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isn't the moderation a bit biased?


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isn't the moderation a bit biased?

maybe it's just me but I noticed something


when people speak ill of mmv or ma, it's perfectly fine, but if it's about guild, then topic gets locked


what this strange bias around here ? =/

please tell me mffa isn't a guild lackey =/


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It has nothing to do us being a "lackey", as you put it. The thread was closed because it essentially devolved into a platform for starting to stir up trouble with MFG.


I can also assure you that we have, in the past, taken similar action against people also speaking ill of other places including MMV, MA, IMT, and even Mugen Database iirc, so there's no bias afaik.


EDIT: I just want to reiterate that discussion and/or criticism of MA was never prohibited, the only thing prohibited were download links given the site's current issue regarding malware-infested ad referral links.

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I specifically mentioned to you in that thread to knock off the "FORUM" bashing. You did not, so the thread was locked. It was as simple as that. Had you been bashing MMV or MA instead, it would have received the same treatment.



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the only lackey here is you, and by that I mean you're a lackey for stupid posting habits and childish threads.


no, you didn't get "censored", there is no "bias", there are no guild "lackeys", you got your threads put in timeout like a little boy because all you ever do is post about "wah guild this or guild that, guild is stooped, guild is evil" instead of posting normally. if anyone posted stuff like this about mmv or imt, or whatever they would still get the same treatment that you did, stop making this all about you. it's like a kid who gets mad at another kid for having a cooler toy than you. its quite sad.


I'm insulting your posting habits and threads themselves. not you as a person, I don't care about you or have an opinion about you as a person at all, I am however am annoyed by your constant pestering threads about a dead subject and your reaction to them being closed.


just stop starting threads that try to bash in general and maybe, people might actually *gasp* respect you as a decent poster? maybe. just maybe. or not.

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9 hours ago, Алексей said:

Had you been bashing MMV or MA instead, it would have received the same treatment.


I wonder about that....

I've seen many threads bashing mmv or ma, not being locked

like this :



you may say, the thread was just informative, but so was my thread, I shared objective information about a dispute in the mugen community, for over a decade the guild was the largest mugen site, suddenly they start a war against the archive, and as a result they lost leadership by a landslide, how is it not important info that everyone should know? why it gets censored? :/


perhaps unconsciously you're being lackeys of guild, don't do that please, mffa is a decent site, while guild is an old horse that need to be put out of his misery, they used to be an okay site but they grew into a bunch of bitter old men and fanatical dictator arseholes who brainwash their users with their opinions and lies, all they care about now is power and control, they are totally corrupt scum, and their community members are the absolute worst, those darkflare & walrus guys are perfect examples of brainwashed guild punks who will immediately resort to personal insults whenever they read anything against the official guild "truth"


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Information that no one really cares about.

And where's your proof that they are these so called "brainwashed lackeys of guild"?  Also Guild isn't full of bad people like you claim.

But how would I know when you consistently spew out crap no one really cares about while not considering others' opinions?

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those darkflare & walrus guys are perfect examples of brainwashed guild punks who will immediately resort to personal insults whenever they read anything against the official guild "truth"

Meanwhile, that jirobu guy is a perfect example of a brainwashed archive punk who will immediately resort to personal insults whenever they read anything that goes against Archive's policies.

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3 hours ago, Jirobou said:

mffa is a decent site, while guild is an old horse that need to be put out of his misery, they used to be an okay site but they grew into a bunch of bitter old men and fanatical dictator arseholes who brainwash their users with their opinions and lies, all they care about now is power and control, they are totally corrupt scum, and their community members are the absolute worst, those darkflare & walrus guys are perfect examples of brainwashed guild punks who will immediately resort to personal insults whenever they read anything against the official guild "truth"


If you're going to make claims like this, any reasonable person is going to expect to see some kind of evidence to back it up. Otherwise, this thread will be two steps away from being shitcanned as well. Keep it civil, this goes for everyone.

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Traffic itself doesn't dictate how popular or useful a forum actually is to the community.The vast amount of information and knowledge stored on the MFG forums for the past decade or so, not to mention the experience from forum members who have been around equally as long, makes the site 100x more important to the community than mugen archive can ever hope to achieve by simply having a vaster amount of creator content and in turn more traffic.
It all comes down to the fact that MFG has been around longer and has shown themselves to be the forefront of mugen related discussion and expertise.
Look at it this way, MFG has been around for 16 years longer than MugenArchive and they STILL get just as much, if not equally, the same amount of traffic.
You should want unity among the forums, not discord. Don't bring me problems, bring me solutions.

