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Zepyhr WIP and Trivia


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Well hello,

I followed MFFA for almost half a year which has the best mugen hunter for new chars and is up to date.

So to give some tribute, because of so much providing of accessable good links by click picture get char, I desire to produce some char I really like but havent appeared yet.


"I have edited around for a year now with Fighter Factory because of this different AI and strength of the characters.
having a brawler<handweapons< guns< mage < heroes and mechas increasing ATT while decreasing DEF. Done around of a half years work to get my 1500-1700 chars having interesting matches and a bit logical defeats since I like "Mugen Watch mode"(Fight last from 10 minutes between brawlers to less than some minutes when -cough- a Mech is crushing a brawler) but well my attemps to make a char is a bit distracted by customizing them for the roster I own, also in size, speed and boxes "

For the first char I will start

Zenki from Kishin Douji Zenki : Battle Raiden.
Using KFM from Mugen 1.0 as template



"So what is the point to make unknown Zenki?
Well this char has his Anime Series and Manga and there seem to be more spanish, portuguese fans
among this genre, as I am aware that Yu Yu Hakusho Chars come from this language country parts.
I find the sprites from Battle Raiden are avaible but Zenki has no face, it seems this graphic designer from Hudson Soft has go to Konami to make some Castlevania -cough - look the DS sprites while other 2D had faces -from my memory. As well Zenki is also interesting because Zenki is sealed into a Kid Version with no real special attack and can transform for a short time into the full mode Zenki who has special attacks. Next interesting stuff I saw is there are much similarity with "King of Hell" and Manhwa with its protagonist a swordsman sealed into a childs body with still incredible attackpower but revert back to adult under special conditions gaining a leap in power"

Goals :
This one is edited by me with cut&paste, there is no crouch block in the original.
I also did a customize "light standing kick" and "hard standing Kick".
The original has only a flying kick.


I will do additional sprites which not exist" if I can since" it is a Jump and Run Char and many sprites are missing.
(This is also new to me well, worse at drawing and perception.....hell I wish I know how to make a face for Full Mode Zenki)
Later I will fuse both char so the Zenki Kid will transform into Zenki (as I like it by Tung Fue Rue or Hwa Jai from Fatal Fury). Zenki Kid will be about Knee high as Zenki and Zenki himself is a bit higher than standard KFM 1.0.
Zenki Kid with maybe 1 special attacks but because of his size may sneak below Projectile
-with slowgrowing Power Bar which is needed to transform, because when reaching Zenki Full Mode he will has fatal attacks which because of the luckily slow growing Power Bar will need some time to unleash.


I use Ryon Mugen Character Creation, but since english is not my language I have to slowly listen and try out stuff

Level of completement : Zenki Kid 26/117 a/b a= Animations, b=KFM Number of Animations
Character Orginal Sprite Sheet = full seperated and adding new sprites.


(I have started a Tekkaman Blade from the SNES Game -which has an Anime-, a good template would be Strider Hyryu both use this twosided swords and throw them) some month ago, because of a fail to make palette work I lost interest, some time later I will try again because I think it needs some work.Also I still need sprites for Blaster Tekkaman Blade

Trivia :"List of planned Chars"

1.Zenki (to learn transform)
2.Knights of the Round= Lancelot, Arthur and Percival with their level 8 Armor. If someone tell me how to
make it work when in the select screen one can choose the palette- one choose armor set which has fixed variables so one can play either hardcore level 1 sprites with less ATT and DEF or level 8 sprites for some revenge after some loss and keyboard smashing since i ask me why no one make them as they have for each level only 30 -40 Sprites .(to learn this palette trick).
Later I would like having them as team with a team attack
2.Master from Actraiser. Also mysterious why nobody has done this char. Maybe I should start first with it.
4.Martial Arts Book. Using the teaching pictures for making sprites. May start with Tai Chi Chuan
still need a source since there a lots of manuals from Escrima, Mantis, Wing Chun,Taekwondo, Karate,
Ninjutsu and Kungfu has lots of Weapon. Maybe some of you guys can make some decent sprite editing
..... more to come.
Dont Spoil me if things are slow, I am busy in my life but I still like Mugen^^


I cancel Zenki.



