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Fake_okami released BY steve1253


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HIS Homepage:http://steve674.myweb.hinet.net/mugen/



What's done

1.Rearrange buttons

2.Moves remade

3.New moves



Pallet 6 is cheap mode, it will have an shining effect.

Don't ask why, my own taste.

You can open cns file to delete it by yourself.

Search trigger1 = palno = 6

Then delete the type command.

By the way, BAGIRA_EX updated.

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Every time I think a character is going to be one thing, whether it's an SNK Character (Kaede), a Capcom character (Lillith), or something else, it ALWAYS turns out to be an anime-girl. What is it with Mugenites and Anime Chicks these days? Although, looking at the video screenshot, I'm not even sure that's a girl.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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it amazes me how you can always seem to be online and yet you never seem to update your collection

It's because most of the time I'm online, my dad is playing Dark Age of Camelot, and since updating the collection requires me to upload, which could cause my dad to go link-dead and yell at me, I generally don't get the chance to. There also an art project I'm working on as well.

...And any other time, I'm just being lazy. There are still MUGEN characters I have yet to add to the collection, and a whole lot of stages as well. Mostly the characters I'm looking for is FF1 MugenHunter's Knuckles, which every time someone posts the link to, that link ends up getting deleted, as well as FF2 MugenHunter's Chaotix Espio, which I have no idea where to find.

...But that's off topic.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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