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ok jeg im going to ask you one more time this is not a NEW release this is an existing creation. last time I am going to say this DO NOT POST EXISTING CREATIONS IN NEWS they go in the characters area. let me break this down for you new releases by OTHER people go here existing creations go in the characters area in the appropriate spot and your releases go in RELEASES. I am moving this thread once again and this is the last time seriously stop posting existing works in NEWS its not news if its been out for awhile alredy. I won't move this thread till you reply to let me know you understand.



Then please Laharl, move this thread to it's right section, go to his house and kick his ass for me, 'kay? It's the 5th or 6th time he does something like this I guess Right, I was kidding on the "kick his ass" part if you can't tell, but seriously, he should had learned by now



I agree he should have but i was trying to make sure he saw the damn reply before moving it but you are right this is getting old I am going to start warning him. I moved the topic to other if someone can tell me if it belongs somewhere else I will gladly move it to that spot. Idk if its from a video game anime or what.



yeah but they have been warned like 5 times now to stop posting old stuff in news its just annoying I think a warning is the only way it will stop I alredy pmed them that was their last warning before they start getting actual penalties.



Fuck this. I thought i was helping the mugen community by uploading hard to find characters but boy was i wrong. Guess there's no need to keep my account. And what the hell is with the Caps? Are you trying to yell at me behind a computer screen? Sheesh no need to get so damn pissy over the internet.


you need to upload them in the right place not NEWS dude and I wasn't getting pissy I was trying to let you know to follow the rules I haven't given you a penalty yet so idk why you are so upset.



That's nothing wrong on posting stuff. We really appreciate your help and everything but it would be very appreciated if you follow the the right category:

NEWS - for newly-released stuff. Like today's, or even last week's. Last month and older are a no-go.

Release - If you have created something and wants to share, this is the place

Characters - This is where you're going to share your character findings. Capcom for stuff from Capcom games, SNK for SNK games and so on. Collections is only if you want to share packs, like 5 or 6 characters from the same game. If you have no idea, just post into "Others" and the mod team (meaning Laharl, myself and the other guys) will take care of the rest

Stages - For sharing, well, stages. If you have no idea if it's a low-resolution or high-resolution, post anywhere and let the mod team do the rest (Laharl...You're on your own http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)

And I think Laharl wanted to empathize the words with the caps, not being rude or anything.

Do you have any more questions?



yes exactly i wasn't yelling at you I was using caps to emphasize my words like bolding or italics, thats all we apprecicate your help but please post it in the right place.



Dear god with an attitude like that lemme guess You posted some stuff at MFG & got yelled at for it So you came here in look for a new site.





Fuck this. I thought i was helping the mugen community by uploading hard to find characters but boy was i wrong. Guess there's no need to keep my account. And what the hell is with the Caps? Are you trying to yell at me behind a computer screen? Sheesh no need to get so damn pissy over the internet.

Bro, this is what? The 4th time you just randomly posted in the wrong section?

You act like you never used a forum before. If your going to post, post in the right section so people dont think your a dumbass, I appreciate what your doing, just look where your posting next time.

New releases go in the news section (Unless it was made by you, Then it goes in the releases section)

Characters go in the appropriate category,

  • 8 months later...

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