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Some Notes, I am about 70% done. Now the sort of getting those "get hit by" Sprites have to be inserted. Made custom sprite edit with non existing Knee attacks, strange throwing movement, a strong kick that either hit with the first kick or hit with second when the opponent try to jump Kung Fu Palm and Triple Kung Fu Palm Strong and Light Kicks and Punch. Those select potraits are pretty difficult with XP Paint using percentage and I did a inital mistake to chose the background white.... well that is bad for the eyes of the char in the select screen. I would like to put a demo vid make with Hypercam and still figuring out how to use this programm well this I will google. But a real question how to put the PNG above to be seen here on the forum, when I posted there where clear thumb size pictures and now it look like one has to download it, well I do not want this happen with the video? So a day off.

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non admins cant view the images/attachments =/ Maybe you could upload them to photobucket/imageshack/tinypic?

Ok well you'll upload it then you'll get a slew of links,use the one that has and ends with [ / IMG] then it'll post here(I THINK tinypic deletes them after a while,not sure)

If you want my released works, go here.

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im admin and i cant view the attachment LOL.

regardless. thank you for using my tutorial.

I hope your creations turn out great, it sounds great!

..... thats horrible for the pictures

but well I have slow understanding and hope to understand them soon.

So far I learned this day is to crop sprites that seem to look alike and when I have not the correct ancles I would put the

char into the frame KFM Sprite was where it match partly the ancle. Thank you for still having IDraw as using other programs result into not having a palette when adding the sprite.

Yesterday I had some interest to mix "Swordsman" from "Knights of the Round"

Together here very far on the right.

There where not many sprites so I choose him.

He has one attack motion, a backward and a forward motion and collapse motion

in his original game and is consider the weakest in the game.

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So how far is progress?

I have insert all the sprites and need some coding for not hit by crouch as he has no crouch attack.

Add jump attack, light Kungfu Palm, a Fast Kungfu Palm a Triple Kungfu Palm, strong and light Punch and Kick (all swordattacks)

an overhead light kendo like chop from above, a strong with more lean back chop with an 270° arc of attack.

Standing light kick is a attack with sword point diagonal backwards moving diagonal up.

Strong standing kick is an attack where he makes a motion I can not even describe so good, turns around tackle,

sideway horizontal slash backstep, fast not seen attack like in the light kick.

Also I did all the get hit sprites. Throw motion. Only light jump and strong jump punch. A very strang kind of blocking motion ala

Highlander with facing backwards and sword at the back.

I deleted the kicks,crouch attacks,crouch block, other KFM Kungfu blows.

Swordsman is a bit higher than Kungfuman because I wanted him to see bulky with his crude armor style and his big two handed

sword need a bigger foe.

So generally I am done and need some correction of boxes making him slower after he made a strong hit and generally slower. Edit : Will be Winmugen^^

Story to this char:

"While Arthur and his knights where on the way to Garibaldi. Swordsman "Argus" was hiding, as he do not want to die too soon, His fellow swordsman - as strong as him- were easily slayed and he realized that he was just canon fodder to weaken the approaching Knights. So he followed the knights as an observer to learn their fighting style so he would stand a chance. But Garibaldi was defeated by Arthur in the end.

Based on the Knights of the Round he developed a sword style and flee from Britain to work as mercenary in Europe where he still survives with his swordstyle. From some people he was seen heading to Malta to join a certain order of Knights."

A tip for one who want make the heroes of Knights of the Round with Horse.He can use the template from Headless Horseman.

Else I will do this when I find back the sprite sheet I killed yesterday.

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non admins cant view the images/attachments =/ Maybe you could upload them to photobucket/imageshack/tinypic?

