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Noctis' WIP thread (Android 18/Agrias Oaks)


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[Finished WIP]

Agrias Oaks


I'm experimenting again with Agrias this time around. FYI that's a gif of her using Hyakuretsukyaku. I used Chun-Li as a base for her legs and...it's basically a frankensprite, okay? Please don't nitpick it. A lot of her moves are inspired by other, randomly selected characters. Most of which will be combined with abilities from FFT.

Her custom moves so far consist of Kikoken combined with Aura Blast, Sonic Thrust combined with Northswains Blade, Tiger Blade combined with Vanish & Dual Wield, Hyakuretsukyaku, Koku'en no Mai, Swallow Talon combined with Mincing Minuet and Dragon's Glare combined with Dragoon's Jump.

Her Specials consist of Cleansing Strike, Hallowed Bolt and Divine Ruination. All cause different status effects and attack in very different manners for the most part.

Her magic moves will consist of Fire (travels along the ground until it hits something), a homing Demi ball and Cure. Cure heals in increments of 2 for a total of 200 and it's not overpowered or broken. I promise.

Her stronger magic moves will consist of Target Holy (targets one character only), Ultima (think of it as defensive magic) and AoE Quake.

[Images & Videos]

I had more, but my backspace keeps turning into aa "go back to the previous page" button. So I don't give a fuck anymore.

Aura Blast


Magic Testing

Combo Testing

As I stated earlier. I'm experimenting with her again. Some ideas I had were unique combo starters and a Ranking system at the end of each round for example. Hold down your heavy attack button to charge up your attack. The more its charged, the more combos you can pull off before being flagged and blahblah I won't get into it. Don't really like it.

I like the Ranking system though, so that's staying. You can see a picture of it in the images above. Your rank is based off of these 4 factors. How long the battle goes on for, how many hits you chain together, how much damage you deal in a combo (combo being chained hits) and how much damage you've sustained. The ranking starts at SSS as the best rating, and from there down its SS, S, A, B, C, D and finally F. It's relatively easy to get an A rank or higher. Just chain those attacks well and you're pretty much good.

My current idea is a custom bar called Morale. It's different from the one I gave to Mai. This one has 3 charges and every time you complete an objective that will be randomly given to you at the start of the match, much like you got at the beginning of each battle in Final Fantasy Tactics, it gets charged one time. Each charge has a special ability.

A level 1 charge unlocks your Specials.
A level 2 charge unlocks her Summons.
A level 3 charge unlocks her Ultimate attacks. One ultimate magic attack or one ultimate Special attack.

Her level 3 ultimate magic attack is Aegis! Which I expect will make her more of a boss character because Aegis will immediately provide her with temporary immunity to Stagger (Protect/Shell), Regen and Reraise! Which means you'll have to kill her twice if she manages to pull off a Level 3 charge.

The rest of her style will be mostly the same as my older characters from the "Tales of" series. You can combo her Supers (those custom moves combined with FFT moves) up to 4 times in any order or in a specific order. Haven't fully decided yet, but for the most part she's gonna be a combo whore.

As for the objectives, they will be random and there will be as many as I can try to think of. If anyone has any ideas for me feel free to tell me. Objectives, custom attacks, charge abilities, etc.

Level 1**/***

  • Perform a Parry
  • Complete a Taunt without being interrupted
  • Deal 100 combo damage
  • Perform a 3-hit combo

Level 2**/***

  • Throw an opponent 2 times
  • Hit an opponent with Doom
  • Deal 200 combo damage
  • Perform an 8-hit combo

Level 3**/***

  • Charge up from around 0 to max without being interrupted
  • Deal 300 combo damage
  • Perform a 12-hit combo

*An Objective does not change between matches
**An Objective only needs to be completed once per match
/***An Objective must be completed for the previous level before unlocking the current level available

[Progress - 90%]
She's my main focus currently because, Fio can suck a knob. She's nearly done.


[Current WIP]
Fio Germi

[Gameplay & Images]
She's playing as close to her Arcade version as I can get her based off of whatever videos I watch. Her arsenal consists of a Pistol, Shotgun, Heavy Machinegun, Enemy Chaser/Rocket Launcher hybrid and regular grenades. Her hatchet and tonfa attacks are still in the works.

She starts off with a pistol as her main weapon and will obtain her other weapons whenever that hobo guy decides to show up and drop a fat block of text symbolizing said gun. Every gun has limited ammo except for her pistol.

I had more, but my backspace keeps turning into aa "go back to the previous page" button. So I don't give a fuck anymore.



