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[SNES] Killer Instinct


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I remembered that game... FIRST fighting game I played =D, I will use wolverine or cinder. I remember theres a samurai guy.. and u get to throw someone off the stage XD

Milla Maxwell - Spirit Guardian of Reize Maxia
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I added a video to your main post up there. also this is my FAVORITE cover of the intro song.

It sounds like something EPIC is about to happen. On top of that doesnt it sound like the Pyramid level in Sonic Adventure 2 a little?

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  • 3 weeks later...

i think i still got mine, but if not, i'll letcha know bruh.

you guys love it so much you should emulate it on the snes and record it and put it on the GFFA channel on youtube for us!

:hi:, my name is Alpyne D, & i approve this message. :goodmood:


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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Obviously B. Orchid is Black Orchid. As for T.J... He's black. Its probably Thomas Jefferson or something


"We're forgotten in times of peace. Its only when war looms are we remembered."

  • Alpyne_D: troll some schools
  • Alpyne_D: teachers be on the prowl
  • Vegeta: Did you just insinuate I become a pedophile?
  • Alpyne_D: i speak from experience
  • Vegeta :So you're a pedophile and you want me to be one
  • Alpyne_D: TEACHERS, YOU TWIT!!
  • Vegeta: :troll:
  • ReigiOzora18: lmao

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