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Apparently I have some unwanting Neighbors.


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I remember a time when Neighbors had something to say to other Neighbors they go up to them and ask them what their beef is. of course I live in a somewhat good neighborhood or at least I thought, so when my brother told me about my next door neighbors setting up Cat Traps in their Yard it felt very rude. They know that these cats are our Cats, but they didn't go to us and say "hey we don't want your cats in our yard." or something of that nature so we could take measures and start solving the equation together. Instead I got these Neighbors who decide to treat my pets as if they were pests and call animal control to set up Cat Traps to take my pets away! And Without us even knowing this is even happening. Now I think this has happened before, but I don't think it was on our street. For Years none of our Neighbors have complained about our cats before at all, no one has said ANYTHING to us. Suddenly these new Neighbors come out of nowhere and I thought they were nice, they keep their yard fine, and they seem cool, until I hear they don't want our cats in their Yard or whatever and set up traps for them. I wish I knew exactly what to do in these situations cause if I go over there and start to talk to them I'm certain I'll say the wrong thing and make the matter worse and probably lose my house or whatever just talking to them. I don't know, It just makes me mad that our Neighbors couldn't have the decency to come up to us and say something instead of getting Authorities involved.

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no dude you gotta go over and talk to them. you gotta tell them, that your concerned about your pets safety with the cat traps in there yard. and if they say that you should keep your cat under control or something about keeping it away from there yard. tell them, you could have told me all of this first instead of put up cat traps. but i'll keep them away from your yard. then you do what you can to keep them away from there yard.

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well, We did get to talk to them and they (like I thought would say) "Did like them going in their yard and digging in it and pooping in it." Ok that's cool, but no need for the traps, We'll deal with our cats. Though apparently we have to pay a $160 fine cause one of our cats was caught in their trap. Man I don't know what we do, Get a Huge Crap Fence or keep all our cats inside or what. I almost think moving them out to our Grandmas is the best Solution. Heck freakin' $160 to get our cat back for "ruining their 'perfect' yard".

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what i would do is keep your cats inside your house you never no what people well do to them in the first place one thing i cant stand is when people complan if there animal is missing when they could just keep them inside i have a cat who is next to my gf in how imported he is i ended up breaking a friendship with a friend of my becuse i found out he was kicking my cat i ended up beating the shit out of him becuse of it

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what i would do is keep your cats inside your house you never no what people well do to them in the first place one thing i cant stand is when people complan if there animal is missing when they could just keep them inside i have a cat who is next to my gf in how imported he is i ended up breaking a friendship with a friend of my becuse i found out he was kicking my cat i ended up beating the shit out of him becuse of it

You're pretty hardcore, Dark Light. But I DO agree that he should just keep the cats inside.


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You're pretty hardcore, Dark Light. But I DO agree that he should just keep the cats inside.

Cats shouldn't stay locked-up inside, it drives them mad. You serious about losing your house, though? I'm from Brazil, I wouldn't know.

Something similar happened to my grandmother when I was a kid; this one neighbor had a dog and whenever they got out for a walk he'd let his pet take a shit in front of her doorstep. My grandma took her time and stashed bags of crap for a whole month before dropping them all inside his house. Nothing was said, but it never happened again.

I wouldn't take this lightly, you don't fuck with my cats, bitch.


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Cats shouldn't stay locked-up inside, it drives them mad. You serious about losing your house, though? I'm from Brazil, I wouldn't know.

Something similar happened to my grandmother when I was a kid; this one neighbor had a dog and whenever they got out for a walk he'd let his pet take a shit in front of her doorstep. My grandma took her time and stashed bags of crap for a whole month before dropping them all inside his house. Nothing was said, but it never happened again.

I wouldn't take this lightly, you don't fuck with my cats, bitch.

then lose the cat. cats are fine being locked up as long as you interact with them or more then one cat so they can be busy all cats are also diffrent just as people are not all of them well ruin your house. you have more of a chance having a dog to destroy anything and all things in your house specially for pups
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as being an owner of cats myself from the day I was born, I've been in some simillar situations myself. Okay so first off the questions are are you sure it's your cats that got trapped and are there any other cats in your neigbourhood. Also that '$160 Fine' thing is bullshit, it proberly cost a lot to have the traps set up so they can't be bothered to pay to have them repaired again. I can tell you now that if you go over and say your not paying them they'll try to scare you by saying they'll go to the police or sue you and get your house taken or something.

As for this whole keep your cats in thing. I actually do keep my cats in buts thats ONLY because one of them was attacked by a chav's (the UK's Redneck) dog has been attacking and killing cats. Mine survived but one of my cousins cats wasn't so lucky so he's threatened to shoot him and his dog.

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as being an owner of cats myself from the day I was born, I've been in some simillar situations myself. Okay so first off the questions are are you sure it's your cats that got trapped and are there any other cats in your neigbourhood. Also that '$160 Fine' thing is bullshit, it proberly cost a lot to have the traps set up so they can't be bothered to pay to have them repaired again. I can tell you now that if you go over and say your not paying them they'll try to scare you by saying they'll go to the police or sue you and get your house taken or something.

As for this whole keep your cats in thing. I actually do keep my cats in buts thats ONLY because one of them was attacked by a chav's (the UK's Redneck) dog has been attacking and killing cats. Mine survived but one of my cousins cats wasn't so lucky so he's threatened to shoot him and his dog.

see right there i made my point but it go more beyond that people just dont care about animals they seem them as nothing more then for your plasure i wouldnt dare let my cat get out he did a few times almost made me have a heart attack 1. he wouldn't survived to long 2 even tho he is smart he a bit to friendly iam trying to get him not to be people could eithertake your cat home with them or drop him or her off somewhere without you knowing it,hurt your cat or much worse if its the smell of your animal that you are tired of its been proven if you have 1 cat then you would need 2 litter boxes and if you have 2 then you have to get 3 it does work as silly as it sounds i use to rescue animals for a living its none profit but i have a big heart for animals more then i do for people
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To update the situation, We're keeping our cats inside for now on. They cats won't like it, but it'll keep our new neighbors from setting traps up. I was also told by my Dad that Animal Control isn't actually supposed to do this to Domesticated Pets only to stray cats. I guess it's because we didn't get any of our cats ID'd and most of them haven't been Spade or Neutered yet, is why the traps have been made. The Sooner we get them all "fixed" the better. Sad thing is doing all that will cost a small fortune. Fixing one male is about $50 but a female is nearly $80-$100 I think. I don't remember the costs, but they're a bit outrageous.

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You should set bear traps with candy for bait if they have kids. Maybe put one in their doorstep. Just saiyan'

the thing is, I don't see them on their yard at all.

Or even doing anything in their yard.

It's like having that old neighbor in your Street that complains about your cats digging in their Garden or if you walk on their Sidewalk they raise their cane.

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the thing is, I don't see them on their yard at all.

Or even doing anything in their yard.

It's like having that old neighbor in your Street that complains about your cats digging in their Garden or if you walk on their Sidewalk they raise their cane.

Some people are dicks for no reason, I should know. You can either ignore their bullshit or get on their level; the bear traps are actually a good idea if you want to send a message. Shitting on their yard and digging various holes during the night without been seen should be effective, too.

I know I sound crazy, but don't ever fuck with my cats man.


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