Ok well you'll upload it then you'll get a slew of links,use the one that has and ends with [ / IMG] then it'll post here(I THINK tinypic deletes them after a while,not sure)

OK I edit the first post using the IMG thing. Thanks for the Tip Genesis!

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So lastly I have completed Swordsman Algus from the Knights of the Round. I will tell you a bit about this char : 4 Button : x,y,a,b 2 Button special : C and Z Not use of Kick Button while Jumping (Swordsman has 3-4 Motion and I was lazy to make a rotation attack in the air....) Specials : Fast Slash X+Y Strong SlashA+Y Light Slash A+B Special tactics : -Algus will turn around and walk back instead of retreating. -Algus blocks with facing with back to the enemy. -Strong Kick Button has an slash which looks like he was walking back but suprise with an attack -Algus do not crouch but lay down on the ground and takes time to stand up but will also block while he is lay down. Do not crouch if not necessary he is heavy so he moves slow. -Algus has a heavy armor and he is Britain he do not know how to jump over enemy like people trained mostly in Japan or China as well he moves slow because of the armor. -Algus do not believe in magic. All projectiles are illusion to him and he is not affected by those. -Algus heard of Merlin but he is Swordsman not a Magician so - no magic nor energy blast, -Algus has a stance switching between normal and as if prepare to hit, while so one can think that he wants to strike and at times think it was only his stance. This at times even suprise me. -Even his name I give is Algus. His name only in the Char.def else he is Swordsman. -Its a Swordsman which is normally slay by Arthur in one hit. So do not think he is as special as heroes who can jump over head and shooting energy blast but do not underestimate him because he is a Swordsman. So what should I choose to host the char? So you can either enjoy, comment or bicker?

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Work on Knights of the Round: Birdman

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100% and released.

He has the full mode from the KFM. All Buttons and attack are the same. Enjoy!

Story of "Birdman". This Bird Man from the order of the Red Eagles serving directly Braford

wished to have this eagle like abillity. Those around him told that it is foolish thinking to jump with such armor but the great Muramasa told him difference as the Royal Knights did.Those great Knight were unwilling to teach this Birdman because of his rank so Birdman undertook a journey to the east where he eventually meet with one of the Kung Fu Man of the "Lineage of the Triple Palm". With serious years of training Bird Man left the east but found that all his higher ups were defeated and making Britain unnecessary difficult for him. So he decided to wander to France to stay with his grandfather the Marquis de Colde were he get known as

"L'Aigle Rouge" (Red Eagle) because of his flying movements. The Prussian are praising him for his Knighthood.

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Now createdit John Morris from Castlevania Bloodlines. Using Blue Wip and Flamewip. He will powered up with some SOTN Weapons as special attacks. Only get the sprites for swap ready. Story: "After John Morris defeated Dracula, John was searching for the Order of Sypha to invest time in researching magic for sake of the Belmont Clan. Because Dracula was defeated in a Battle but because of the everlasting War and the vague chane Priest Shaft could appear from nothingness to resurrect him prematurely made preparation significant." Same time createdit : King Arthur from Knights of the Round. Should be 70% done but lost save state so I am at 30%. As far I have all attacks and work on "get hit" and they are pain in the %%% for character not coming directly from a fighting game (same reason to take a break from Zenki. Blah). Arthur is 80 done, the things that are missing are the kung fu blow editing for the special move arthur makes to attack around. So after some time I reach 95% and started test runs, there are some movement I do not like and some need extra coding. I mostly like his crouching attacks The char is about tomorrow done,need to make the icon, potrait. So lazy to make an account for photo storage, hmm maybe tommorow.

