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Need help resampling/editing cmd file!?



Hey Guys,

Maybe u know the problem...
Sometimes i download a char and i like it expect that some moves are veryhard to pull off..
so i tried to resample/resign the moves in the Cmd. file.
Now for example ive downloaded akuma by Mr.Anatsuken and i really like the oni he did.
when i look into the cmd there are moves like this one :

name = "Shinbuu Messatsu"
command = x, x, F, a, s
time = 30
name = "Shinbuu Messatsu"
command = x, x, F, a+s
time = 30
name = "Shinbuu Messatsu"
command = x, x, F+a+s
time = 30
name = "Shinbuu Messatsu"
command = F, DF, D, DB, B, s
time = 30

what i like to do now is to change it lets say :

~D, DF, F, ~s

so i looked through the cmd file and saw that theres already another move which is executed like that.
i thought i just have to change the move to lets say

~D, DF, F, ~s, s, a, x

and give the shinbuu messatsu
~D, DF, F, ~s

when i did all of that and saved the char via ff3 i opened my mugen and what happened?
exactly : nothing ! now oni does no move at all when i press ~D, DF, F, ~s...

so anybody know a tutorial or can explain it to me step by step?
im not new to mugen but im more the "mugen user" than the great editor.
it would be very kind if someone could explain it plain and simple , step by step so i can start resampling some chars.

its like all the time ive tried to editing moves (since i ever know mugen) its not working when i try to change the commands.
is there any specific thing i have to do when i trie to edit the cmd?

i hope you all have a great day and thx in advance smiley.gif

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you can't use ~s, because sencing when your release a button does not work well with command buffers.


try this.




for the sake of testing try that.


if it works, then change to another command. something that does NOT resemble another move.

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And in case you really feel like getting your hands dirty, here's what everything in the .cmd file does, so you can change it to suit your needs:

;The semi-colons are there so you can copy this chunk of text and paste it in the

;top of your cmd file if you want.


; 1. Command definition
; ---------------------
; Note: The commands are CASE-SENSITIVE, and so are the command names.
; The eight directions are:
;   B, DB, D, DF, F, UF, U, UB     (all CAPS)
;   corresponding to back, down-back, down, downforward, etc.
; The six buttons are:
;   a, b, c, x, y, z               (all lower case)
;   In default key config, abc are are the bottom, and xyz are on the
;   top row. For 2 button characters, we recommend you use a and b.
;   For 6 button characters, use abc for kicks and xyz for punches.
; Each [Command] section defines a command that you can use for
; state entry, as well as in the CNS file.
; The command section should look like:
;   [Command]
;   name = some_name
;   command = the_command
;   time = time (optional)
;   buffer.time = time (optional)
; - some_name
;   A name to give that command. You'll use this name to refer to
;   that command in the state entry, as well as the CNS. It is case-
;   sensitive (QCB_a is NOT the same as Qcb_a or QCB_A).
; - command
;   list of buttons or directions, separated by commas. Each of these
;   buttons or directions is referred to as a "symbol".
;   Directions and buttons can be preceded by special characters:
;   slash (/) - means the key must be held down
;          egs. command = /D       ;hold the down direction
;               command = /DB, a   ;hold down-back while you press a
;   tilde (~) - to detect key releases
;          egs. command = ~a       ;release the a button
;               command = ~D, F, a ;release down, press fwd, then a
;          If you want to detect "charge moves", you can specify
;          the time the key must be held down for (in game-ticks)
;          egs. command = ~30a     ;hold a for at least 30 ticks, then release
;   dollar ($) - Direction-only: detect as 4-way
;          egs. command = $D       ;will detect if D, DB or DF is held
;               command = $B       ;will detect if B, DB or UB is held
;   plus (+) - Buttons only: simultaneous press
;          egs. command = a+b      ;press a and b at the same time
;               command = x+y+z    ;press x, y and z at the same time
;   greater-than (>) - means there must be no other keys pressed or released
;                      between the previous and the current symbol.
;          egs. command = a, >~a   ;press a and release it without having hit
;                                  ;or released any other keys in between
;   You can combine the symbols:
;     eg. command = ~30$D, a+b     ;hold D, DB or DF for 30 ticks, release,
;                                  ;then press a and b together
;   Note: Successive direction symbols are always expanded in a manner similar
;         to this example:
;           command = F, F
;         is expanded when MUGEN reads it, to become equivalent to:
;           command = F, >~F, >F
;   It is recommended that for most "motion" commads, eg. quarter-circle-fwd,
;   you start off with a "release direction". This makes the command easier
;   to do.
; - time (optional)
;   Time allowed to do the command, given in game-ticks. The default
;   value for this is set in the [Defaults] section below. A typical
;   value is 15.
; - buffer.time (optional)
;   Time that the command will be buffered for. If the command is done
;   successfully, then it will be valid for this time. The simplest
;   case is to set this to 1. That means that the command is valid
;   only in the same tick it is performed. With a higher value, such
;   as 3 or 4, you can get a "looser" feel to the command. The result
;   is that combos can become easier to do because you can perform
;   the command early. Attacks just as you regain control (eg. from
;   getting up) also become easier to do. The side effect of this is
;   that the command is continuously asserted, so it will seem as if
;   you had performed the move rapidly in succession during the valid
;   time. To understand this, try setting buffer.time to 30 and hit
;   a fast attack, such as KFM's light punch.
;   The default value for this is set in the [Defaults] section below.
;   This parameter does not affect hold-only commands (eg. /F). It
;   will be assumed to be 1 for those commands.
; If you have two or more commands with the same name, all of them will
; work. You can use it to allow multiple motions for the same move.
; Some common commands examples are given below.
; [Command] ;Quarter circle forward + x
; name = "QCF_x"
; command = ~D, DF, F, x
; [Command] ;Half circle back + a
; name = "HCB_a"
; command = ~F, DF, D, DB, B, a
; [Command] ;Two quarter circles forward + y
; name = "2QCF_y"
; command = ~D, DF, F, D, DF, F, y
; [Command] ;Tap b rapidly
; name = "5b"
; command = b, b, b, b, b
; time = 30
; [Command] ;Charge back, then forward + z
; name = "charge_B_F_z"
; command = ~60$B, F, z
; time = 10
; [Command] ;Charge down, then up + c
; name = "charge_D_U_c"
; command = ~60$D, U, c
; time = 10



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