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Alright its quite something than nothing.
one thing i didn't get properly is:

  • scale - The value by which to zoom in. A value of 1.0 or greater is required. A value of 2 will double the scale of all sprites.

this code is gonna be like that.
[State 0]
type = Zoom
scale = value = 1.0 ;something
pos = x, y
i have to set value as well.. or its default and i need to leave it be ''Scale = value''?


  • 0

I had try to use it.

[State n,Zoom sample]

type = Zoom
trigger1 = MoveHit
pos = 0,0 ; look point
postype = p2  ;pos option
scale = 1.2  ;zoom in scale(float)
;lag = 0  ; time gap on zoom?


[pos & postype]

set center point.

same as pos parameter on other state controller.



set zoom magnification by float.

If you want to zoom in x1.2, set scale = 1.2

to zoom out x0.8, set scale = 0.8

( zoom out < 1.0<zoom in)


this state controller work like this.





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I tried to put this and it shows on red underlined text.

i am using 1.0 so...

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