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Rydia Beta by nts released 12/03/2012

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^ not true... final fantasy viii: everyone who learns how can use gf's which basically makes them summoners final fantasy x: yuna's father, seymour, the brothers (the guy, the little kid, and the black guy) final fantasy xiii: all male main characters there's probably more I just can't remember them at the moment, but you get the point

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FFXIII? really? hmm never played that one (tsk.. damn day job i'm missing alot of games) i used to be updated on the world of gaming up until graduation (sigh) i'm ashamed to call myself a gamer :donwan:

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thats an opinion ultimecia lol, though I agree I didn't like 13 all that much compared to the oldies but still alot of people do like it. XIII-2 was actually better than the original surprisingly.


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80% of the Final Fantasy fans I know world-wide (and it's quite a lots of people) agrees with me this game killed the series. It's a piece of shit that shouldn't be called "Final Fantasy" And I agree, I've played the XIII-2 demo and it's better, but it should have been even better.


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i agree with you i mean the game itself isn't terrible it should of been its own series not a ff game at all should of just been another rpg spinoff from square. It is true that more hate than love XIII I dislike it being called ff but its not a terrible game if it didn't have that title. and people keep buying these which is why square thinks people like them.


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80% of the Final Fantasy fans I know world-wide (and it's quite a lots of people) agrees with me this game killed the series. It's a piece of shit that shouldn't be called "Final Fantasy"

And I agree, I've played the XIII-2 demo and it's better, but it should have been even better.

Why is its SOOOOO BAD 4 u?????????


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well then I guess I'm one of the 20%, because ffXiii to me felt like a major improvement considering the last two games preceding it were total flops. in fact xii probably wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the ff tactics advance game. it also fits in with ff series quite well storyline wise, so naming it something else just wouldn't feel right. in fact the summons being machines seemed like a nice change. of coarse the transforming, except for odin and alexander, was horrible but overall wasn't a game killer. the only real thing that killed this game was the lack of being able to explore with a set path up until you reach cacoon, which was very un-ff like. overall though when I play a ff/most games I play for storyline first gameplay second and that's probably why I kind of like the game... although the only characters I really like in the story are lightning and her sister :/

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after 9 FF started going down hill honestly. 10 wasn't bad but it could of been better after 10 nothing else really felt like final fantasy anymore except remakes :/


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If you think about it, FF10, FF12 and FF13 got the same core story Gods are evil, corrupt government knows and profits from it while the general population lives in ignorance while being in the edge of a disaster. Lightning wants to be a bad-ass version of Cloud (because he's a wuss in FF7) with shorts. Snow wants to be like Zack, but he can only makes himself sounds like an idiot. Fang is the female Auron (older badass). Hope is the momma's boy with girl name, not too exciting, all he does is moan and complain. Vanille is your typical "Rikku" but with that HIDDEN SADNESS (oh). And Sahz, no matter how cool he is or how awesome is his afro (with a chocobo!), he still the comic relief. And Serah is the damsel in distress who runs away with another dude in the sequel :troll:


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