Her mechanics are simple. Spam your limited grenades. Empty out your gun, reload. If it's anything but a pistol that runs out of ammo then you'll have to wait for Mr.Hobo to show up to get another gun, but he'll show up enough to where you can stock up on ammo before running out quite often. She moves very freely and shoots in most directions you want her to a lot like the game, but not 100%. I didn't get that invested in her. The fact that I made her considering how she had to be made was investment enough. Shit.

[Progress - 85%]
She has everything done except for being able to switch guns, the hobo ammo/gun guy, an AI, win pose, lose pose, taunt pose and intro pose which I am greatly procrastinating on because she drove me nuts a few weeks back and I'm getting revenge by ignoring her altogether. :^D


[Future WIP]
Android 18

[Gameplay & Images]
As custom as possible.

No images

Possibly the same as Agrias'. Been trying to come with up a game style for years. I finally realized I'm good at chaining/combos so it'll be something relating to that like Agrias or my "Tales of" characters with possibly a Morale bar.

[Progress - 1%]
I've only gotten some of the basics done as well as the portrait and small portrait.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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nice to see you back noctis :). Curious if you played Ouchi's agrias though it might have some stuff you could use.

I've already been all up in that shit weeks ago, bruh. She has things I don't want except for the new sprites he created of her which I've already gotten and have plans for. I forgot to add that I plan on giving her the Stone ability from Tactics. Not sure how to work it in as an attack yet, though. Maybe a taunt/intro/win for laughs? Or an actual attack. Idk.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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Welcome back Noctis. Looking forward to your Agrias.


For record sake, I saw your thread on MFG but I didnt have anything that fit the sprite criteria you were looking for.

Freaking thank you. After a few days I of having posted that topic I remembered Ibuki existed. Ibuki is up there for me along with Mai and Chun-Li and she's also as close as she can get to the kind of ninja I wanted so..why not. Making a custom Ibuki whenever I have the time.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update on Agrias. Something I always wanted to do with a character was to add a ranking system. I'm struggling with it a bit right now but this is what I've gotten so far.


I am also color separating her sprites so she's still going to take quite some time. You could so I'm trying to go all out...kinda have to start giving up on things like this what with life n' all. :donwan:



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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Done. She also has a damage display. All that's left for now is the color separation. Not going to worry about anything else. And what do you mean CS her hair? Im leaving her hair all one color. I'm not going that crazy. Just separating her shoulder armor from her chest/knee armor, her sword, her hilt, her gloves, her upper suit from her lower suit, her upper legs from her lower legs and her folded sleeves.




"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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I told you. I'm basically putting everything I know into her while making her in a way I know I'm good at. Combo's, combo's and more combo's. I only have like...2 vars left? Maybe it was around 9 left. Idk, but I'm sure some vars I'm using are useless. I ain't going through that shit though to find which ones are and aren't. I touch one thing and it all fucks up.

And I figured. I ain't separating that shit. That'd take a lot more work then what I'm already doing.



OHH her hair is a different gold color. I checked all that before separating the colors.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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Idk, but I'm sure some vars I'm using are useless. I ain't going through that shit though to find which ones are and aren't. I touch one thing and it all fucks up.



OHH her hair is a different gold color. I checked all that before separating the colors.

LOL if you ever get free time in the future you should definitely clean that up. That's a lot of var usage...


I'd think the hair would be easier than everything else you listed .-. but i guess that's not important at this point since its already separate.

If you want my released works, go here.

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LOL if you ever get free time in the future you should definitely clean that up. That's a lot of var usage...


I'd think the hair would be easier than everything else you listed .-. but i guess that's not important at this point since its already separate.

I thought you were saying to separate her hair and each lock of hair. That's such tedious work I couldn't possibly deal with.

And I may have a few useless vars being used up, but only a few. Most of the vars I'm using I need. I'd say around 5 maybe? Are unnecessary, but going through the trouble of finding those will confuse me because I know how everything is right now as is.

Also, I have about 12 vars unused excluding fvars. I'm only using like 4 fvars. Funny thing is its the fvars that may be the useless ones if I remember correctly.


