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Everything posted by Thunderstudent

  2. I'm playing the shit oput of Left 4 Dead 2, I'm still waiting for Valve to release the Cold Stream dlc pack
  3. Thunderstudent

    [PS1] Vs.

    Looks interesting
  4. Played the hell out of these games on the N64, still love em now. The gameplay is solid to this day, even the port of Ocarina on the 3DS is still as awsome. To anyone who hasen't played these games, GO PLAY THEM NOW!!!!
  5. SSJ4 Goku would wipe the floor with Meta Cooler and Kid Buu would just turn Cell into a cookie and eat him
  6. I'll wait for Super Street Fighter4 3rd Strike Turbo Edition with Evil Ken, Gill, Dragonclaw, Haggar, Hugo, Poison, Kairi, Skullomania, ShadowGeist and Garuda thank you very much.
  7. I know I'm bumping an old post but I'll give you a straight up review: He's has 3 buttons for basic attacks and 2 for each of his strikers {Kamen Riders OOO and Fourze respectively}. His Ai is okay, it isn't the best but it is't the worst. I would have liked to see more challenge from him, I beat him in Hard mode easily. His special moves are easy to pull off, just hold 2 of the attack buttons and W will either do a flaming punch with his Philip side *the green side* turning red for to indicate the Heat/Joker formation or have a strechy punch with the Philip side in yellow indicating the Luna/Joker formation. After each special he gose back to Cyclone/Joker. I don't know much about Kamen Rider but thanks to TJOmega's reviews on Kamen Rider W roleplay toys and research in the internet I know enough about it. The downside is that there's no gaia memmory swapping animations or mode switching, which is a part of shows gimic. Kamen Rider W had 9 different forms {10 including Fang/Joker and 11 if you count Cyclone/Joker Extreme} His only super attack is his Double kick, W's own version of the Rider Kick finisher. While a nice touch, it's sad to see that none of the other Maximum Drive Finishers or any of the other Shotaro memmories like the Metal and Trigger memmories. Sprites are very well done and most of the animations that are there are fluid. But it dosen't do the character justace. I'd like to see someone create more sprites for this and edit it to be more true to the source material. As it stands it feels incomplete Sprites: 8/10 sound: 7/10 Gameplay: 5/10 controls: 5/10 Ai: 4/10 Animations: 4/10 overall: 5.5/10, slightly above average Thunderstudent, signing out
  8. I'm not entirely sure but I've been hearing rumors that there's a Bleach live action movie produced by Warner Brothers as well as Fox making a sequel to Dragon Ball Evolution. Considering how bad DBE and The Last Airbender movie were are we really ready for another baddly made anime/manga based movie? What next? Naruto? One Piece? Yu Yu Hakusho? Inuyasha? Gundam? Big O? Anyway your opinions, coments and laments please.
  9. Midway/Netherrealm studio's, The Mortal Kombat people
  10. Shao Kahn, why? He's motherfucking Shao Kahn what else needs to be said?
  11. I like a lot of the answers here so let me give my 4 Bill Overbeck from the Left 4 Dead series: Bill is awsome, he survived Nam and was willing to give his life for his friends. And even then it took 3 Tanks to keep him down. But he will rise on the 3rd day to have his vengence on the infected. Bill is awsomeness. He's skilled in a wide varity of weapons, a natural leader and can inspire confidence, trust and respect in his friends. A must have. Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil Series: This guy survived Racoon City, missions to South America and brought down an evil cult planing on using evil parasites to take over the world. And he did it all while somehow keeping his hair perfect. You bastard. Also like Bill, he's skilled in a wide array of weapons and is skilled in melee combat. Simon Belmont from the Castlevania series: The first Belmont we were ever introduced to, this guy fights zombies, vampires, werewolves and all sorts of evil monsters with only his whip and a varity of secondary weapons. Not to mention he killed Dracula TWICE in a row. Samus from the Metroid series: I'm surprised no one said her, she has a Power suit she can upgrade, a wide varity of weapons including energy beams and a varity of missles she fires out of her arm cannon, her Screw Attack can decimate enemies on contact, and she can turn into a ball and detonate bombs and her power bombs could take out a large area of enemies. Wiythout her suit she's still a formidable enemy with excelent skills in hand to hand and melee kombat and has a gun that can be used as a lightsaber and a lightwhip. Also we need someone hot to help repopulate the planet.
  12. Actually from what I've read Bleach is only half done, yes the author says that he plans to have atleast 5-10 more years of writing and producing Bleach. I love Bleach, but then again I was a fan of Yu Yu Hakusho back in the day. If anyone wants to debate Ichigo vs Yusuke be my guest, just do it in another topic.
  13. Okay in my honest oppinion, both games look great, but currently I have L4D2 and am waiting for Cold Stream to come out on the 360. But I'm wondering if Dead Island as good or better then the L4D games. Which is the better game, graphicly, game play wise, price wise, in terms of difficulty, scares DLC wise and overall?
  14. Simple enough, you're in a zombie apocolypes but you can choose 4 characters from any game you want as lang as they follow these rules: No Gods, Demons, Soccerors/wizards or other non humans. No characters from comics, books, tv, anime/manga or movies. Other then that, the multiverse is open for you to choose from. Choose wisely.
  15. It dose seem that the people of planet Plant are wearing very similar clothes to Majin Buu, atleast his Fat and Good forms. Also what do you expect from Frieza and Cooler great great great great grandpa and the great great great grandpa of King Cold? So far ALL of Frieza's family and by extention race have been assholes. Anyway, great to see Bardock again. Although this dosen't change the fact he's dead by the time Dragon Ball starts since this seems to be thousands of years maybe tens of thousands before saiyans evolved on their origional home world. Maybe Goku got to meet him in other world durring the time between the Cell saga and the Buu saga when he was resurrected the second time.