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So next char... well I jump again to other char trying something, because I was getting nervours of the sprites background colour. Because of this I try "Actraiser 1 : Hero". (Hey I found an option : Image Editor, choose the colour from the first colour of the palette and put this as back ground and save it then safe as png.file. This is very useful because sometimes background colour will not go invisible and change the place of the background colour will mess up the palette. So what is this char? He is one of the characters who have been the first before "Actraiser 2: Master". This char can not fly and has only 3 specials and no shield but has one cool two way projectile which cross and uncross. I will make the projectile a bit different than in the game which would hit for the whole area it fly. To have a greater challenge I want make it unblockable but having the two flames only hit when the cross each other making it for smaller char to run into the blind spot of this attack and for players with fast reaction run in front and crouch to avoid that attack but big chars have zero advantage. The 5000 Sprite group will be only one 2 sprite for blinking red and grey to make it obvious that the hero is divine spark in a statue and maintain balance and posture all the time and he do not breath so do not move while standing. Original there are only a crouch, jump and a stand slash. More diffficult than the other char the sprites aint good to produce different looking strike motions. Only option to avoid sprite making stuff is to make them into a forwad gliding attack and back to basic position to attack and then avoid the opponents attack and gliding back before gliding forward to avoid an attack first back into starting position and attack. The goal is to make a char where spamming attack may work but those who can use this char can fight tactical and using player intelligence for counter. Which again will be so far that if the enemy has faster reaction time may leave the area of attack making one to change fighting tactics. So it is good against strong attack because of preparation, hit and retraction time but not so good against fast light attacks. I try to mix something that give chance to make a move doubledged since most stuff are just blocked and that it especially when it comes to projectile. I think about phasing projectile where the projectile is turn transparent and may not hit at that time. Which make it interesting to use light and strong projectile: Light is faster but weak and the projectile blinks faster while strong has long phasing time but hit hard. Especially for the Twin Flames I will make one attackversion where one of the flame is transparent giving chance to either jump up ro avoid if the upper flame is transparent or crouch when the lower flame becomes transparent. This char will take a bit longer since my vaccancy is running out but I enjoy sprite swap and improvising with limited resource.

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So the left one I am working on: Actraiser-Hero

Sad I do not know AI Coding.

2 Attacks go behind the Enemy. (Evil stuff not even allowed, but may miss enemy)

1 Attack goes back and then forward. (Avoid first attack and go back as in Fencing)

1 goes directly rush forward in a crouch. (Most Ai are weak against low attacks from far range)

2Normal chop while jump. (normal moves)

1Jumpattack jumps back while attacking (move when one enemy use an air tackle attack)

1Jumpattack jump diagonal back(getting higher than most attack and out of range)

1 shortrange and one middlerange attack. (normal moves)

A special upper from crouch and a combo jump, crouch,jump.

How far I am? Tomorrow I will release the "Non Projectile Beta Version." I still need to add an Intro where the soul comes from above into

the Statue and becomes alive. Some frame adjustment for attacks. Else I tried this time to keep attention on axis and removed the shadows.

have even the Portrait and Icon done. I will adjust his power that he can match evenly with KOF_ Kyo.

Hero will prove not very strong to fight against but at times he suprises.

One is warned that he will be "stiff". It requires effort to move a solid block that looks human as I think even for a divine being.(Hey it is his first war on earth against Tanzras,

those worshipper not even made wings and shield and as one know from the game the hero was guiding the humans into cultivation so their statue crafting shouldnt be so refined)

So his jumps are stiff but he will take all blows without a dent or move backward greatly.. Which is useful at times again one not get the advantage when one has been blown away

like other characters and stay far enough for a distance attack and out of range of the enemy who has to chase.

