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Everything posted by Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ

  1. "Prepare to taste the powerfull smelly feet of da Grand Hobo Mastah in you mouth bitches"
  2. Feels ok tho i was expecting more speed just by looking at is stand pose maybe should try the source just out of curiosity.
  3. Dang GLB making Tekken stages? D: Thats cheating man! u want everyone love yah for this???? jk Simple but nice one also cuz u did Tamez do something again.
  4. Nice another male HR char -v- Thx airhead goddess
  5. [PREVIEW] [LINK] http://excahmspot.blogspot.com [iNFO] -Mugen 1.0 or Higer Only. -Secondary DEF file for Mugen 1.0 Widescreen. -BGM with Loop. -Superjump: mid. -NOTE: Widescreen version disables the right and left bounds [THANKS] To Insanus/Aokmaniac13 for the Rips and the BGM with loop. To GLB for the flying cherrys code and sprites. [COMMENT] have sometime with this stage in my mugen trying to find a good way to get the characters animations which couldnt for the most but atleast the girls are animated (yay!) now which is good enoght for me.
  6. anybody has these?: Mexico: Stadium Night: The Portal: France: Colisseum of Roses: salutes.
  7. sounds like quiet a badass girl ourfit
  8. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


    that doesnt even exist at the Hyperdimension ._.
  9. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


    If you are Dio can i be Neptune???
  10. Draw this one already! so i can maybe sprite her. I luv how her description sounds already. also imo missing the tipical 20+ years old sensei of the team.
  11. Okey nothing really i would sugest just to clean the DEF file and get rid of the aditional text and codes you arent gona use on the next release like these: ;Z offset for drawing ;Adjust this value to move the ground level up/down in the screen. ;It's the position where the players stand at. ;Up - smaller, Down - larger ;*** and this: [bG OutSide Earth] type = anim actionno = 0 start = -128, 0 delta = .8, .75 mask = 1 tile = 0,0 <<<<<<This trans = none <<<<This Just to keep it more organized and easy to understand. Also could flip the shadow from yscale = -.1 to yscale = .1 shadow get slighty out of the mouth while -.1 besides make more sence since lightsource should be from the earth imo
  12. LIke a Super Saiyan Strider with shades indeed pretty cool
  13. sounds good enoght for me if u put it that way.
  14. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


    Yeah! Hail Canada! o/
  15. [PREVIEW] [LINK] Download: Author's Site. -Juggernaut, Cammy, Zangief and Hulk also Updated. Source Thread: Mugen Fighters Guild.com [iNFO] -Mugen 1.0 or higher only. [COMMENT] A real keeper just like is previous chars if you really loved MVC2.
  16. "cant even download from Skydrive due high trafic" Anybody has an alt link?
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