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Most Overhated Character(s)?


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Super Mario 64, he's HILARIOUS. I mean the Stickman14 edit, that AT LEAST fixes the A.I. I don't mind the SGS... Super Mario 64 was a important childhood game of mine, too. It feels nice to go around owning with a character-ification of one of the first games I ever played.


Superman Reeve, once again, HILARIOUS. It couldn't have been easy to spriteswap over a DBZ character with 3 modes, and at least have the result kinda work and fit with the target characters powers and such. Kinda... I like the transition animations too, you don't see that often in characters...


SNS's characters, why do I bring them up so much...


MUGENX's characters. At LEAST his Kirby and Mario. The attempt of retro SSB characters is cool, I guess... His Kirby has some awesome copy abilities, too. (I seriously found Dio's steamroller in his sprite file...)


Felix's SpongeBob, (Non-Kinoshota one) if someone removed the EoH template, this would be a decent SpongeBob...


Well, that's all I have...

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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 - Gurospooo.


It's bad, but I personally think it gets more hate than it really should. A lot of the people who bash it tend to focus more on the spriting (same author as D4 Miku) and the shocking imagery.


 - GooGoo64's characters.


They're also bad, but at least they're funny to watch if you've been having a bad day (though to be fair, there's a lot of mugen chars like that).


 - Chuchoryu's characters.


They're not very good, but the amount of negative attention these characters receive is more than necessary for what are essentially meant to be eternal betas.

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32 minutes ago, Dumanios said:

 - Gurospooo.


It's bad, but I personally think it gets more hate than it really should. A lot of the people who bash it tend to focus more on the spriting (same author as D4 Miku) and the shocking imagery.


 - GooGoo64's characters.


They're also bad, but at least they're funny to watch if you've been having a bad day (though to be fair, there's a lot of mugen chars like that).


 - Chuchoryu's characters.


They're not very good, but the amount of negative attention these characters receive is more than necessary for what are essentially meant to be eternal betas.


Awwww man, I forgot completely about these. I agree totally. I had Gurospoo in my second roster, I've seen his winposes, the attacks during that door hyper, a lot of things on him, and I didn't think he was THAT bad...

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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So, you like them for that, or is that why everyone hates them? (Me included...) If it's the latter, I have to change my list...

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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3 hours ago, Dumanios said:
3 hours ago, Dumanios said:
1 hour ago, Starmie said:
1 hour ago, Starmie said:

I think Snowwolf's characters are my hated characters because they're cheap and when you're about to defeat them they 1 hit KO you

I think Snowwolf's characters are my hated characters because they're cheap and when you're about to defeat them they 1 hit KO you





Key work: OVERhated. as in characters you think are overhated.

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*Yu-Toharu's Miku

People get salty over it purely because of the AI. Need I say more?


*Choiyer's Haruhi

This is understandable considering that she's rather unbalanced and has unnecessary hentai compatibilities, but the character gets more hate than it deserves.


*Zero Sennin's Haruhi edit

99% of us can agree that Zero's edit to Choiyer's Haruhi is considerably a downgrade to the original (me included), although the amount of hate for this surpasses the hate for the original Haruhi.


*Drowin's Earthbound characters

They're often hated for being shoddily done and glitchy which is true to an extent. However, these characters were made and released back in 2005 and haven't been updated by Drowin since. The same can be said for his Naruto and Itachi.


*Merufimu's characters

I can definitely agree that Merufimu made insanely cheap characters, but they're fun to play as and can provide a challenge to those who decided to fight them (Provided you're at least a novice MUGEN player). The only parts of the hate I can fully understand is the unnecessary cheap modes and unbalanced attacks.

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On ‎3‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 6:10 PM, EndercreeperMugen said:
On ‎3‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 6:10 PM, EndercreeperMugen said:

*Yu-Toharu's Miku

People get salty over it purely because of the AI. Need I say more?


*Choiyer's Haruhi

This is understandable considering that she's rather unbalanced and has unnecessary hentai compatibilities, but the character gets more hate than it deserves.


*Zero Sennin's Haruhi edit

99% of us can agree that Zero's edit to Choiyer's Haruhi is considerably a downgrade to the original (me included), although the amount of hate for this surpasses the hate for the original Haruhi.


*Drowin's Earthbound characters

They're often hated for being shoddily done and glitchy which is true to an extent. However, these characters were made and released back in 2005 and haven't been updated by Drowin since. The same can be said for his Naruto and Itachi.


*Merufimu's characters

I can definitely agree that Merufimu made insanely cheap characters, but they're fun to play as and can provide a challenge to those who decided to fight them (Provided you're at least a novice MUGEN player). The only parts of the hate I can fully understand is the unnecessary cheap modes and unbalanced attacks.

*Yu-Toharu's Miku

People get salty over it purely because of the AI. Need I say more?




Pretty sure people hate Yu's Miku because of her screen filling attack (on of which is a SPECIAL), broken strikers, 100 defensive mechanics, odd block restrictions, weird gameplay, etc.

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  • 1 month later...
On ‎4‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 2:22 AM, Triborg said:

Mostly spriteswaps and more crap elements like Josh Geary (code stealing) and Mrsonicfan17 (tries to be famous but his sprites are painful)


I was talking about characters you think are overhated, not characters you hate.

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-The characters by Actarus(Aka Easychar) he made a badly made version of Peter Griffin.


- The characters by Kingstar is similar to Actarus and he made his own badly version of Max Payne.


-Maximus(LOL, his creator has the same name) this character has poorly made attacks, poorly animations and bad voice quality.

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2 hours ago, Masterhand128 said:

-The characters by Actarus(Aka Easychar) he made a badly made version of Peter Griffin.


- The characters by Kingstar is similar to Actarus and he made his own badly version of Max Payne.


-Maximus(LOL, his creator has the same name) this character has poorly made attacks, poorly animations and bad voice quality.


On 3/16/2016 at 8:37 PM, Weiss_Circal said:



Key work: OVERhated. as in characters you think are overhated.


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On ‎3‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 6:37 PM, Dumanios said:

 - Chuchoryu's characters.


They're not very good, but the amount of negative attention these characters receive is more than necessary for what are essentially meant to be eternal betas.

I actually like Chuchoryu's characters, they have excellent sprite work and are able to be excellent, unfortunately he needs to focus on finishing one character instead of releasing multiple betas at once. I find some of his CVS MK characters to be his best work. But they need polishing. I'd edit them myself but I have lost all of the few skills I had in coding.


It begins again, MORTAL KOMBAAAAAAAAAT!!!!

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