When he loose he will become blood red, like a bleeding statue to give him a feeling that it is a statue.(An idea coming from the urban legends of bleeding saint statues in the real world)

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So next I work on Projectile Update for Actraiser Hero. I will do a step for step with Ryons Video Tutoring. A thing I found that I do not have Windows7 but still WindowsXP. Using Paint on right side and IDraw on the left side has some fallback. When one paste from Paint into IDraw it may turn into Windows Colour and decrease the quality of the sprite (looks like MSDOS). So I open the Sprite Sheet (after preparing it with Corel Paint.) with I draw and cut/copy the sprite I want and put it into a second IDraw window using "File" which has "Open from Clipboard" (it wont work if one want to "paste" it) then one has the sprite in the second IDraw and can save it. Sigh. After Ryons Projectile tutorial I had to read some stuff about projectiles. The problem was I had everthing correct beside of pretty silly mistakes like typing for the movelist and name the [state Number] wrong. Well I have now made a Projectile "Magical Fire" but I am not happy. To make it deadly but avoidable. Ends up having the projectile too big and one can not see the projectile. Whats the point if one can not see to avoid it? It is not even looking good because of oversize. So I will resize and make a normal projectile which hurt the same with blocking but eat all the power.

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I told I work on "Imoto/Jinrai" from SNES "Musya" or Gōsō Jinrai Densetsu Musya.

I want to show the Sprite Sheet I use and the Sprites I edit for the "Get Hit States" as well how it looks lik in Mugen Engine.

The hero of this game is a simple spear or pikeman who decend into abyss to save his maiden.

Imoto for a simple soldier holds great amount of power from Magic, calling deity and having projectile like standard attacks.

He is like a mixture of "Darius" an "Actraiser 1". Special will be his magic and the summon of the deity.

I will try to reduce his power gain really drastically so that he will use some spell less. I will even try to give him 20000 Pow.

There are some remarkable spells which make this needed. First he can heal himself as a normal skill.

Second he can call a godess which replenish his whole Life Bar. Which I will make that one has a difficult time to gain 20000 Pow and this will only happen

in long fights where one survive without using little other Spells and Deity. Another spell is to stop enemy to move like in Castlevania.

And when he summon a certain deity he became for a short time invincible. Especially I will make that one may loose easier than one can go and get the deity

for help. But long fights against "tanks" unlock the deity to crush these turtle tacticians.

So this will be a char which gets stronger the longer the fight last and against high defensive chars. I always wished a char who can defeat and fight normal like other chars but that when heavy weights are confronting that there are still some stuff in the trick box. I will add that the power bar will start fill itself after a certain amount of time which go beyond normal fights.

Here is how Imoto looks in Mugen

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This Sprite Sheet I use

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And this are my edits for Get Hit.

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Updade news :

Made running sprites.

-Diagonal attacks

-Continious Attack ala Chun Li

-Breathing in Stance

-Backwards hop.

-Creating Jump sprites for forward and backward.

-Crouch and Standing block

-Using Circling Spear as stationary projectile to "eat" all projectiles, will make to eat both King from KoF double Venom strike and Geese double Repukken but eat lots of power.

-Maybe adding a continious air attack and and crouch anti air attack. Non Projectile

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This char was in a very dark place. But well I wanted just to see if it is possible to transfer such char to mugen.

I think it is ok. The owner will make a video to get the sprites but sprite cleansing ..... what a work.

I really appreciate Sprite rippers it is time consuming to cleanse them to put them on a neutral background.

I needed 20 mins.

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Work on Gaia "Armor" Battle Arena Toshinden PC Version (No Dark Flame and Green Flame, less good graphic). Have the Screenshots except desperate move. All others have 10% where I need to repair the sprites because the char is too big or too small and things are missing. About 30% done with cleansing sprites. Think I am done with sprites in 1Week with my timelife shedule. I meanwhile I am interested in this order : Gaia > Imoto > Zenki. Will release when I have the normal attacks and necessary moves done, some will missing . 12.11.12 66% done with sprite. I get faster. 13.11.12 90%done. A hard attack is to clear up roughly about 8 sprites and then the small cleaning is starting.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I take a break on Gaia, not having the nerves to clean the sprites yet.

I am using Belial AKA Scorcher Sprites to spriteswap SNES "Skyblazer" protagonist Sky (I thinking name him Akasha, or Shi in the Mantra Om NaMaShiVaYa . Sky is a Element refering to Akasha. The game is hindu themed fighting beings like Ashura. ) One problem I encounter is that there missing a lot of sprites like lay down animation, Fiery Phoenix, Lightning, Starfire for obvious.

