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Hibiki Takane (Last Remnant style)


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Released a 1.0 version. No more lag and fixed the errors.

Hibiki Takane from The Last Blade. I've always considered Hibiki to be my most favorite female game character, but The Last Remnant was always my favorite game, so I tried to combine the two.

It's not my best, but she's as finished as she's gonna get. Sorry if she's not to anyones liking.


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Hibiki (The Last Blade > The Last Remnant) Winmugen

Hibiki (The Last Blade > The Last Remnant) 1.0

[AI Video] Sorry for the super laggy parts. My computer is a piece of junk. I got it about 4 years ago from a friend, who happens to be rich and has a super computer nonetheless, who had had it for about 10 years.




"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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It's not obligatory to have an avatar anyway, but it would be nice

Hibiki Takane is also one of my favorite characters but I never played Last Remnant, but this one looks fun to play, Gettin' it.

Just edit the link and remove the last "/" ;p

actually it is ask ryon he wants all active users to have avatars I lost track of how many times hes told people to get an avatar.


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now about the character I love what you did with the button press thing after certain hits thats awesome she is going in my roster shes not to overpowered not to fast or anything I like her alot! if i find any bugs I will let you know but so far none.


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np you considering making anymore of the lastblade chars using this style? best hibiki ive ever played. ok found a few bugs. 1. for some strange reason on some of her basics she gets stuck in a loop it happens with her ai to it doesn't happen all the time but randomly she will get stuck in a loop and cant be hit out of it or anything she just freezes there doing the same thing over and over. 2. her sword rain needle rain idk what it is w.e the attack is slows down mugen ALOT like tremendiously. thats all I have found thus far that animation bug really needs to be fixed though.


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seriously i cant play with her cause i cant DL on this puter but those blood effects look badass............. and Larrys right Ry dosnt like active people to not have an Avy hell he had to do this one for me because no matter what the hell i did it wouldnt stick for some reason Meh oh well


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Noctis i'm glad you decided to post her. i'll happily test her and make a video with some gameplay with a find time. thanks SO much for posting brother. EDIT: AHHHH!! 404!! NOT FOUND! please fix. I've waited so long to test her.

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Shit fuck!! Don't blame me for the errors! I was literally up until 4 AM working on her. I wasn't at my best. Sorry. Anyways, updated her since I released her. Everyone should seriously redownload her. Read her Read Me document for the updates and movelist.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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Seriously? I removed more than 80% of the sparkles, only half the amount of swords spawn and they all disappear twice as fast. Wtf, guys? I don't lag at all. If Thor's hammer makes you lag, that I would understand. Because for some reason, when I hit the opponent and make the lightning effects spawn on the opponent, for some reason it instantly spawns like 100. It's supposed to only spawn 10 at the most. >_< ......Would someone be willing to record how bad the lag is so I can decide how much more to remove? Because I don't lag. If you guys are talking about everything slowing down when that ring appears, thats supposed to happen. It's the slow motion effect. Edit: I removed more helpers, but I can't remove much more. There's barely any helpers now.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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Ah, I fixed Thor's Hammer. I realized that I had it spawning a helper, that spawned a dozen helpers, 7 times. Re-uploading. Download in a minute. That is the last problem I've found. You guys said the raining sword helper, but that was Thor's Hammer. So I was confused.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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For that attack, I removed practically everything. If you downloaded her right now and use that attack and still lag, then I don't know how to help you.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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I found the real error. her new file STILL lags mugen. the reason why. you coded her WinMugen. shes not optimized for Mugen 1.0, and yes simple things like this happens when a character is not optimized for 1.0. if you want to experience the error. download mugen 1.0, and try her then you can see the error yourself.

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