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Explod Turning Problem



Hey guys I'm having a bit of an issue here, so my character has a weapon attached to his arms, this is done through Explods.

The Problem is when the opponent jumps over me the characters turns automatically, but the Explod does not, here's a GIF demonstrating it.

But if I move after the character turned it returns to normal (show in the 2nd GIF), can someone help me fix this? I think it's either by removing the explod and then using a separate explod one for when the char is facing left and onother one for right, but I just don´t know what triggers to use. 



8 answers to this question

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Facing = 1 for when you character is facing right.

Facing = -1 for when your character is facing left.

You could make it so that the explod's offset and facing are modified via of modifyexplod, like:

[State 0, 1]

type = ModifyExplod

trigger1 = 1

ID = 1106

facing = ifelse(facing = 1,1,-1)

pos = ifelse(facing = 1,x,x),0

sprpriority = -1


Where X is the posisition it should be at.


I would personally use a helper like this (but only if the sword is present on every animation, which I think it should be?):



; Shield

[Statedef 10000]

type = A

movetype = I

physics = N

anim = 9999

sprpriority = 3



[State 0, NotHitBy]

type = NotHitBy

trigger1 = 1

value = SCA,AA,AP,AT

time = -1

ignorehitpause = 1


[State 0, Turn]

type = Turn

trigger1 = parent, facing = 1

trigger1 = facing != 1

trigger2 = parent, facing = -1

trigger2 = facing != -1

ignorehitpause = 1


[State 211, 0]

type = VarSet

trigger1 = time = 0

v = 0

value = parent, StateNo


[State 211, 1]

type = ChangeAnim

trigger1 = AnimExist(parent, Anim + 10000)

value = parent, Anim + 10000

elem = Parent, AnimElemNo(0)


[State 211, 2]

type = BindToParent

trigger1 = 1

pos = 0, 0


and it's activated at the start of the match in state -2

Also you would need a var to detect if you were in a custom state so the sword would disappear on custom states or something. otherwise it'll look wonky when you get grabbed.


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ok the helper method worked by I need to remove the helper allways if the the characters is not standing (stateno= 0) or walking (stateno= 20) (cause this is only for those states)

I can´t figure out how to remove them I've tried using a Destroyself like this:

[State 19000]

type = DestroySelf

trigger1 = stateno != 0 || stateno != 20

but it does not work I wish there was i RemoveHelper state controller

Anyone could help in this?

and thanks Whiplash for providing the awesome code

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You know I had a very similar problem with my Kirito. since he has a dual sword mode, i had trouble with the turning.

OH by the way are you remaking a older Raziel? cause the sprites look familiar.

Hey Ryon

 I'm working with the creator of the sprites his forums name is DARK!!, and chuchoryu made an old version with him, I love chuchoryu's chars but his raziel to me was not raziel, since I'm an hardcore Leacy of Kain fan I know everything about Raziel, and now I'm creating a Raziel that its failthful to the games.

 Raziel isn´t raziel without the Soul Reaver Weapon (Wich I ripped the blade myself from the game)

 I am actually creating a full game project with him Legacy of Kain Mugen with more chars from the Lok series as well.

Soon I'm going to start creating the screenpack and lifebars thanks to your tutorials.

Also thanks for the teaching me how to create those GIFs.

How's your SSGSS Goku by the way loving the BETA!

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I already selected the best answer button right when I solved the problem ,that post got moved to the top of the page when I clicked the button, its there.

Good to know your already in his finishing touches, damn your fast Lol, Looking forward to it!.

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