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Uncle Dante

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Everything posted by Uncle Dante

  1. Good point, I never really thought about that. Poor Ness, he has trouble on his own stage.
  2. So I'm a mermaid, huh? Lol, I didn't see that coming.
  3. I'd like to see Fourside return, as well as Saffron City. I feel I may be alone with these though lol. Fourside is my favorite Melee stage to not come back aside from Brinstar Depths. Saffron City, I feel, deserves to return more than the Sky Castle stage.
  4. I found out about Mugen 2005. I remember seeing Super Mario fighting Evil Ryu, and I was surprised such a thing was possible. I didn't look into it, though. I downloaded Mugen for the first time in 2011 (strangely enough, it was the same day 1.0 was released). I don't know what caused me to remember that video I saw suddenly, but I thought maybe I should check it out.
  5. Yeah, I've been disregarding country. I know it says Chinese in the title, but it's hard to be exactly sure it came from China. Oh, and
  6. Dino's looking like he was possessed.
  7. I still need to pick this up. It looks like a lot of fun. I'm glad to see Nintendo get a larger variety with their games. It seems Nintendo's trying new things with the games on the Wii U. Look's like it's been working so far.
  8. Someone did a collection of the stages from the SF3 games as well.
  9. That's the sad truth. Nights would be cool for Sega. If there's anyone Sega should rep, though it should be:
  10. This guy needs more love. Besides, he has so much potential. He'd fit right in.
  11. 0/10 I'm so tough, I have the balls to rate you 0!
  12. I'm fine with Ryu. He isn't nowhere near as outlandish as Snake was. The only problem I have with him is that that's probably it for Capcom characters. Sucks too, I voted for Viewtiful Joe, and I think he fits in just right with Smash. Also, finally Roy is back. I missed him. Now every character I wanted to return is in this game.
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