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Everything posted by Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ

  1. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


    Dang i bet you already know me lol so nah coulnnt about the lines thats part of the trick, when iam done i delete the sharp and squared areas and draw them roundy with the Pen tool
  2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


    long time no post here huh? lol Started trying to draw at Photoshop monday so heres some progress. How looks?
  3. Why dont u post the link to the file not random shit?:
  4. Nice actually makes one question "What .:O:. gona do next???" lol Like how random releases are
  5. Yeah a friend was having troubles to download the file so i uploaded it to MF earlier: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1801bnxjhg5vaqq/Accelerator.zip
  6. kinda find funny how the 1st and 2nd screenshot floors mirrors each other perfectly XP Bad that the Plataform/Ring trick didnt work well for more accuracy but anyway how many f these are left to do?.
  7. Me on the BG like: "Where you got those amazing boobs Ryouchi-Sama???" yeah awesome Craft
  8. And this goes to my collection XD Thanks man looks awesome
  9. I have been always sexy ikr Yo i look cute and sexy now XD thx mate also wow my chest *bounces* awesome
  10. U have many options depending on the gameplay or ect u want: MVC MVC2 MVSF Hope that helps
  11. dayum dat I.R.S. Has that super looking hair means shes awesome XD
  12. ho well that doesnt sprite style doesnt looks too hard so sure ^_^
  13. 1-Click on: 2-Then click on: 3- Download starts
  14. well she(female?) seems to look good spritewise from the screeshots.
  15. Craftlord Tsukasa isnt? yes i can make you a sprite but just one. Also you did me a sketch already so i put your request 1st. Just leave me a image and of what colors each part goes if thats what u want.
  16. I blame Kai for this. Trying to make a lowres sprite into a HD Persona 4 kinda sprite needs some proportions fixes but not bad to start i guess.
  17. Well lets see. -The BG position (Water, city, sky} could be lowered that way water look is about to sink the place where the chars are standing and give it Y Delta. -Raise the sunflares position how is over the piano looks awkward. -Chars shadow too dark imo the light source (sun) isnt that strong. -Work more on your deltas and give it a deep feel. -Water animation is way too fast imo -Floor sprite does not match the rest of the stage coloring try to make it a bit more darker or just edut it via layers PS or GIMP. -Building could(Should) have reflection on the water. Still need work imo but thx for the sharing.
  18. eeeeeeee,,,,, U could have said that and make things more easy lol the skirt shading was messy to do with no lines,
  19. Double post OC by Ryoucchi. Based her stance on Chie from P4A. Hair was hard to do truly ._.
  20. Eh..well kinda you have to post on the origial thread at MTM that you wanna enter the contest (link on the 1st post) and send the videos to the thread owner "Xellos" via PM/MP. And yeah any video works as long as follows the rules already stated.
  21. Sorry traslation was kinda hard to do cuz english isnt my main at all :P. Basically 1 combo per char and you can choice 5 chars u wanna use. example: 1- One Combo with ryu. 2- One Combo with Yuri 3- One Combo with Sol 4- One Combo with Ragna 5- One Combo with Yotaro ect more chars u use the more chances that one of your combos wins. Hope thats clear enoght.
  22. Eh i mean in the way of must not have Rape/sex moves. @WInmugen11 Thats one of the things we looking foward too. :D
  23. Note: In case that anybody ask for permission to do this thread. [WHATS THIS?] Is a contest at Mugen Team Mexico. You make a short video of you using a non-cheap or Infinite buggy char at Versus mode or Watch (CPU AI must turned be off via Ctrl+1 or Ctrl+2) [RULES] -You can do a video of 5 combos with diferent chars Max. -You MUST do the combos (not the AI) -No tricks and no Infinite moves. -You can use any Game Mode you want like Arcade, Training or Versus. -The chars u use MUST not be Cheap or have Infinite Power Bar. -No Hentai/Porn Chars or Stages. [HOW TO WIN?] -The winner gona be choiced by evaluating the Combos by is Dificulty, lenght, hits ect. [ADWARDS] -CMV Medal for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. -Special Rank "CMV-MASTER" for the 1st place. -Team Mexico Rank for the 2nd and 3rd place (if you havent earn it yet) -Possible private chars, stages, ect later as prize depending if we get enoght Contenders. -Dead line is May 15 2014. [LINK] -To enter you must register the site and make a post HERE so we can know u want to join (we dont mind what lenguage you want to use) and send the video or videos of your combos ALREADY COMPRESED inside a RAR or ZIP file to the thread owner "XELLOS" [PREVIEW OF THE PREVIOUS CONTEST] Hope you join and have Fun ! ^_^ [CONTEST DONE] Winers:
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