In the beta I release there will these things missing as well again the sounds. Instead of lie down he will crouch also Projectile will be missing. I put in order different attacks based on the Comet Flash which is in the game itself the most useful in attack and crossing the distance. Even more used than the Dragon Slash Projectile. I am bit disappoint that they not name "QUINTET" for this wonderful game, a name stand for the most epic games I am confronted Actraiser, Actraiser2, Terranigma, Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Skyblazer and they worked for SONY and ENIX.

But for my taste like them to mentioned big as the "QUINTET". For me the themes are worldbased changing things global by the doings of one beings in each game to act when there is a supernatural desaster and leaving world to let the world develop its free will. And each while having different themes and different names refering to each other making a wonderful link like Master/GOD sending Sky down instead of himself in Skyblazer to fight. Skyblazer and Terranigma has lots in common.

The same bandana and hairstyle and the ending flying as birds around the world leaving a melancholic atmosphere of those protagonist. Terranigma Arc is for example from the Sky and made of the Crystal blue. I hope that the QUINTET not forget that the fantasy and storytelling are their strong aspect and a hope a game in this epic reapear again. Well those guys already 30 years older now hope

they get to make a epic reapearance and named by the company they work for.

I havent taking Screenshot yet because I am 90% on existing spritswap and a bit of spriteedit.

It will be a char with Kungfuman Palette and based on KFM.

I do this because the colour is not that flashy like in the original game and I also not intend to fully make a clone (I not dare to with my abilities).

Since I like stories let me tell me one for Sky:

"Akasha has left the world after beating Raglan. The deity has understood the Masters wise idea to send him down to Gaias world to fight off the hordes of Raglan as the Master did in the past fighting

the great evil Tanzras. Master who could control the history of human kind has came to understanding humbleness and no interference of the human kind. In his wisdom he send Akasha down

to understand this enlighting idea he has. So Akasha who gained the Fiery Phoenix guard the human kind since that time. For the whole time of the Yuga he gone to the underworlds border to stop invasion. Some say he even fight with the great champion the legendary Red Blaze and survived and sealed away the "Dark Flame" and the "Demon Crests" in the underworld.

He was relived to hear that a being called Ark formed after his Image has helped human kind from unnatural disasters and even human beings came capable to fight of such things later as human Will does with the help of Gaia itself to fight of a being of outer space. And that human progress further to fight this supernatural beings invasion again with their own magic and powers in the time of Roger Bacon.

From time to time the Valkyries has ask him to return to heavens as he already did so much and proved himself as a warangel and his memory has a lost fearing he will turn himself to something he fought so long sending. His armor has already lost the gloss he had when he came down to fight Raglan and also the powers he had where forgotten and restrainet due the underworlds influence.

So with the biding of the Valkyries the Master call him back knowing for his dutyfulness for a different task. He should prove his gained powers in the realm the Valkyries are guarding - which has different names in different cultures of human."Moorim or Murim or better known as Valhalla or less know as "MUGEN" is a place where the fighters of different worlds and realms and times "living".

At times the same persone comes from paralell dimension because of the gain interest by particular gods for preserving them for the "Dawn of the Gods". The Master hopes that his fights with the different beings varying from gods, demons, angels, gears, humans and undead would make him remember his old abillities and prevent him becoming a demon god." The Mugen is known to equal the powers of each fighter but it is also known that some beings can not restrained and maintain their godly powers. Akasha is known as the "Comet" in the realms of Mugen who is satiesfied that human has evolved so much".

Edit :4.12.2012 Dear Diary Akasha= 98%

I am almost done with the beta. I still need to replace some attacks for KungfuKnees and Uppers which will be comet variation. There are attacks which seem to be better used by the CPU and is tricky to use by the player himself - he may move into the enemies attack. - and get downed. Still with only this minimum on AI do not expect wonders - The AI do better than me^^ - man that embrassing.

