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Everything posted by Thunderstudent

  1. Yes Capcom, the masters of rereleasing games in a shiny new wrapper is remaking/porting the original Resident Evil to all current and previous gen systems, tank controls and all. So instead of making a new game they're going to take an already existing game, give it HD graphics and rerelease it probably at full price. This is what Capcom has decided to do with their budget instead of making a new Megaman game like....I donno, Megaman Legends 3?! If you're going to rerelease a game then why not Resident Evil 0, 2, 3 or code Veronica? Also you can at least use the RE4 system, it was the best of the newer games with a perfect balance of action and horror.
  2. I tried the links there and I keep getting redirected here: https://www.myflare.com/c/backup-modal.html
  3. Sorry guys but the links are all down. My current needs are Akuma/Gouki Vega/Balrog and Balrog/Mike Bison
  4. Hello everyone, yes I have returned from beyond the ether to attempt to rebuild my lost Mugen collection. To everyone who knows me, it's good to be back. To those whom don't, allow me to introduce myself: I am Thunderstudent, I've been a member for awhile and my favorite character for Mugen is Raiden from Mortal Kombat. My hard drive died on me and killed my Mugen collection. So now I must start rebuilding from the beginning. So that sucks. Anyway I hope to participate here more than I have in the past.
  5. Yet another Star Wars character for mugen that sucks. T-T It's characters like this that make me wish Reu was still around making mugen characters. If he did a Star Wars character, it would be balls to the wall awesome.
  6. Damn you Mike, you stile my answer.
  7. Kamen Rider W vs Ogre Ogre: *has SSF IV entrance* It doesn't matter if you are 2 in one or 200, I will crush you like the insects that you are. Philip: Shotaro, his power is far greater and more evil than any enemy we have ever faced! We might not survive this battle! Shotaro: Stand strong Philip, we have to stop him! Here and now, before he destroys innocent lives! Let's Go, Philip! *he puts on the Double Driver and a second one appears on Philip* Philip: *Pulls out his Cyclone memory and clicks it* Cyclone memory: CYCLONE! *Shotaro pulls out his Joker memory and clicks it* Joker memory: JOOOOKAAAAAAAR! Philip and Shotaro: HENSHIN! *Philip inserts his memory into the right slot of his Double Driver and Soul Forwards it to Shotaro's. Shotaro then pushes the Cyclone memory fully with his left hand, causing Philip's mind to enter Shotaro's body, causing him to collapse. Shotaro then inserts the Joker memory in the left side slot with his right hand then opens the Driver* Cyclone memory: CYCLONE! Joker memory: JOOOOKAAAAAAAR! *In a flash of green and purple energy, Shotaro and Philip transform into Kamen Rider W* Philip and Shotaro: Now,*points at Ogre* Count up your sins! Ogre: That would be impossible for I have committed to many to count!
  8. So they only want to eat white people, well I'm screwed.
  9. Our wishes have been answered, The Xbox one policies has been changed here: http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/update Big thanks to Sniping raptor for breaking out this fantastic news
  10. Two questions actually 1: Is there a version of Oni that can match the evil duo by Reu who doesn't rip off moves from other characters? 2: Are there any Soul Eater characters for Mugen?
  11. Probably scavenge with him while forcing him to teach me how to make characters.
  12. So what's new about them? Have you posted this link in their snk edit posts yet?
  13. In the latest chapter that Zangetsu is not truly Ichigo's Zanpakuto according to Oetsu but a manifestation of his Quincy powers and that his inner hollow is in fact his true zanpakuto with his shinigami powers. But previously it's been stated that Hollow Ichigo and Zangetsu are in fact the same being just one having dominance over the other. My head hurts from all this, is this really the end of old man Zangetsu or is Kubo sensei faking us out again?
  14. Sorry to bother you guys again but the links on their topics are down.
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