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Filia Beta 2


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Filia is in a beta 2 state she can still fight as this thread will be the one of releases for her Big updates

i know some of her voices, hit sparks, and special moves, and supers are not available yet but just bare with me okay :P


she is still interesting to play with and you will be able to have a taste of what im going for with his new fighting system of mine

im not going for accuracy but she will play like she does if i can say that lol?


anyway you can download her and have some fun if you can but if this is not what you like then please don't yet so it ruins this

for people who might like this character keep it to your selves just leave a comment for feedback


positive comments are allowed but negative comments does not have anything to do with this character but ruins everything okay

it's easy to not say anything


so be mature!!!





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so be mature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



At least take it easy on the exclamation marks.


Anyway, I'm just going to leave out a few feedback for now:


-No Hitbox on taunt?


-She's 4 buttons for now, despite the fact that Skullgirls is all 6 buttons in terms of attack (Her Z and C buttons

are just dashes.. Which imo would fit better as an option/wavedashing thingy rather than just a button itself)

-Air HP does almost too much damage for an Air normal (216 damage, which is as much as a Lvl 1 super).

-Hitspark mis-alignment on Lk


-Maybe a semi-misalignment on crouch HP?


-Idk if they're for Placeholder purposes, but she has Guilty Gear Hitsounds.




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right now filia does not have any original sounds or hit sparks

im going to find some hit sparks for her then align them


so for now im going to mix up some sounds


i don't know if it is necessary to have hit boxes on taunt since it's not an attack 



Having hitboxes on a taunt is necessary because that way you can interrupt their taunt to get a few hits (or a combo) on them, should they so taunt in the first place.

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People please do not throw this off-topic and start any arguements. -_-


Seta is trying do a decent "Skull-girl" character for mugen and all he needs is some feedback.


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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