand that, we'll do the right things in the end. Then, without more words, Joyce led the group to the left flank door. Music: Logic and Trick The area at the left of the entrance would be where Yui would position herself in order to watch out for ambushes from behind. Hinamori decided to stay close to her and use Elemental Switch: Full Water in order to being able to move the water in the wet floor with more ease in the case the electrified floor strategy would be used again. Joyce would position herself in the opposite wall in order to watch out for ambushes and told Ryuko to move foward with caution. Joyce left Penelope and Byakuya with the choice of either watching for back attacks or going foward to rescue the maid. Team 1 - Defense Hugh: (No announcements after that massive explosion huh? Guess we got lucky...) Hugh: (They probably have a way to get in here now, so I should be ready.) Hugh: (I just hope Yui doesn't come through that door...she'll be able to see me coming miles away...seriously, why the hell her cousin is one of the fastest things alive? If Rokurou went for Yui first, I wouldn't be this nervous...) Then, he notices 5T and 13P's approach. Hugh: (Just two huh? Are the others distracted or...) Hugh: (Is someone watching out for an ambush?) Hugh gets up from his sitting position, then starts observing the place with more attention, noticing Ryuko entering as well, but at an unusual slower pace than he would expect from her. Hugh: (Yep, I was right...They are trying to draw us out...Well, I'll leave Ryuko to Agni. If 5T start shooting at Emilia, I'll kick his pod away, that should buy her enough time to off those two at once.)
  13. Team 2: Offense - Right Flank Group: Hinamori, Yui, 5T and Byakuya Hinamori: Wha- Due to her being paranoid that the water was still electrified, Hinamori couldn't move to shield one of her teammates, so she had to use her Darkness Shield on herself. Yui on the other hand, was free to shield one of her friends. She quickly summoned her Holy Sword and stood in front of Byakuya, creating blast of energy that shielded them both. Of course, such desperate action drained part of her stamina since she was forced to use her Light Magic. Yui: Huff...Huff... (Blowing himself up...Doesn't he regard his own life?) Team 2: Offense - Left Flank Group: Joyce, Ryuko, Penelope and 13P Ryuko: Playing it safe won't work! Since he used weaker bullets instead of the Light Burst, Ryuko's Dragon Breath overpowered the shots and reached LightFlare. Ryuko: (You said it!) No way! Your fight is with us you coward! She fires another Dragon Breath in direction of the bullets in hopes of shielding the other group. Track: Yuusou Joyce: (It's complete!) She raised her arms in the air, generating a shining sphere of energy, It suddenly grew in size, forming a big fireball. Joyce: (Sunshine Blaster, I'm counting on you!) She throws the massive fireball at LightFlare.
  14. Team 2: Offense - Left Flank Group: Joyce, Ryuko, Penelope and 13P Ryuko: I can glare too you know. Are you going to attack me or are you just going to stay there like the cowardly cowering coward that I know you are! Ryuko: C'mon!!! She fires another Dragon Breath at LightFlare. Joyce: (He still knows that I'm here. His sensory is really something.) Joyce: (Just a little more...and I'm done with my next attack. I'm sure he's the strongest around here...and it will take the strongest attack to take him down!) Team 2: Offense - Right Flank Group: Hinamori, Yui, 5T and Byakuya **Due to Rokurou's defeat, his theme fades away** Hinamori: Let's see... Track: Strategic Destruction Yui: HA!!! Much like how it happened in the slums, Yui uses her wind magic to clear the smoke. Due to the cleared smoke, they could see him aproaching. Hinamori: Over there! Dark Firaga!!! She fires a dark fireball at Kirimuri. She was hoping 5T would assist her with his pod and that Byakuya would set another trap in case he decided to run away.
  15. Team 2: Offense - Left Flank Group: Joyce, Ryuko, Penelope and 13P **Don't be defeated by a friend still playing* She could feel the electricity rapidly striking the barrier from the outside. She managed to save her own bacon this time, and Joyce's, as the barrier would stop the electricity from going above ground level. At least the doors didn't fly open and spoil her plans! Joyce: (Thanks Penelope. Your quick thinking did wonders.) Joyce: (Now then...) Since she hasn't fired her flame shot, she continued pouring more energy in order to make her next attack stronger. Ryuko: (I have to remember what Joy said...Don't fight him because of a grudge...I have to stay calm and cooperate with the others.) Ryuko: Dragon... Ryuko: BREATH!!! She fires her own projectile towards the Light Burst, both attacks collide and cancel each other. Ryuko then, drops from the wall into the dry floor. Ryuko: Kinda wish I fought Ludger for a bit longer, but this isn't your usual sparring match so... Ryuko: You're going to make up for it Mr. LightBulb, now come at me! She started taunting LightFlare to leave his position. She needed to buy time for 13P's arrival. Team 2: Offense - Right Flank Group: Hinamori, Yui, 5T and Byakuya Hinamori: (What is this sound?) She looks at the source of the noise and spots the smoking baton. Hinamori: (So he finally makes his move.) Using her free hand, she fires a blast of darkness in order to repel the baton away from the group. **Rokurou Rangetsu fades back in** Yui: *prepares to kick Etomo* Etomo: (Gotta retreat...) But then, she ended up falling in Byakuya's trap, being stunned by it. Etomo: What? Yui: Sorry Etomo...But I have to do this. Etomo: Why are you even apologizing? (Well...That was early...Ryuko isn't going to let me live this one down for sure...) Yui: HAAAAAA!!! With a running foward stab, Yui pushes Etomo to the wall.
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