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[Hi-Res] World Of Shadows


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I do have a new desktop by HP brand new haven't put anything but all my mugen stuff.It has like 500GB and I ran it in full Hd and everything but your stages ran smoothly.Then on my HP mini they ran perfectly in standard defenitions.Not saying they are bad I love your stages but I just found that odd...


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Lately I've used the RGB method with most of my stuff, so that's probably the reason. High Resolution images+Trans will tax more on the higher resolution versions of Mugen xp Though in the future I'll probably ditch that when 1.1 is out so I can have full HD support, but until then I will be using this method

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the problem is His stuff is not made to be played in HD mode, not many are actually HD mugen looks like crap its all pixely and everything. In short DON'T USE HD and you won't have problems with exshadows stages aside from maybe a few like bad apple or mothership.


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Ehh, HD is a bit pixely because most of the stuff aren't meant to be HD. That is why only HD stages apply to HD mugen but... they can be used in Standard Mugen because they look exactly the same... so Standard is the way to go because not only it still looks good, it has a lot more variety.

Milla Maxwell - Spirit Guardian of Reize Maxia
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I tried looking into this myself and I went and tried it again.The files got messed up in the transfer but that would be nice.Also Vibrant don't make stuff for HD mugen I don't think anybody actually uses HD.I used it once but even on my desktop I don't have it in HD.


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