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Chill Penguin (MvC) by MugenPlayer21


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When Capcom decided to switch the robot masters to animaloids, and remove Rush, Beat, and every other animal help at Megaman's side, I started to like the villains more than I liked the heroes. But hey, who cares? Those games were still a blast. (I still kind of prefered original Megaman, though.) I really like how authentic this character is. He uses the moves he used in the game, although I don't know if it's possible to use his wind-shift mechanism to send the ice-birds flying. I wonder if this guy will ever do more of the Mavericks. I've had Overdrive Ostrich in my wish bank for a while.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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Woah! A Chill Penguin Mugen Character!? O_O; Must test this out! *Downloads*



Currently LPing: Higurashi - When They Cry (Steam)  /  Legend of Zelda - Temples of Turmoil Revamped (ZC)
Next LPs: A Boy & His Blob (NES)  /  Legend of Zelda - First Quest Layered (ZC)

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Trust me, well worth it.

This guy may not seem like he can do a lot of damage at a time, but his comboing abilities are great. And while his supers don't do a whole lot of damage, his 20 ice-ball barrage is easy to connect off of a single ice-ball.

Edit: http://mugenguild.co...?topic=142170.0

Okay, I've heard bad things here about the Mugen Fighters Guild, but...

Speaking of crap, as I expected this is another poorly coded imt template using "mvc" character.

What does HE know, anyway? Even if it was crap, flat out insulting someone like that is still uncalled for. Is it really that hard just to give criticism? Apparently from some people, it is.

Again, I tried it out. It's not poorly coded, I thought it was actually coded pretty well. Nicely balanced and fun to play. Sure, there are a few flaws, but I still think what Alpa-San said was out of bounds.

They say it has to do with it using an IMT Template which is generally frowned upon for its inaccuracy as well as a few problems (that can be overlooked), but if that's the case, I've still played worse that uses that template.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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it is poorly coded actually. the EOH template is a terrible thing Darkflare also posted a video for you to watch to explain why its so bad. this is just the tip of the iceberg btw.

as much as i don't like arpa he is correct.


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Meh, I guess there's no pleasing everyone. But I still like the character. I did notice a few flaws in the character, but nothing major. Still, could you please tell me the flaws of the template? I know you posted a video, but I try to avoid watching videos cause I don't have a high bandwidth.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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how do i put this. the entire thing is flawed. the way they tell you to do combos the air hits all of it the supers its all fucked up. you should never follow a template when making a character it never turns out right.


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Off topic, but... I didn't embarrass the MFFA forum too much in that argument, did I? I know I kind of argued oblivious to the Mugen Character's problems, but at least I kept my chill during the situation. (No Pun Intended.) ...Truth be told, I'm usually not as good with anger management. Still, with all things considered, I'm starting to realize more of its problems. And yet, I still kind of like it. It's still better than Wlan's creations.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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Don't worry, they don't think much of MFFA anyway. They also don't think much of IMT either. Actually, they are the most awesome guys in the world and everybody else is shit. So, heh, don't fret. Once the creator learns how to code better, it might improve. But I'd use N64 Mario's KFMs as base (Capcom and V-ism)


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Plays like a EOH character does broken of course not the worst I've played but sub-par none the less.

Although it was rude (I'm not really the one to talk) , the template is horrible by itself. He might have more problems fixing it than coding it from scratch (or KFM).

Care to try my template?

it's not the greatest but it has to be better then EOH right?

how do i put this. the entire thing is flawed. the way they tell you to do combos the air hits all of it the supers its all fucked up. you should never follow a template when making a character it never turns out right.

Used the EOH template once and only once for Beavis oh god that was mistake it was bitch just to fix the jab infinite and i still don't why the character moves before the round 1 begins , needless to say I've stuck with KFM for a template character ever since. If i ever get the time after I finish my WIPS I may have to recode him from scratch it would likely be for the better really.

MvC2 system itself is a bit weird at times at comboing IMO, it's too fast and there are lots of cheap infinite combos. Too unbalanced. I think a creator should go for MvC1 or MvC3 system instead.

This is why I don't bitch about characters not feeling MVC2 accurate with how broken the game is would you want the character to be accurate.

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