Also, her updated movelist is as such:

-Dragons Glare

-Sonic Thrust

+Northswains Thrust (Combination of Sonic Thrust & Northswains Blade)

+Fierce Shellbust Fang (Combination of Fierce Demon Fang and Shellbust Stab)

+Dragoon Rain (Combination of Sword Rain: Alpha & Dragoon's Jump)

+Level 2 Fire, Lightning & Ice throws (Just a regular throw, but combined with magical effects because I needed to implement level 2 magic somehow)

+Level 1 Fire, Gravity Missile & Cure (Fire travels along the ground, Gravity chases it's opponent for a short time, Cure heals you by a small amount; not game breaking)



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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Sonic Thrust, Fierce Demon Fang and Sword Rain: Alpha are from the Tales of series. The rest are FFTactic attacks. I combined them because they weren't very "beat'em up" oriented attacks. Tiger Blade is her only attack currently not related to FF. I should fix that.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I had some time yesterday and decided to make some test videos of Agrias. I did say she was at 80%, but I'd say she's more like 60-70%.


Some vids yah.

Combo testing

Magic testing



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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3rd summon, Zodiac from FFT! Just one more to go. It's Alexander, but not the Alexander anyone would expect. Also, updated the ranking system a bit! It was added solely for the purpose of....because I could. It was something new to do. I never mentioned how it works, but oh well. Just fight good and you'll get the max rank easily enough. SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, F.

I actually did all this like a week ago. Just too busy to touch it often or even post about it.




"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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  • 4 weeks later...

Released a BETA version of Agrias Oaks for 1.0 only.

Agrias Oaks BETA

Since the BETA release I've fixed her damage dampeners, juggle check, damage and hitcount reading, many other tweaks here and there, added an Egi summon, etc. Also...

Pheonix Egi (work in progress)

I was gonna make the enemy become inflicted by a status effect by chance whenever a Summon was used, but I thought an Egi following you around was better. The Pheonix Egi for example, hurts the opponent whenever you're not attacking. It acts as a damaging shield for anyone who comes too close until it's time runs out and goes away.
The Zodiark Egi for example will act as a protective shield for any attacks coming at you. It'll give you immunity to stagger until it goes away like the Pheonix Egi would.

These are just ideas. I'm not set on anything. If anyone has any ideas I'd be glad to hear'em.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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I know this is probably not a big deal, but it is to me. Agrias is now compatible with WinMugen & 1.0 since a lot of people still use WinMugen. I haven't edited it to be perfect with WinMugen (like the the positioning of the blocks in the intro, the morale bar, summons, etc.) and I might not, but she's still totally playable on both versions now. I also reduced the explod/helper usage by a shit ton so that she isn't bloated. All that's really left now is her level 3 morale attack, her AI and maybe some different win, lose poses.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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I've decided Agrias won't have Alexander as a summon. It was the big guy from Bahamut Lagoon if anyone knows of it.
Anyways, too much of something takes away from her as a whole. That's why. Gotta finish up her level 3 Morale attack (which'll be her biggest attack yet), color separation and she should be good to go.

Also! I've never done a template before so why not. If anyone's up to it...


Please. Don't mind the text....I was having difficulties. If anyone actually does any, I'd be thankful. It's just because I've never made on though.

To finish up. I like the way the sprites looked. No one else is doing her. I'm making an Android 18 from the new DBZ EB game once I finish up Agrias and maybe Fio. Might never finish Fio. She's not built for mugen at all. x.x
Android 18 has most of her basics finished already and an awesome person linked me to some Japanese sounds of her so now I just need'ta find some fx for her and I'm good to go.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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Got some work done on 18. These are just some generic combo's she can pull off and stuff.

I plan on making them rather extensive and making them require some skill to pull off. Never was a fan of games that made one combo the only good combo for every match (watch a playthrough of the game with 18. You'll find someone using the exact same combo for entire matches).
Basically, she's got your X combos, your Y combos, your Z ki blasts and the most important part being your button+button skills for your critical attacks.

I'm taking a break on Agrias. Rushing her will just do me no good. Gotta go through her and fix up a lot of loose ends and I just lack the motivation to do so.



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update on Agrias. Finished her for the most part. I haven't finished color separating her and I won't by the time I release her. I'll just update her with that down the road. Also, her Saint Mode (or God Mode) after her Reraise activates when she dies. She'll only have 2-4 attacks and I've already finished 2 plus I need to add some prettiness for when she's in Saint Mode.
As for her ultimate attack, Frozen by the Judgement Blade...
With a touch of Gilgamesh's raining swords of skewerness...

Followed by summoning a cliche, giant crushing blade... (cameo appearances incoming! sort of..)

Finished with the winning intro. An example of just how destructive it can be! ;)



"There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so."

--William Shakespeare

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Agrias is looking awesome-er

My only problem with the torn clothes sprite is the blue left on the legs when it's attached to nothing.


18 looks great. I'm kinda jealous!


I thought I posted this days ago ._.

If you want my released works, go here.

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