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Everything posted by Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ

  1. Just gona say i like this game and the series :>
  2. Two requests more: EDIT: Made a Yugioh 5Ds signature: The girl is the character i made to use in game Ex-Chan and her Spirit Card "Dragon of the Ice Barrier" 5 more of these to go XD cuz i love this game EDIT once more: ^Signature about someone OC as request.
  3. u know u could add this over your avatar too not bad Matt
  4. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


    dang somebody is just copying my post.
  5. Iam not chilean but same here at mexico. On saturdays morning from 7pm three episodes all intact with cero censorship. With slighty signals of life :P I just watch Digimon ann Advengers there.
  6. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


    Its almost like Ash acepting the fact that hes a failure as trainer.
  7. dang how could i miss this ._. Download now.
  8. More MVC2 coolness. Also Funny those Striker bars from Omega Red fits very well with your lifebars style @V
  9. Okey now... -You named your DEF and SFF "cherry blossom ex" should be "cherry_blossom_ex" never leave empty spaces on the name this sometimes causes loading problems also remove any code line you arent using since some of these actually works depending of the mugen version also to keep the SFF in order and easy to undertand :> -The Blosoms animation is too slow IMO. -Blossoms could use a slighty more transparency since you have a layer of fog runing around that makes them look more bright IMO. By that i mean....instead of: [begin Action 1] 3, 0, 0, 0, 2,,A try [begin Action 1] 3, 0, 0, 0, 4,,AS256D256 The first trio of numbers enable the Alpha to be able to add more trasparency on animations. the lower the value more transparent the sprite becomes. -This is more of a personal preference but try increasing the "Verticalfollow" around 7 or higer. this helps the camera to follow the action better for those chars that have superjump and AIR combos such MVC or Guilty Gear, Simple stage not much to say just looks good which certainly works also the BGM selection is nice. thx for the sharing.
  10. Exactly this is why this call my atention looks neat isnt?
  11. Technically u just said what i did except that i just recomended that the sprites match the sprite style of the character.
  12. Not much that matter what strikers he have. However would be nice if the sprite style where the same since this Kratos looks like SB2 style is striker should be of the same style so they doent look clashy imo
  13. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


    What.... But i thou we had something special....
  14. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


    But has been on my profile for like a year :S
  15. Sure just gime good sized render and fill the STATUS info. Anyway. Made a new ID template Persona 4 Arena Style is more complex than the Devil Survivor 2 one but heh easy to edit still.
  16. DS2 Style IDs: Was fun to do this.
  17. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


    My DS2 ID I like how came out XD
  18. @EX-chan:hope you like my angel edit Dayum that looks awesome likely expresion all ready for the battle nice sketch mate thank you
  19. You are really amazing for giving SS chars this MVC feel.
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