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NGBC Yuki by hilune released 27/12/2011

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protip most stuff v-nix shows off thats not the release is a private wip by somebody that he somehow always gets ahold of. idk about this one though. also yuki crashes 1.0 for a few errors with variables.


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protip most stuff v-nix shows off thats not the release is a private wip by somebody that he somehow always gets ahold of. idk about this one though.

also yuki crashes 1.0 for a few errors with variables.

Well I'm still interested) If she is private, then its 90% that she can be traded for other private chars. So maybe I can make it. V-Nix can you please give some info on that char? http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png

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Search Draculina, Mugen, google. You'll find her first few results on google, shared. On the actual character released, kinda looks cool, but makes me wonder if I should try the actual NGBC to try it out.

Thanx, so its Draculina, hope it works (because no results for "Draculess" as in the picture)

doubt it mugen is not a trading card game people don't do that. plus the fact if its a wip why would you want it wait till its done lol.

Believe me dude, there are quite some private edits, the only way to get which you must trade it for other private chars. I did it several times, because those people didn't want to give these chars to me for free http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png

P.S. I will share and post here those private chars I traded soon, cuz I'm not some trader) But alas, most chars by ADKYO, juanox, Clayton and some others can be got only by trading and diplomatic skillz lol http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png

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sharing is caring : ) also to fix the 1.0 crash Open -2.st and delete this line [state -2 : クリップボード] Type = DisplayToClipboard Trigger1 = 1 Text = "Var(29) = %d, Var(16) = %d, Var(18) = %d, Var(23) = %d, FVar(4) = %lf" Params = Var(29), Var(16), Var(18), Var(23), FVar(4) works easily afterwards.


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Thanx, so its Draculina, hope it works (because no results for "Draculess" as in the picture)

Believe me dude, there are quite some private edits, the only way to get which you must trade it for other private chars. I did it several times, because those people didn't want to give these chars to me for free http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png

P.S. I will share and post here those private chars I traded soon, cuz I'm not some trader) But alas, most chars by ADKYO, juanox, Clayton and some others can be got only by trading and diplomatic skillz lol http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png

Might not work, these are private chars obtained from friends who don't want ANYONE else to have it

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i only had one freind that had a private char and it died when he deleted his mugen, had had made an SNK style sprited Trapjaw From MOTU , i begged him to give it to me before he quit mugen but he saud no and deleted it .... and now i no longer speak to that sum bitch


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