The idea is that one part of the attacks he will get Not hit - mostly it is when is he rush into comet- and becomes hitable while attackbox and landing, but again the more boxes - intentional missing- the difficult is to stand in the correct distance to perform the attack at times even suprise the player because of this chaotic movement (A special attack is .....special^^) . If possible it can even be used to direct avoid a projectile and counter. One of the attack I name is the "Dark Trident Comet" Where he hits from the front and above and from below. Mostly the last one will miss when one stand too near the opponent but standing too far will totally miss - the opponent is moving -not a dead object.

For some fun I add a strong air punch which look like one of Dhalsims air attacks where he spins. It mostly hits 1 and if good 2 times, and I think in rare case up to 5 times

(So I code it- practical no idea if it works but it will surely be five times of a strong kick).

There is also a joke reference to Popn Twinbee (The hell there are very much sprites to make a good char from theses sheets, and some people can make some hefty effects, its so a funny char - I really ask me why no one touch this cuties)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Enjoyable Christmas and many new Mugen Chars you like I wish you all here! I have today a bit time to record sounds from Skyblazer, took a break because of busy with real work. Now I have rested and grap some new missing sprites for Skyblazer. Wanted to spriterip PLOK but thanks to DanielMugen there is a Plok already. Will complete the spriteswap for KFM Knee but without the new sprites and the sounds and release a theta -version (much worse than a beta) after that. Original,Edit, Source char. Slowly time to work on Braford from Knights of the Rounds SNES. Skyblazer New sprite rip: -Original Crouch kick -Phoenix transformation and flight -Unvulnerable transformation -Thunder -8 direction projectile attack -Defat dissolving -Crouching walking Sounds: Still need to clean them -Projectile hit -Die -Jump (juok sound -Landing -Get hit. -Komet -Moon Projectile firing Edit: After the release, I am now tuning the char - why I not do this before? I let the CPU make the job, now its my turn to fight. And well Story of Akasha after the first encounters "Akasha found that the body of his made of perfection of square would utilize the power of magic but this means his body is short and his legs and arms not reach. The demons were always rushing at him so he had just to wait they come to the reach like a batter in Baseball. But these human nowaday grow longer limbs getting higher and smarter developing Martial Arts. Also the Yuga changed the rules and his body is less fitting for magic. So learning from the Chinese martial Arts in a Streetfight he learned to rush into his enemy developed the "Ap Dhuumaketu Murti" -Water Comet Fist. Where he dash with the attack into the enemy and after hit retreat back to avoid get hit instead of hitting the goal he is hitting the way. The Way is the goal." Still testing and corretion but correction results are satisfying in the moment Edit2: After this and some fights he meet up with a girl and panda. The Girl was very fast with her hands. So he further refined the Water Comet Fist. And moves faster and stuns the enemy longer. Edit3: You may ask what is behind those moves of Sky and how to use them? Well there is a Triple Kung Fu Palm which use a shadow comet fly from the front, then from above and then from below. This one is good against big opponents. You may remember that Sky fought many big enemies in Raglan times. Thin characters have the chance to avoid the third attack especialy when Sky stand very near to his opponent. But the chance to hit grows the more the opponent is cornered and and do not block. Then there is Dhalsim Kick a move wher he spins diagonal down to the enemy able to hit an enemy several times. The more bigger and higher the more it hits. Else I found one can make this move 3 times in a row where the enemy is pushed back into the place to be hit again. It works well with one of those Uppercutlike Comets. A Rising Comet will make the opponent fly up and the Dhalsim will hit him several times. The winged Sky. Well I know this one aint look good in the moment, need more sprite but it makes a cicular movement flying back. This use is when one is cornered and a one get spam by attacks, the attack will avoid the spam and hit from above. Not good looking but useful at times. The "Hare Comet" press button for a Hadoken. Yeah what is with this edge move? Well its a Hare. A hare is able to move in a edge and change direction, dogs would have to run in a curve. The comet is to avoid a fireball passing through it and then move one person height up and move further where the attack starts. It is a risky move since if performed on wrong time the projectile will hit and if on wrong distance on even do not hit the opponent. But the use is good against Projectile and Uppercut combo. Comet is normal normal special move where he fly to the front hit and jumb back. The good is one can nearly spam this attack as normal attack. The cons are that when he jump back he can be easily be hit by long weapons. Again he can directly block and this move is causing a distance between him and the opponent for other special. Sky is bad against opponents with long range in form of weapons or limbs. Projectil can down him. Defintivly he needs superarmor. Since he can loose but not really defeated. Sky do not lay down when he is defeated it is same with Slayer from Guilty Gear.


