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[3DS]Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dreamdrop Distance


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Well its not the kingdom hearts 3 most fanboys/girls have been anticipating more like kingdom hearts 2.5. Don't get me wrong its not a prequel the story takes place right after kingdom hearts 2 as sora and riku are summoned to take the test for the mark of mastery in order to become full fledged keyblade masters. Gameplay mechanics seems to be using the same one as Birth by sleep. Expect to be revisiting some of the old worlds but some of the new worlds would be Tron: legacy and Hunchback of Notre Dame. Although characters from ''The World Ends with You'' seems to be deeply involve in some of the storyline although this could just be the story setting for traverse town.

Although Im not interested in the pet system the game seems to be going to have. When my old ds finally breaks i might get the 3ds for this game, Mario 3D and Zelda 3D.

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After waiting this long, I'm considering this KH3 for me. The game-play and story-line is too much for 2.5 that it should have been Kingdom Hearts 3 and been for the for all Consoles(Or PS3 and Xbox360). Well... now I shall buy a 3DS, If there's a Kingdom Hearts 3 it's going to be overwhelming enough to become Game of the Year. Do anyone think that Micky's voice in Japanese is Hilarious?

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this is 3....I now have proof....at the end it shows a mix of the openings from Kh1 and Kh2 when sora falls (kh1) and the steps (kh2) where he meets namine...and then the hidden scene that was supposed to be kh3 (ended up being BBS opening) now fuses witht he final fight from kh2 and when terranort (when terra fused with xehanort) and vanitas speak to sora (even tho Vanitas speaking to sora is impossible even in a dream...)

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why the fuck would they make a Birth By sleep 2? there's no need for it. Birth by sleep is a prequel to 1 which prequels re:coded and chain of memories which prequels Kh2....the fuck? we're gonna be like fucking DMC in a second teh starting DMC is like 5 then 3 then 4 then 2 then 1 or (1 then 2)

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lol pretty much, I am guessing birth by sleep 2 is going to be a sequel to KH2 where sora goes to find aqua and ventus in the darkness, but then that makes me wonder when does this one even take place.


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lol pretty much, I am guessing birth by sleep 2 is going to be a sequel to KH2 where sora goes to find aqua and ventus in the darkness, but then that makes me wonder when does this one even take place.

It's probably gonna end up being some weird ass dream. Who the hell knows. One of us will have to play and beat the game to find out


Pretty silly in some cases, isn't it?

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fuck it i'll just buy em and beat em....the only one i haven't played fully through is CoM and 358/2 days...oh and Re:Coded

In other words, all the OTHER games that starred Sora that weren't part of the main story. (358/2 days counts. Roxa = Sora's Nobody after all)


Pretty silly in some cases, isn't it?

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I beat the original chain of memories for the gba not the remake yet, I played through like half of 358/2 days, and i am still in the middle of coded idk about it, its not all that amazing its really just a redo of the story sora lost his memories inside a computer or something. It seems kind of lame to me honestly.


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I beat the original chain of memories for the gba not the remake yet, I played through like half of 358/2 days, and i am still in the middle of coded idk about it, its not all that amazing its really just a redo of the story sora lost his memories inside a computer or something. It seems kind of lame to me honestly.

Played the Original CoM - Very good game in my opinion. Was one of the games I played the most on my gameboy

As well as half of 358/2 days - The story was interesting, but the whole mission idea kind of pissed me off.


Pretty silly in some cases, isn't it?

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why the fuck would they make a Birth By sleep 2? there's no need for it. Birth by sleep is a prequel to 1 which prequels re:coded and chain of memories which prequels Kh2....the fuck? we're gonna be like fucking DMC in a second teh starting DMC is like 5 then 3 then 4 then 2 then 1 or (1 then 2)

In Kingdom Hearts BBS Final Mix there is a secret ending that teases that there is going to be a Volume 2 that fills in the gap between KH2 and BBS


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@Larry: Actually Re-Coded the real Sora never appears. The Sora you use is a AI program created to be like Sora. The "data" Sora knows he's only an imitation of the real thing (and his personality IS different). The story happens because Jimmy found some inconsistencies with the journal, blank pages and this strange note. So King Mickey, being that resourceful chap he is, have this neat computer which turns all the journal into data, he creates a "Sora" so he can navigate and fix the bugs, some corrupted data fragment and with this discover about the CoM events and some other stuff.

@whoever is talking about BBS2: I think the secret video was about the 3DS game. Every KH game got a video about the game which is being released just next. IF it's going to have a BBS2 the secret video is going to be on the 3DS one.

About KH3: unless Nomura changed his mind, he said in at least 2 interviews he wants to make KH3 on PS3


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  • 3 months later...

Guess I'll take over even though there isnt much left to announce that people don't already know.....

The game was released in Japan on March 29, 2012

US Release date confirmed for July 31, 2012

EU Release date is August 3, 2012

Lately the official website has been getting updates(it even has its own drop meter ^^) http://www.square-en....jp/kingdom/3d/

Samples of the OST keep getting updated periodically here http://www.square-en...sem/page/kh/3d/

The last samples to be added are as follows:

Disc 1



Disc 2



Disc 3



There's a ton of info I would love to add to the post but I'd be spoiling the game for myself and any others who care

Oh July, WHY SO FAR :cry2:

I might have OCD because seeing the title the way it is, is driving me crazy. it just needs a space and a capitalization then it'll be perfect........perfect....

If you want my released works, go here.

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This game looks fun. I've played KH (hard damn game), KH2 (just got bored, no mem card), and emulated the GBA one (I spazzedout XD), but I think I might try to make rhis the first oneI own. Honestly, I really stopped following the whole storyline of KH.

All your bass belong to me. Hand over the headphones.

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  • 3 months later...

This was a great amazingly epic game but.....BBS is still better IMO.

I feel as though the flowmotion stuff was really cool but the combat system was lacking SOMETHING. Or it could just be the way the 3DS is and the command system wasnt the best choice.

Just my opinion.

If you want my released works, go here.

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