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Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Black chaos

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Some I understand: Marrow is a no-factor character for many years now (and wasn't too popular to begin with), Cable is dead (actually he just got back and just kicked Cap America's ass, as usual) and Venom is very different from the older one and his status quo is changing right now at the comics (btw, he's currently Flash Thompson and he just kicked Cap America's ass too. Even Aunt May hit him)

But I don't see a reason why Cyclops, Iceman, Psyloque, Rogue or Colossus are out. Okay, Colossus kinda of merged with Juggernaut and I don't have any idea what the hell is going on, but whatever. Some other new members are odd choices, like the raccoon. I actually like Dr Strange and was happy he was included, I still got to test him.

On Capcom side I miss mostly MegaMan and Captain Commando. I enjoyed to play as Hayato too and it could have been nice if they added Batsu from TvC but I guess we can't have it all

Cyclops, Iceman, rouge, psylocke and colossus were bullshit characters. Iceman and Cyclops dont know shit other than projectiles, rouge had up the ass retared moves colossus wasnt bullshit but he was a waster of time. he was only good for his super armor and his blockable command throw. Psylock was nothing but bullshit 2. as for capcom megaman is being trolled of course, capt commando is replaced by c.viper, hayato was replaced by vergil, and batsu is now a card. Overall all of those characters and more are now cards

and to be honest I can call hypocrite on a majority of people protesting against megaman seeing that nobody really used him. I think out of all the times ive played people and seen people play MvC2 ive only seen megaman 20 times maybe 25 but hes one of the rare people ive seen play megaman and half of them werent even that good. they were assist whoring with other charcaters whilethey continously use the mega buster fully charged

Jill and Shuma are DLC from MvC3 I don't count them as DLC characters for UMvC3

No that was punishment for ppl who didnt buy vanilla



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I don't see why people want Cyclops in. He's just so bland, being just another beam character and all. I'd much rather have someone who is not another X-Men as DLC, like Doc Oc or Black Cat. And I think if any Megaman is gonna be in, it'll be Classic Megaman. To be honest though (I'm so getting flack for this), after the countless, barbaric whining on EVERY UMvC3 video on Youtube, I don't really want him in. No offence to anyone here who's a fan.


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Last month there was this awesome fight between Cyclops and an alternative Storm in the comics. He used his blasts for some very varied things like small delayed bursts and even to break his fall! It was one nice air battle. But yeah, he still mainly a beam character (except when he was possessed by Apocalypse, I GOTTA to read those)


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It looks like capcom didn't count voting, cuz now we'd have Venom and Megaman X.

But I do want Gene from God Hand - i think he's quite possible, we already have Amaterasu and Viewtiful Joe after all.

Also I'd like to see Jedah from Darkstalkers, but I think he's not gonna make it. Too gory and bloody for this game lol http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png

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yeah jedah is a no its a teen game not m lol. Only reason demitri didn't make it is cause of the midnight bliss stuff they would need to do.

I hope gene makes it in too he would be fun to have, with his moves from the game.

the only x-men character I Want in now is gambit I loved playing as him in MVC2.

also we did get megaman X look at zeros alt costume http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png

I want other people though like the servbot on its own i would totally pay 5 bucks for that XD. we mine as well have nero now that we dante and vergil,

I also want franzisca de karma from phoenix wright it turns out she was supposed to be playable in TVC and they scrapped it cause of the word bubble idea, well lookie we have it now so put her in damn it D<. she uses a whip and stuff its pretty cool.

I would love to have ibuki from street fighter one of the few sf characters I really like

theres alot more that I can't think of atm I am happy with alot of the new characters the ones I approve are strider, phoenix wright, ghost rider, dr strange, frank west. mainly cause I voted on ghost rider strange strider and phoenix, the only one i voted for that didn't make it was gambit D<. Im not a fan of the others rocket raccoon? who the hell cares about him hes just a midboss

idk who iron fist was till this gave i knew hawkeye barely. Nova idk who the hell that is either and idc to know lol. theres always hope for DLC characters though capcom said they would be making more for ultimate marvel.


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You know i figured out a good reason why capcom did what they did by not counting the roster list and that was because the only character people more likely requested were beam characters. and everyone loves beam characters so they run away and play keep away like little bitches



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some of those costumes look pretty cool. lolz at Arthur's zombie outfit (modelled after the zombies from Ghosts 'n Goblins), Red Arremer/Firebrand looks decent although I hated fighting those things in Ghouls 'n Ghosts. I know Ammy's outfit is supposed to be Gallon/Jon Talbain but to me it looks like Repede from Tales of Vesperia. Yeeaahh Rocket Raccoon's old outfit from his earlier comics http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png . Isn't Vergil's alternate outfit based on DMC1 (I know he was in it but i have never actually played it)?



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getting this for xmas. anyway i would've wanted Amingo, Sonson, and Megaman to be in the roster but oh...well http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//mellow.png

1st the Saiki/Remy dilemma, now this? its official....WERE BEST FRIENDS http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png


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has anyone tried the heroes and heralds mode yet?? btw the game is hardbody on the psvita!! a buddy of mines copped the import psvita and umvc3 was just released on thursday. is it me , or does iron fist plays like a felon / polymar hybrid?? well anywho, so far my faves of the new characters are phoenix wright , nemesis, ironfist , strider and firebrand. the buffs and nerfs were decent at the most, so i think this game was pretty great good. yeah the roster could use a few more, but i think cashcom is standing firm on who we got now.


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how can you like pheonix wright?

he is in no way a fighter and his moves are just rediculous.

well pheonix wright WAS godlike in that game til they nerfed him. and it was 90% of the reason ppl were using pheonix wright in the first place. His turnabout assist was besically the best assist in the game but now they made it so that he can be hit out of it now.



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i liked his playstyle from finding the clues while in the middle of the chaos that's going on was hectic, but neat. yeah dude screams gimmick character, but this one was okay to try out with the right squad. i'm tight that they took my skeletor color from taskmaster though.......


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