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Who ever think this is holy comment

Guest Arknard Sieghart

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Figures there are people who goes straight to the stereotypical point. I'm a certainly straight, I don't have to enjoy every women's private parts as I see them. If you see your lovely women breasts on an ugly person, how would you think? This is my standpoint. No need to ask any more questions about what I said above.

For a lack of understanding for (Flare/Celest/Ryon), this is vulgar to me and I don't like it at all. I have my opinions and my personal view of beauty, while you guys just drool or any nude women parts you see >_>

The more threads that is made like this, I'm pretty sure this will derail the community on par with opposite genders.



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Nigga u were siding with him

It's cool, Kamina. Vex and "Reggie" may have the right point of view. We don't want to make female members uncomortable. I don't judge you for what you did, but I don't take away from their opinions either. Fun is cool, but we must be self aware that what we post can and will effect others in SOME way. Just keep that in mind, homie.

Btw... that doesn't mean you have to bite your tongue. If you say it, stand behind it. But consider what is said, and if you find yourself in the wrong...then be man enought to admit it. But that's only if your wrong...feel me?



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