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Clark Xiii By Rejy2505 Updated 1/17/12

Phantom Blood

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clark has been injecting roids since 2k2

he's supposed to play like either a 94 clark or a 2k2 clark....

which is a much more agile zangief or alex

There's a big difference between 94 and 2k2 Clark. This is definitely not 2k2 Clark. He doesn't have any of his run in moves.

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from the bit of playtime i had with this character, i'd say he plays like a watered down clark from 12 . very limited move set , but it is a beta and i did like what i saw so i'll still take a wait and see aprroach and compare him to the kof 13 version when i pick up the game today.......


If you find this picture offensive or scary contact : Ryon

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rry got stuck with the job hunt... after playing kof XII , i can safely say this one for mugen is almost a faithful creation. a few frames missing here and there . but i'm hopeful the creator will fix this in an update...... is it me or does kof 13 kinda have the very pleasant aroma of 94 on it???


If you find this picture offensive or scary contact : Ryon

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@ alpyne yeah you right on the money !! the differences between 94 and 95 are just a few but they pretty much a solid game.. but besides waiting on an update i didn't really see nothing bad about this character. i have to check if he has his neo max special, i was not aware how to do it yet, but i do now being that the game is in my lap!!


If you find this picture offensive or scary contact : Ryon

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Is there anything missing/missaligned?!

why does it matter?!

if you actually looked at the sprites for these kof13 characters, then you would know how you cant really use all of them.

i believe out of all the sprites there are alike a hand full you cant use, unless you give him a custom common1 file.

I wanted to make terry.

but the sprites were all turned left, and not in order of animation.

stand animation is like 1 8 7 6 5 2 3 4 5

and to really spend time and look at that and turn it into a character takes time man.

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