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[ARC] Marvel Vs. Capcom

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[Offtopic] Isn't raremew posting like some sort of spam or something? [Ontopic] I really played this too much when it came out, years later I still say "INFINITY" in my head when I see Ironman's PROTON....CANNON! Either that or random times when something "super" happens.

  • 1 month later...

I remember playing this game as a young chap, thinking it was a Street Fighter Alpha Something Edition. Eariler as becoming an Adult Chap I search for this on the webs, and I found it. And probably the best fighting game I've played.


i still dig this game, it's a fun time for me when i play it.

speakin' of the 1st games of the Vs. series, i suggest they be the theme for this year's GFFA tourney. each round a random game is pick'd, between XMvsSF, MSHvsSF, or MvC [i would say throw MSH in the mix, but some of us may have advantages on it over others xD], with the exception of the final [both parties have to agree on a game, OR 1 will be pick'd for'em]. it'll keep things interestin', to say the least. also, i'd like to suggest a tag-team division of the tourney as well, since 4 people can play the Vs games on FBA Combo simultaneously.

what do y'all think of that?

years later I still say "INFINITY" in my head when I see Ironman's PROTON....CANNON! Either that or random times when something "super" happens.

you & me both bruh! :=D:


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA


damn, that sux. i, for 1, still appreciate the arcade. sure, you can fight randoms online on consoles & whatnot now, & that's kool & all, but it's still a bit too safe, y'know? mofos can easily find pseudo heart & bravado to talk mad shit when you're 1000+ miles away from who you're talkin' shit to, rage-quit at will, & let's not even talk about the possible hacks & glitches that are abused. mofos might look at me sidewayz when i say this, but nothin' tops that rush you get from havin' a battle with a total stranger, side by side, just goin' at it. the intensity, the struggle, tryin' to read what's goin' on with the person next to you when the bout kicks up a few notches, the rush of a win against a strong opponent, the disappointment & slight rage of losin' to some1 you feel you're better than, it's just amazing, period. i myself was a "random arcade world warrior" in a sense, so i speak from alot of experience [1 time i had a battle back in '99, at a job i had in a movie theater, on UMK3 against Busta Rhymes. i'm a huge fan, but 1ce he got on that game, he became just some1 else i had to go thru xD. it was a damn'd good fight tho]. & you can't just start talkin' grand shit out the side of yo neck either, whether you win or lose, you gotta check yourself, have more restraint. alot of these dumb-shit-talkin', sore-as-phukk winnin'/losin' assklowns nowadays wouldn't know how to act in that situation. they'd shit themselves, bow their heads, then go curl up in a corner like some bitches. but that thrill of the arcade experience is still unbeatable, even with the technical progress of gaming today. *sighs* i miss the arcade scene.....

btw Ry, you didn't answer my question about the tourney. gimme your thoughts please sir?



Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA


There is a arcade machine back in the other city I live (3 cities a week, 2 places to stay . Just recap) near one of the most important tourists spots and the province's mark zero. Last time I heard they still keep a MvC1 and a Tekken 3 machine along with the newer stuff. And people still play



Impressive how long awesome things last in popularity.My parents think old arcade games are a waste of time now.I still can't beat my father at Tekken 2...Even after practicing my mains in the ROM version...He was fighter game king in his times so he says... :=D:



ain't that the truth?! that shit piss'd me off so much when i play'd at a friend's house 1 time [he didn't have a 'Cast like i did], i left with tha "got an important errand to run" bit. ugh, shit still bugs me.


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA


for me the going to the arcade shops is better than the consoles, sure you get to play in the comfort of your own home with your consoles but the real payoff is the reaction you get when you beat the bajezus out of your opponent.. :awesome oh sweet rage quitting..

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