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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. Sunday's video where the Axellord Marathon continues
  2. And now there's the sunday with the end of the Marvel Pack
  3. This is not a weekend Fael, stop posting mugen videos outside of it.
  4. A dog, a psycho and a guy that triggered the majority of the mugen goku fanboys again.https://youtu.be/Q6LrBBamS-8 https://youtu.be/gMW6fDQ3Ju4 https://youtu.be/jIMDHAF5SzM
  5. Some late thanksgiving phoeni-I mean, turkey. Fighting an AI Patched Serena and more Axellurd.
  6. A marvelous captain, the sword-knight duo and the marathon of edits of jankiness
  7. Just checked and it's working for me. Yesterday I downloaded a 3D version of that Son Bra character that is probably shit too.
  8. Dies Irae Reference, Thrash Edit and Thrash Portraits Plus Son Bra is "Excellent", Turtle Salad and a Dan
  9. The finale of the Kills Festival plus some magician with White Len's voice
  10. More Kills Festival Matches and a guy that didn't want to bargain.
  11. Two matches from the Kill Festival Challenge and Linne fighting someone using her voice (with an extra Hyde in the end.)
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