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character problem in Valeri Flux Screenpacks



so I already make a combination port, winner port and small port for Ragna Devilpp version 

here's the pitcure 

small ports: 


combination ports:


winner ports:


now here is the problem Ragna Devilpp version is 1.0 in order to make 3 ports works on valeri flux project screenpacks I need to make him into 1.1 but the rules in that sceenpacks is make every character have a localcoord around: 1280, 720 

so I follow the rules and I add the localcoord to ragna. the ports already fits on the sceenpack but the character turn into tinny in the games I try to change the size of the CNS into his normal size but his move turns into slow and the effect sprite not following his size 



please help me out if you know how to codec him into his normal size or is it wrong I change his SFF. into 1.1? or he is only for 1.0?


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