I cancel this project.

Hope there is a complete Sprite Sheet in the Future I can edit.

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  • 4 months later...

So I am back for some days because of some freetime days. Real is a pretty busy and tiresome thing. Wow last doing something was in December. Also I get the message late that the Master from Actraiser2 isnt out there because of the cancel of the Super Notalgia Wars while the Wip was pretty nice on Youtube.


Since I dont know if I ever have the time to attain the good skills of coding I have the IDRAW Sprite ripping from the Sheet made by Akuri for Master.  Effect and stance mixed but

also effects alone and present here as a Zipfile with a the orignal Sprite Sheet by Akuri. This will safe a lot time as the Fighter Factory can be directly used by "load a new image for a sprite from a file"

under sprite for sprite swapping.


For ideas I have in mind to use God2 by "Ken" and Satans and Tanzras Attack (Tanzra use all specials God has in Actraiser1) For the Phoenix I have seen a good for a Super which from Samurai Showdown by "CKenni and System ID"


I was asking me what for a char one can use to edit and spriteswap because of own bad coding skills for Master.


But here the ZIP file for the IDRaw Sprite

This means one can directly put it into Fighter Factory or sprite swap it.



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  • 8 months later...

Almost one Year hiatus.


1.I started days ago because of gaining a second wind to work on mugen stuff.

2.Mostly I lost motivation because of working on sprites as the cleansing of sprites cost much time.

3.As well Corel Photopaint trial just go on my nerves.

4.My job is demanding.

5.Have someone an idea for a freeware tool to convert Spritesheets to 256Colours so I can use them with IDRAW?

6.I have try to resize and making sprites High Res.

Since I have old sprite sheet from Demon Crest I did work on them and a nice spriter sheeter has upload decent complete one turning my effort back to zero.

Actually I am happy about the the upload but I am just plain mad I have not found them when I resize and cleansed the sheets.

Also I want to work on Firebrand who has 6 Spritesheets.

7.The Battlearena Toshinden Gaia came to an halt as I have taken screenshots with different size because of the dynamic camera.

Resizing his sprites result in not so good looking graphics. I cancel this Project.

8.Working on the same time on cleaning the already High Res Warrior from the MMORPG Metin2 (at least I must not change anything and just cleanse, cleanse, cleanse)


Oh and yes look this is the result on sprite edit I did



This is how it looked TidalGargoyle.png


This how the Sprite HAS to look like about!


Thanks Lord Zymeth for upload

He has some nice uploads for the bosses also which might interest

mugen creator Dark Ruler.


Ovnunu (Mugen1.1) and Somula and Ultimate Phalanx are already created.


If you think the spriteedit are OK and someone can convince them to recreate

this Bosschar then I edit the sprites + I have only limited time.


On my wish list are

Ulimate Arma (would be the first one I work on)



Flame Lord (someone who works with helpers ala Tohou style here please) -DONE!

Holothurion (Not many graphics but this would be something for mugen creator Illusionista from Brazilian Mugen Team because of          

                                                                        "Mindlessone" and this waving motion which would be doing good on this giant snail)

Dark Demon (very difficult as it needs its own stage, may need Omegapsycho)


Hippogriff -DONE!

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