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The Roleplay Paradise Part 2 : Revenge Of Role Play!

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OOC: Did this for fun, DO NOT CONSIDER THIS CANON because I know people want to take out a piece of Argento too. I just got bored with all the waiting, I showed this video to him beforehand and he liked it. Check the description for the tracks I used.) Also, the video is unlisted.








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OOC: @Mister Fael We can't continue the story at the moment because Agni disappeared again ._.



2 hours ago, Mister Fael said:

I just got bored with all the waiting, I showed this video to him beforehand and he liked it.

Wait, you managed to contact Agni? Can you ask him why he hasn't been on MFFA lately?


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2 hours ago, Mister Fael said:

OOC: @DuckMannnn I did tell him he was taking too long, but he didn't justify himself. I did gave trini Agni's Steam ID some time ago so I thought he was going to call him when we get stuck again.

 OOC: Shit, try to tell him to come back and RP with us ASAP


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  • 2 weeks later...

In an apartment in a nearby city



She wasn't a human nor a youkai, but she nonetheless considered herself a gap youkai. After all, she possessed the same abilities as her "mother" albeit nowhere near as strong, most likely due to being several centuries behind in experience with them. She was given a similar appearance to the current Hakurei shrine maiden, most likely to annoy her or so she figured. Her name....Kon Yakumo a.k.a Meimu



"And there, I finished this little drawing of mine. Well, I could probably do better but the last time I tried to check all the details I ended up spending the whole day on it and still managing to not be satisfied. Ah well, it's rather refreshing not to be messing with every boundary I see."



"And now I'm bored...and I don't feel like dealing with human stupidity in online gaming now."



"I mean, I guess I could practice my abilities and maybe take a refresher on how the Hakurei border works like Mother has been wanting me to. Although I would much rather cause an incident over there."



"Tempting, but I don't think Mother would like that and will probably scold me for messing around in Gensokyo. Well, maybe if I ask her first, I'm sure she can work that out in her plans. That reminds me, I should visit Rinnosuke when I get the chance, I'm sure there's a nice trinket that has dropped over there."



"And I really need to stop talking to myself when I get bored.... Maybe I'll get ideas if I watch TV."


Using gaps to transport the remote to her hand, Meimu proceeds to switch on the TV. As she flipped through the channels, she stumbles upon a news channel showing the Iblis attack.



"Oh look, Tokyo is being attacked by giant monsters again. Hm...I think there's a few familiar faces there. No need to get involved I guess, but if I find nothing else to do I guess I could see this thing up close."

(Using another filler to set myself up with another character while we wait for Agni or whatever Plan B you can come up with.)

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  • 4 months later...

(This is the end.)






Atop a lone, untouched building amidst the chaos ensuing within the city was a lone woman standing atop its oddly kempt and unsullied roof, her gaze(or lack thereof) settled upon those down below engaging in combat with the monsters flooding throughout the city, Iblis just within the upper corner of her gaze. Despite her eyes remaining closed, it was as if she was staring straight through each person's body on the field, seeming to be looking for something until her gaze settled upon a witch very familiar to her, the witch going about her usual day and throwing in far more monsters that the defenders were going to have to deal with.



???: Gertrudd...I knew I should have never given you a chance to go free. There is already enough chaos in this world as it is; and yet, here you are, sowing even more into the already corrupted land without any care for the consequences of your actions...


She had obviously found what she was looking for. However, seeing as how a direct confrontation with the witch was considered a death sentence by many, even those who worked in the various planes of the afterlife, she decided to put her skills to use for once. She put her hands together, the chains rattling as she did so. This was the only way to reverse everything the witch had done and also prevent everything the witch was going to do afterwards. The benefits far outweighed the costs and what the world would eventually become had it stayed on this route. Before anything of the sort was to be initiated, however, there was one thing that needed to be done.





???: My Lord, please, forgive me for this crime that I have committed and the one I am about to commit. And to those of you who reside among the various dimensions and planes created by my Lord...please, forgive me for what happened and what is to come. Know that my foolish mistake is what led to this, but that I only had the best intentions for everyone in mind...and I shall ensure that this will never happen again.


After begging for forgiveness, the woman started to utter an incantation.



O Kýrie, parakaló anairéste aftí tin katára pou thétei aftí i gi apó aftí ti mágissa, anatrépste ti zimiá pou proklíthike se aftés tis sfaíres apó to cháos kai tous parágontes tis katastrofís... 


A blinding light began to come from her body.


...epanekkiníste aftón ton kósmo apó tin archí, mia epochí stin opoía kanéna apó aftá den synévi poté, kaneís den gnórize o énas ton állon kai kaneís den gnórize poté tous parágontes tis katastrofís...


The light grew brighter and began to engulf the entire area.


...epanekkiníste ta pánta apó tin archí, gia na borésoume pragmatiká na féroume aftón ton kósmo stin epochí tis eirínis pou anazitísate!


The light proceeded to cover the entire area in a similar manner to a mother tucking her child into bed, its warm, comforting feeling engulfing all around...

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