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[Mugen 1.0] [Mugen 1.1] Ruins in Space [640x480] + [Zoom]

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[Mugen 1.0] [Mugen 1.1] Ruins in Space [640x480]



Nombre del stage:  Ruins in Space 
Fecha de creacion:  24/08/14
Version de Mugen:  1.0 & 1.1
Autor:                  Shin Yagami
Ultima version:      01/02/15

[Data Release 01/02/15]
This scenario is both Mugen 1.0 and 1.1 below for details on each version.
Mugen 1.0
An improved version, where the stage is longer contains deltas and parallax, so to make the most flamboyant stage.
Mugen 1.1
An improved version, where the stage is longer contains zoom, as well deltas and parallax to the more flamboyant stage
If you do not like the zooming you have the following:
1.- Look into the file Def stage section "Camera" and seeks the following and delete it
startzoom = 1,1
zoomout = 0.6
zoomin = 1
2.- In that same site but higher seeks to:
boundleft = -820 These numbers for these changes -900
boundright = 820 These numbers for these changes 900
boundhigh = -260 These numbers for these changes -300
And presto! You already have the stage without the effect of Zoom.

[Video del stage]


[Full screen stage]


-Elecbyte ya que use su stage0-720 como base para este escenario.
-A Darek por su buen tutorial de como programar un buen parallax.




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