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[Full Game]Sonic Fighting Remix : Unlimited Match


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Not in your screenshot. I see two baclk hedgehogs with red eyes.

Shadow, who only has a red eye color, and another black hedgehog, who has redly colored eye whites, and that's the character I'm worried about, because it could be another boring Sonic FC.


jesus christ you know literally nothing about the sonic series. and you need to stop commiting assumicide

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assumicide, you assume that every single character is just "derp depr bad funcharatar 0/10", there are only 2 fancharacters in this game confirmed as of now.


remember those old sonic mugen full games by others? of course you don't, this is the reason they all died out, because people doing the same thing as you scared them away by saying things like that.

Unlike them, I don't get scared.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If anything I'm in support of having Mephiles in this game. Not because Sonic '06 had great characters, but because of two things;


1) I need someone to spar with Silver.


2) In a Sonic fighting game, you should really branch out to every option available.


Also, I'm interested in seeing how he fights. Anything crystal-based? :3

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If anything I'm in support of having Mephiles in this game. Not because Sonic '06 had great characters, but because of two things;


1) I need someone to spar with Silver.


2) In a Sonic fighting game, you should really branch out to every option available.


Also, I'm interested in seeing how he fights. Anything crystal-based? :3



He'll have the generic light punch medium punch etc, that everyone has always wanted, and his moveset will be based on Darkness and such.

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I'm aware I clearly stole the "Unlimited Match" part from Kof2002um, but that isn't a problem. Also this is indeed a sequel to another full game I had made before, but as for what the first one was, we won't be going into that now.


Unfortunately, this game is in the VERY early stages, meaning I can't technically show a video of it, but I can provide images.












The type of fighting it is, I don't know the word for it but that will be cleared up when I can post a video of it.


As of now the confirmed characters are






Fiona Fox

E-123 Omega

Rain (Fan Character)

Aeon (Fan Character)


The Roster is not done, so this can change at any moment, If you want, you can leave a suggestion for a character, but I cannot promise everything suggested will be in. Also yes, that image is indeed animated, I guess you could say I was *puts on sunglasses* really feeling it.


Is that Super Scourge I see?

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....Um, nothing? Why in the hell do you think I would just cancel it? If you noticed in that topic I clearly stated in the last post that it is still in progress, I always make 2 games and then do something special afterwards.

Um, Why the hell would you work on another Full Game when you were working on one before?

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