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Need help fishing out a bug.



After many hours of trying to narrow down a particular bug, it turned out to be either a bug in the mugen engine itself, or in the program I'm using to run it. if someone would be willing to help, I can figure out which.

I run mugen on a mac using crossover which simulates a minimal windows environment inside what it calls a "bottle".

The bug is: using the button combination "a+b" while holding a directional as a trigger. This is apparently impossible on my computer, even with Kung-Fu Man, as trial and error eventually showed.

I'm hoping that someone else can open up Kung-Fu Man in Fighter Factory and input this bit of code to test the bug out. Preferably somebody running Windows, rather than Mac OS X.

_____________/ In the commands section of the .cmd file add


name = "x1"

command = a+b



name = "x2"

command = b+c


_____________/ In Statedef -1 in the .cmd file add

[state -1]

type = changestate

trigger1 = command = "x1"

trigger2 = command = "x2"

value = 40


When you play as Kung-Fu Man with that bit of code added, a+b or b+c should make him jump. However on my computer, if you're holding either forward, back or down, only b+c will make him jump.  a+b will do nothing.

If anyone else is able to reproduce this in a Windows environment, it seems the bug is in the mugen engine itself.  Otherwise it's probably the Windows simulation program I'm using to run mugen.

Any takers?



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I put the -1 chunk below the combo condition check and the commands under 2/3 Button Commands (if that part matters since they actually work already for you).


And np

Hmmm..  I've tried putting the code I posted at the top of the changestate section in the cmd so no other commands would get in the way.  I also tried erasing all other change states in the command file except for the ones I posted and I still get the bug.



Are you sure you aren't experiencing keyboard ghosting instead? I don't remeber what the default keyboard layout is or what you've changed the controls to but for example I can't hit Z & X simultaenously with the down or right arrows on my laptop.

What's keyboard ghosting?  I haven't changed the controls, but the symptom does sound similar.

EDIT:  Yea I'm gonna go with ghosting on this one.  The description just fits too perfectly.

Here's a link that explains what ghosting is and how it works.




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