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Disgaea 2 Zenon's Palace

O Ilusionista

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This is the Zenon's Castle, from the great game Disgaea 2.

On the original game, its just a static image.

What is new:

- shadow effect at the right area

- new animated sky

- animated wiseman

Its the first stage I do on my notebook so the fps at the video is a tad lower. God knows who my notebook can handle a PS2 emu at 60fps but can't handle mugen very well...


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Download: http://adf.ly/4Q8pt



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yeah this stage looks really nice good job. I wish we had more disgaea stages in mugen espescially from the new one.

thanks. I plan to make more stage from this game. Disgaea its one of my favourite games of all time (along with Shinning Force I & II).

About the newer versions, I need to find the images.

Great stage dude! I'd hate to Hijack your topic but, would you mind linking me that axl? unless it's on the forum of course

Its private, sorry



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those are good ideas too : o, well theres no actual real image you could just make into a stage easily it would require editing this is prinny land.

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I was wanting the floor to be the prinnies of course it would require alot of editing then having like the prinnies of different ranks standing 1 by 1 on the pillars in the backround something like that.

also if i can find a clean image of Laharls bedroom would be cool and the throne room.


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