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I've been in this situation before.

Seriouszone Vs 7SmokeGaming

Rival communities for the Serious Sam Francise

And I can tell you the path you walk you will not win


I can also tell you that NO ONE, neither party wanted a person who was going to stir up trouble between the two.

No one likes drama and no likes a person tainting their sites with ill reputation.

What your trying to do is get everyone on board that the Guild is shit and get them against it, I've been told before that "You can't use us as your own personal army", for gain or not this statement is still true and that's what your trying to do here.

No one likes people who do this, who only make things worse. So why don't you just stop, your only hurting yourself


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15 hours ago, Jirobou said:

you may say, the thread was just informative, but so was my thread, I shared objective information about a dispute in the mugen community, for over a decade the guild was the largest mugen site, suddenly they start a war against the archive, and as a result they lost leadership by a landslide, how is it not important info that everyone should know? why it gets censored? :/


Your thread only STARTED somewhat tame by asking for help for something MA-related, but then you started bashing MFG saying they were a bunch of old assholes and whatnot. How is that informative exactly?



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23 hours ago, Ricepigeon said:

If you're going to make claims like this, any reasonable person is going to expect to see some kind of evidence to back it up.


Alright you want a proof, I'll give you a proof, right ! now !


RIGHT HERE a guy got banned on the guild for pointing an adfly clean scan

he got banned for, I quote : " denying the objective reality of it all "


so on one hand you have all of the security specialists, the whole fucking security industry that says "adfly is clean site"

on the other hand a guild mod says " you dare deny the guild truth, I'll show you "

how is it fucking possible? there IS only one explanation !!! guild people are a bunch of FANATICS who got BRAINWASHED by power hungry guild ops


13 hours ago, KBN22 said:

You should want unity among the forums, not discord. Don't bring me problems, bring me solutions.


dude, it is too late, this war is fucking over, archive won, by a landslide

when all of this started guild was still the most visited site and by far, and now archive leads by 15 THOUSANDS ranks, and the gap keeps increasing by the days


if you wanted to stop this stupid war you should have done something earlier, not that it would have mattered imo, some people have tried to point out how much this war was a nonsense, and guess what? they got banned, power hungry guild ops wouldn't listen and all mattered to them is "crush other sites", and now you know the result my friend, guild got totally REKT & SHREKT , in fact they just fucked themselves in their blind lust for power



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Even though the thread is locked, I'm posting this here so people don't fall for Jirobou's fearmongering conspiracy theories about guild and the zionist illuminati or whatever nonsense I just read.


10 hours ago, Jirobou said:


Alright you want a proof, I'll give you a proof, right ! now !


RIGHT HERE a guy got banned on the guild for pointing an adfly clean scan

he got banned for, I quote : " denying the objective reality of it all "



Way to take what Jmorphman said out of context. Jason Bourne was banned for constantly bringing up the exact same issue over and over and over again, kind of like what you're doing right now. In fact, I'm pretty confident that the two of you might even be the same person, judging by your shared similarity in both post structure and content.


10 hours ago, Jirobou said:

so on one hand you have all of the security specialists, the whole fucking security industry that says "adfly is clean site"



What security specialists? You haven't posted any proof of this.


10 hours ago, Jirobou said:

on the other hand a guild mod says " you dare deny the guild truth, I'll show you "

how is it fucking possible? there IS only one explanation !!! guild people are a bunch of FANATICS who got BRAINWASHED by power hungry guild ops


dude, it is too late, this war is fucking over, archive won, by a landslide

when all of this started guild was still the most visited site and by far, and now archive leads by 15 THOUSANDS ranks, and the gap keeps increasing by the days


if you wanted to stop this stupid war you should have done something earlier, not that it would have mattered imo, some people have tried to point out how much this war was a nonsense, and guess what? they got banned, power hungry guild ops wouldn't listen and all mattered to them is "crush other sites", and now you know the result my friend, guild got totally REKT & SHREKT , in fact they just fucked themselves in their blind lust for power



What war? There was never a war. If there was, I'm pretty certain there would be someone else supporting that claim but there isn't.

Also there's that forum bashing again. Didn't we warn you about that before? I'm pretty sure we have. Enjoy your infraction point.


EDIT: Just realized that this is your 3rd infraction over a short period of time. See you in 2 weeks.

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