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Blanket thread to contain posts about any tournaments I may be running. This thread may often have sudden bursts of activity (usually for new character showcase brackets), but otherwise will remain mostly quiet aside from when I may announce things.


Current list of active tournaments / tournament series from me:
 - 5th Division Tournament of Champions: Runs every month, often on a Tuesday. Characters are all winners of RNG 16-man single elimination 1v1 5th division brackets, winners of each TOC bracket go on to face each other at the end of each "season" in a "Grand Champs" bracket. Next bracket is slated to run Tuesday, January 14th.
 - New Character Showcase Brackets: Runs sometime during the week after every debuts. Depending on the way I decide to implement community input, viewers are able to either vote on which division the bracket will focus on, or which characters (picked from a predetermined division) may show up in each bracket. For a more detailed explanation, see my "New Character Showcase Bracket" forum thread in the SpriteClub Discord.
 - "Cat's Choice" 1st Division Brackets: Runs every month, on a Friday. Different from the weekly Friday Night 1st brackets, these are curated brackets, often of lower-end 1sts (<1800 - ~1930 rated) that I may find interesting. Next bracket is slated to run Friday, January 24th.


August's debuts wrapped up sometime this morning, and thus begins the character suggestion process for this week's New Character Showcase Bracket!

The slated division this week is 4th. Characters from both this just-finished debuts and last debuts are eligible.

Eligible fighters may be found via inputting !rookies in SpriteClub's chat, or by viewing this page, but for the sake of convenience I have attached a (shoddily put-together) image of all eligible characters for this bracket. Do note that Sol Dae Rokker is not eligible for this bracket, sorry.




Suggestions may be given to me in this thread, in SpriteClub chat, or by DMing me. There's no limit to how many characters you can suggest!

In terms of size, I'm shooting for either two 16-man brackets or one 32-man bracket. The bracket is currently slated to run no later than Friday, August 16th, early-night hours EST.


Time to contribute my votes:

Kemono Friends
MVC Strider Hiryu
Astro Man MM8
Divine Kung Fu Girl
Hibiki Kai
Jill JPGtine
MVC2 War Machine EX (Bias moment)

juh and Kemono Friends are guaranteed at this point. :b.

Excited to see who shows up in the newnament!


Suggestions are now closed! Thank you to everyone who stopped by to suggest characters this time around.


We went just over 24 characters this time, which would mean one 16-man bracket and one 8-man bracket with some outliers. The 16-man bracket will run tonight around 7-9PM EST, and the 8-man bracket will run tomorrow around the same time. The winners of both brackets will face the two characters unfortunately not picked by my randomizer in exhibs once the 8-man bracket is over, so that every character gets their time to shine, even if it's not in the tournaments themselves.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Debuts are over once again, so it's time to begin the character suggestion process for this debuts' New Character Showcase Bracket! In a twist of events from what I originally planned, the slated division this time is 5th. Both characters from this just-finished debuts and last debuts are eligible!


Eligible characters may be found via inputting !rookies in SpriteClub chat, by visiting this page, or by consulting the image below.


Suggestions may be given to me in this thread, in SpriteClub chat, or in the SpriteClub discord. There's no limit to how many characters you can suggest!


The suggestion period will close within a few days, or when enough for a 32-man bracket is filled. The bracket is slated to run no later than Friday, September 6th, evening hours EST.


A bit late, but here I go!

PNG Sponge (the funny of course)
Helga Pataki
Johnny Bravo (Wonder if tournament will seed a Nick vs. CN match...)
Karaden (I love my potatoes)
Useless Goddess Aqua (aquaCRY)
Miya Utsutsu
Ultimate Cheng (Needs to return in a new, proper SNK fighter someday)
Reimu BBTag (My biased send pick for this tournament)
Smol Badguy

  • 3 weeks later...

Debuts have come to a close, and thus, the character suggestion period for this week's New Character Showcase Bracket(s) will now begin! The slated division this time is 4th, and characters from both this just-finished debuts and last debuts are now eligible.


Eligible characters may be found via consulting the image below. Do note that Satsuki Yumiduka with Heartburn and Natsuki Subaru EX are not viable (one I fear may be too strong for 4th, the other has issues with stalling matches), though there are replacement characters you may choose from instead.



Suggestions may be given to me in this thread, in SpriteClub chat, or in the SpriteClub discord.


The suggestion period will close within a few days, or when enough for either two 16-man brackets or one 32-man bracket is filled. The bracket(s) will run later this week depending on how I decide to format them.


Time for me to vote! (WARNING: HUGE)
Anne KSD, Eagle KSD, and Kotetsu KSD (Hard to not pick all 3 LMAO)
Kamui Tokinomiya BBTag
Rajaa Len
Simonkin2005 and Sagawa Transport
TH12.3 Yuyuko
Thonolan KP and Samus KP
CVS2 Mike Bison and CVS Adon
Neo, the One (Our 5th div god)
Jhun Hoon '99 (Being told that a better AI was submitted shortly before the old AI escaped just made it that much more funnier)
WW Kat
Kiryu Coco BBTag (Our 3rd div goddess)
Italian Spencer Fudou
Divine Kula
SS3 Komachi (Oops almost forgot this one existed)

I just simply like a lot of chars this time around. Some bias, others enjoyable and neat, and the rest funny. Hard to leave any one of these out.


Minazuki Sho


Hibiki Kohaku


Neo , The One


WW Kat


Hiei of the Evil Eye


Italian Spencer Fudou (PinchedFingers)


Divine Kula


Bagel Floss


Android 21 SD


Izayoi BB TAG


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone! While I remember, I think it's about time for a tournament update!
Firstly, next bracket of 5th division tournament of champions will run Tuesday, October 15th, around its usual time. This month's "Cat's Choice" 1st div bracket will run the subsequent Friday, October 18th around its usual time.
Next, aside from toc week, I'll be running a new series for this month only every Tuesday -- SpriteClub's Weekly Frights! A division-specific Halloween-themed bracket with the scariest characters you could think of! The first of three will be running tomorrow, October 8th, evening hours EST. Be there... if you DARE!
And, of course, one last thing. This Saturday, a very special bracket will be running to commemorate a very special occasion. No spoilers, but it's something that means very much to me (even though it runs a day after its intended date).
Anyway, that's all from me for this month. I'll see you tomorrow for the first Weekly Fright bracket!


It's that time once again (character suggestion period for this debuts' New Character Showcase Bracket)!


The slated division this time is 5th, only characters from this debuts are eligible. All eligible characters may be found in the list posted below.



suggestions may be given to me in this thread, in spriteclub chat, or in the spriteclub discord's community-events channel. the bracket itself will be held sometime either Wednesday or Thursday. in the meantime, do keep in mind that this month's 5th Division Tournament of Champions bracket will be running tomorrow around the usual time.

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