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[PS3] Dynasty Warriors 8


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As we are all familiar with the series of Dynasty Warriors, KOEI has put a confirmation for the official 8th installment. Some may feel upset over this, but the graphics look a LOT better than 7. The company just recently launched the official site showing some change in characters as well as new comers!

OFFICIAL SITE: http://www.gamecity....ou7/#screenshot



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I think Keoi has announced the game way to early

It Is Too Early! I Think Koei Is Taking The Capcom Approach, Frist No DW7 Empires For Xbox Then No Disk Just Digital Download What Gives? Has Capcom Brain Washed Them?

This Is Because Of That Stupid Sony Agreement.(No Offense To Sony Fans!) Sony Wants Them To Make So Much Stuff For This Game For What? Some Dumbass Gamer Won't Play Dynasty Warriors Cuz Why? Oh Yeah Doesn't Do English Dub Anymore! So Yeah I'm Gonna Hate It If They Do This!


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Hmm... Dynasty Warriors 8 so soon? well. I personally think at this rate Koei has killed the series. first off, no more english dub whats up with that? and whats with the whole PS3 exclusive shit? (no offense to PS3 fans!) but you need to tell me that Koei wants to kill the Xbox360 sales? its about half of there profits I know this because I bought all the Xbox installments! I bought Warriors Orochi 3 but I was not happy with it because they got rid of the english dub and its very annoying to read and play at the same time! I personally think I'm done with Koei because I think Koei being stupid like Capcom! Example: Koei,"we are having very bad sales in the west because we hate Xbox here in japan and we think Sony is the only sole console for these games notheing else!!" (Ths isn't a real statement I am making fun of Koei!) Koei is turning into Capcom nuff said! (Again! nof offense to PS3 fans! I'm upset that I lose out on a good series! I feel like you guys about beyonetta on WiiU)

Where you can download my old MUGEN stuff

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What the hell? an eighth?

Seriously Koei there's a stop from everything!

simply don't buy what you feel not worth your money, simple as that

Hmm... Dynasty Warriors 8 so soon? well. I personally think at this rate Koei has killed the series. first off, no more english dub whats up with that? and whats with the whole PS3 exclusive shit? (no offense to PS3 fans!) but you need to tell me that Koei wants to kill the Xbox360 sales? its about half of there profits I know this because I bought all the Xbox installments! I bought Warriors Orochi 3 but I was not happy with it because they got rid of the english dub and its very annoying to read and play at the same time! I personally think I'm done with Koei because I think Koei being stupid like Capcom!

Example: Koei,"we are having very bad sales in the west because we hate Xbox here in japan and we think Sony is the only sole console for these games notheing else!!" (Ths isn't a real statement I am making fun of Koei!) Koei is turning into Capcom nuff said!

(Again! nof offense to PS3 fans! I'm upset that I lose out on a good series! I feel like you guys about beyonetta on WiiU)

the Warrior series simply sells more in Japan then it does in the US , most people in the US are more into "Call Of Duty" type of games , so even if Keoi relesed the game i the US it well be like if they didn't

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