  16. Dragon Claw by Reu, completely origional, designed from scratch and the first GOOD 2d 3d character. Also Reu composed an entire theme for him that was amazing {but then again all of Reu's songs were candy to the ears.} I love Dragonclaw even if I suck with him. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//laugh.png
  17. Seriously though, this guy dose NOT let up. Allow me to give you a "Sample" of what he has said This is just a sample of the bullshit this guy is spewing. Recently he said that since Aizen is smarter then Goku he could easily defeat him. Granted Aizen is much smarter but Goku gas defeated opponents far smarter thern he is Piccolo Sr. and Jr., Vegeta, Captain Ginyu, Frieza, Cooler, the list gose on. Almost every opponent Goku has fought was in some way smarter then him. He's also latched onto this immortality thing and Aizen's in world stats like a child to a toy. Goku could move the planet out of orbit with his bare hands, Aizen can not. Goku can fly multiple times faster then sound, Aizen can not fly AT ALL, Goku can move faster then light, Aizen could not, Goku can make the planet and the heavens shake by just powering up, Aizen can not. So that leaves his Zanpakuto, Kyōka Suigetsu's special ability: It controls the five senses to the point that it can make the target misinterpret another person's form, shape, mass, feel and smell to be that of the enemy. The initiation condition for the hypnosis is to show the enemy the release of Kyōka Suigetsu. After seeing it just once, that person will completely succumb to the hypnosis. DO YOU REALLY THINK GOKU IS GOING TO LOOK AT THE SWORD DIRECTLY OR EVEN GIVE AIZEN A CHANCE TO RELEASE?!?! Goku would be up Aizens ass well before he even released his blade. At this point I want to strangle this guy, he's that infuriating, I've never been this pissed off at one person on the internet since that other moron posted that 9/11 was a government and Zeitgiest conspiricy. I'm a firm believer in the constitution and that everyone has a right to their opponion, but this guy is a complete and utter dumbass who is so into Bleach he can't even see past his own bias. I like both DBZ and Bleach. As much as I like Ichigo, Hitsugaya, Kenpachi and the others I reconise that most of them are not in the same class of fighter the fighters from DBZ are. Hell even Krillin and Yamcha are planet busters by the end. Until I see Kubo have a character display that sort of power there is no way anyone could convince me a Bleach character could defeat Goku. Anyway thanks for endurring my rant guys.
  18. 6 if you include GT. Well 7, last one from old age. The God of the Dragon Ball Universe must either hate the guy or takes pitty on the poor bastard and just gives him a free pass at King Yemma's to come and go as he likes. Still someone up there likes him, HOW ELSE WOULD HE SCORE A HOTTIE LIKE 18?!?!
  19. Not really Ultimecia, the only characters that have been shown to regenerate were Piccolo, the other Namekians, Frieza only durring his transformation from his 3rd to his 4th and final form with the section of his cut off tail growing back but not after the transformation, Metal Cooler, Cell, the Buus. Everyone else has to be healed by Dende with life threatening injuries like being impaled or having an energy blast go through your gut.
  20. Yesssss sir he does A MONTH LONG FIGHT ON THE MOON?!?! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!!!!
  21. GT's canon is up for debate, but lets ignore GT and asume the canon ended at DBZ. Goku was a planet buster way back in the Saiyan saga. Aizen might be immortal but he isn't a planet buster. I think that at his strongest Aizen might be able to go toe to toe with a full power Super Saiyan........maybe. But Goku is a Super Saiyan 3 by the end of the series. He can travel at speeds the Flash would think impossible. Goku dosen't need to Kill Aizen just completly cripple him and that is within his power. I don't know about Kenshirou or Alucard, I haven't seen their shows, Fist of the North Star or Hellsing respectively. I'm only saying that yes Ichigo is awsome, yes he and Aizen are probably the strongest characters in THEIR universe. But there are many characters in other anime's not just DB/Z/GT that could defeat them both. I'm not even sure Goku is the strongest anime character ever, but he's deffenatly in the top 10, maybe top 5. It's hard pressed to find a character as strong or stronger then Goku. If someone can show either clips or manga sections of a character having powers far beyond that of Goku and adequately prove it to me then I'll conceed. But thus far Aizen isn't it and neither is Ichigo. That's what pisses me off, because people make statements that show little to no bases in respect to their characters universe. They don't have a bases to make such a statement without bias and sounding stupid. I'll admit I do like DBZ better then Bleach but only alittle bit. BUT I can put aside my feelings as a fan and analyse a characters strengths and weaknesses and come to a conclusion even if it's one I don't like.
  22. Seriously some are so passionate about it that they clame that Bleach characters are high above other anime characters. The most ridiculous and absurd clame of all being Aizen can actually beat Goku. Don't believe me look at this guy on youtube gizmocoffeeshop. I have spelled out every single way Goku is superior in strength speed and power yet he persists that Aizen is stronger then Goku. He has even said that Ichigo is far superior to Goku because he has Vast Spiritual Strength. I'm a Bleach fan, but I'm not blinded to the fact that Bleach characters are NOT the most powerful being in the many universes of Anime. Go back about 3-4 pages to see where this started. http:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=KmGG-pfhhWE&feature=mh_lolz&list=HL1318830436 It's Bleachtards like this guy that embarass me as a Bleach fan. And the same holds true to other Anime's who as far to my knowlege haven't shown tiers of planet buster and higher who clame that a character is stronger then Goku or whoever just because they're ubber in their universe. Lets not make it Goku, lets make it another planet buster from another universe, Galactus or Unicron or any other being who can destroy planets that isn't in the DB/Z/GT universe. I think this guy would probably say the same thing. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//dry.png
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