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Will their Ever be a TK vs. DoA?


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I know 'Namco-Bandai' and 'Koei-Tecmo' companies dont get along well but will it be awesome we have a whole another  VS series that donsnt involve Capcom (besides DC Vs MK). I mean come on, these series came a long way and you be wondering will they ever go against each other.


I say If they ever will be a  TK vs.DoA I will Fund this series definitely. :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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What a dream match that would be.


Yeah it would be Awesome.


Think about how the story well be involving TK and DoA characters it be very interesting. especailly when both series has somthing to do with some people possesing the power of Fiends, Demons and how this can cause a conflict between them. :-)


I can already see Ryu Hayabusa going agianst a couple people from the Mishima/Kazama family for that situation. It be so deep


And i can see the game plays will be similar in a way. It be triped out. :awesome


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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I like this idea because not only will it be tekken vs DOA, but Virtua Fighter is also a part of the DOA universe, so it would technically be Tekken vs DOA vs Virtua Fighter.

Ehh.. yeah but I see VF more of a extra to it and besides VF is with 'SEGA' company. Mainly the focus is more on "Namco-Bandai" and "Koei-Tecmo" if they ever agree on a TK vs. DoA which I say makes more since character roster wise.


Now if you talking about the fighting mechanics related to all three series then yeah but I rather leave VF out due to that fact. :-P


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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I would love to see this. Just one thing. Leave the stage design to DOA.

Reason for me is stage transition s are better handled by DOA and look more painful. Just going by Namco's stuff from Tekken 6 and Tag 2.

I would want this. Far better pairing anyway than Virtual Fighter IMHO.

Fighting system either way, take my money.

Do it bitch!

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I would love to see this. Just one thing. Leave the stage design to DOA.

Reason for me is stage transition s are better handled by DOA and look more painful. Just going by Namco's stuff from Tekken 6 and Tag 2.

I would want this. Far better pairing anyway than Virtual Fighter IMHO.

Fighting system either way, take my money.

Do it bitch!

That sound awesome as hell if the stages was set like DoA. :-D


the fighting will be so intense i can imagine.


This game is just likely as Capcom's Sengoku Basara Crossing Over with Koei's Samurai Warriors, and since Capcom tried to sue Koei over making money with Updated Releases...yeah, near to 0



But without Capcom envolving in this it should still be Possible for a VS. series that can be huge in mine opinion. :-P


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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I hope this never happens. I don't want Tekken to get dragged down to Dead or Alive's level.

More likly it won't Darkflare considering 'Bandai' and 'Tecmo' companies don't get along well anyways. :-P


but it be cool as a whole New VS. series then the usual Capcom Vs. (Marvel, SNK, etc......) You know what I mean. :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Quick! Go to kickstarter for funding.

1. Make quickstar. r.

2. . Get Namco and Tecmo's attention. They order cease and desist. They think about it....

3. ?

4. Profit!!!!

With all money from kickstarter for your legal needs after Namco and Tecmo get mad.

Then when they make game, counter sue. Better call Saul. Or Phoenix Wright tier lawyer.

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Hwoarang vs rig

Hayabusa vs raven

Ayane vs ausaka

Hayate vs Jin

Cristie vs Lisa

Kasumi vs Jun

Nina vs Helena

Kazuya vs bayman

Leo vs Eliot

Those are some battles I like to see. :awesome



Quick! Go to kickstarter for funding.

1. Make quickstar. r.

2. . Get Namco and Tecmo's attention. They order cease and desist. They think about it....

3. ?

4. Profit!!!!

With all money from kickstarter for your legal needs after Namco and Tecmo get mad.

Then when they make game, counter sue. Better call Saul. Or Phoenix Wright tier lawyer.

LOL! that be crazy as hell! probly make Namco and Tecmo agree on doing the game and see how it make alot of money for them. XD


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Kazuya for Bayman? Nah man, I would pit Raidou against Kazuya.

Bayman gets the honor of getting wrecked by fighting Sergei Dragunov

LOL! I agree on that too that will be perfect. :awesome


Now Ayane vs Ausaka well be a Lovely match especially if both have sexy Alternate costumes if yall know what I mean. :=D:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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