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Corpse Released by Ahuron (25-11-2015) and updated (26-11-2015)


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For those who do not know what to do open the file corpse.cns file go to the section that says State def 1315 and search below for this section v

[State 600, 2]
type = HitDef
triggerall = root,var(7) = 0
triggerall = enemynear,stateno != [5040,5049]
trigger1 = time = 0
attr = A, SP
animtype  = diagup
damage    = floor(-124*root,fvar(5)),10     <<<<<<<<<take out the - from this and you should get damage
priority = 4, Hit
getpower = 47,47
givepower = 16,16
guardflag = M
pausetime = 0,12
sparkno = s700200
sparkxy = 0,0
hitsound   = s1300,1
guard.sparkno = s701200
guardsound = s400,1
ground.type = low
ground.slidetime = 18
ground.hittime  = 18
guard.slidetime = 16
guard.hittime  = 16
ground.velocity = -6.1,-8
air.velocity = -6.6,-8
yaccel = 0.45
fall.recover = 0
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
ID = 600
nochainID = 9999

too lazy to do it? here you go http://www.mediafire.com/download/n4t2kfdyykc2oty/Corpse.cns

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For those who do not know what to do open the file corpse.cns file go to the section that says State def 1315 and search below for this section v

[State 600, 2]
type = HitDef
triggerall = root,var(7) = 0
triggerall = enemynear,stateno != [5040,5049]
trigger1 = time = 0
attr = A, SP
animtype  = diagup
damage    = floor(-124*root,fvar(5)),10     <<<<<<<<<take out the - from this and you should get damage
priority = 4, Hit
getpower = 47,47
givepower = 16,16
guardflag = M
pausetime = 0,12
sparkno = s700200
sparkxy = 0,0
hitsound   = s1300,1
guard.sparkno = s701200
guardsound = s400,1
ground.type = low
ground.slidetime = 18
ground.hittime  = 18
guard.slidetime = 16
guard.hittime  = 16
ground.velocity = -6.1,-8
air.velocity = -6.6,-8
yaccel = 0.45
fall.recover = 0
fall = 1
fall.recover = 0
ID = 600
nochainID = 9999

too lazy to do it? here you go http://www.mediafire.com/download/n4t2kfdyykc2oty/Corpse.cns

Thanks Morbid, your a lifesaver


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