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Goku - Beta 2 Release (2015 Updates - Final/Completed Release Coming Soon)


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How is playing against an unfair character fun?

It's a tougher challenge and the reward of defeating something that is cheap is very rewarding because you overcome impossible odds. Kinda like a DBZ episode where someone who didn't stand a chance just wins in the end; or in a mugen example, defeating wonderwoman by loganir.


But that's just me I guess and no one else. But that's what i like about mugen; you can have it your. ;)


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  • 3 weeks later...

An update for all of you on the progress of this final release, I hope the alignment is fixed now, as I tried O illusita's steps on how to properly align sprites. Goku now has a super kaio-kan punch from Goku vs Pikkon and it's in the style of Goku vs King Piccolo. I mixed a little tree of might for the japanese version fans out there. My main focus was to bring it close to the American version that aired on Toonami but I could not resist more alterations. They were too good to pass up! I am a huge fan of the Ocean dub versions of the show. It took me a long time to adjust to the new Goku voice actor. The original japanese track was awesome!

I'm also experimenting with a new alternative fxs for the move. I might ditch this though as it kinda looks weird....I knocked off Goku HR.


I'm planning a 4th super/hyper in where Goku turns into a blue aura of fire to unleash a Nappa kill on his opponent. It's not really canon at all to the character. This will be a unique and original move. Similar to Pikkon's counter attack from other world tournament.


I'll also be starting the grab attack frieza saga gut punch and the air kick ping ball combo, as seen in the anime and some popular games.


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that's the lamest excuse and aim i ever see in my fucking life... 

What is? 


I don't understand why you guys use this guy like a punching bag. I mean seriously, does that  sht make ya'll feel good? I understand hazing and constructive feedback, but you guys have hit this dude with -17 rep for not fixing an issue you don't like. Y not just avoid using the character or make it a boss character? I mean Ax is whatever he is, but at least he tries to contribute to the continued existence of mugen even if his chars aren't an Class-A effort. Dis you guys consider he just might not be as talented as Ry, or Pots, or whatever the fuck Werewood is calling himself now? Some of you muthafuckers are getting old or bogged down with real life sht like work or parenthood, but if you bash the sht out people for trying and failing according to your extensive knowledge, there may not be a new generation of creators and mugen will fade. If you don't like the fucking char DL it, open up fighter factory, fix it, upload it, and show the man how its done you dicks. Gotdammit I hate fucking bullies man.

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-facepalmed- learn to read and see the issue..

You mean when he said "BTW I should have mentioned this in the release earlier but it's best to use this character in a long stage to really enjoy the other side of the super attack."


I don't understand why you guys use this guy like a punching bag. I mean seriously, does that  sht make ya'll feel good? I understand hazing and constructive feedback, but you guys have hit this dude with -17 rep for not fixing an issue you don't like. Y not just avoid using the character or make it a boss character? I mean Ax is whatever he is, but at least he tries to contribute to the continued existence of mugen even if his chars aren't an Class-A effort. Dis you guys consider he just might not be as talented as Ry, or Pots, or whatever the fuck Werewood is calling himself now? Some of you muthafuckers are getting old or bogged down with real life sht like work or parenthood, but if you bash the sht out people for trying and failing according to your extensive knowledge, there may not be a new generation of creators and mugen will fade. If you don't like the fucking char DL it, open up fighter factory, fix it, upload it, and show the man how its done you dicks. Gotdammit I hate fucking bullies man.

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Every post after mine that's just there to hate on Ax for whatever reason whatsoever WILL be removed and I MAY have to warn you given the circumstances.

+ 2 


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Could you be a bit more specific so he (and everyone else) knows exactly what needs to be addressed?

ryon pretty much said there was no real need to ask what should be fix


I never mentioned infinites for a reason, and that's because i like them laharl.  :P


I might end the infinite of the spirit bomb attack though, but only because I don't like 2 spirit bombs attacking at once.


I like infinites in many cases because that's the kind of stuff that actually happens all the time, even company games like MvC. Call it broken but I call it fun. XD

dude you still have not change a single bit with any of your creations they need to be fix there no need for work like this the more you rush the more shit isnt going to be fix your not the only one that does it but that also doesnt make it right either i for one well not be downloading this until it majorly gets worked on same go for your other stuff 

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dude you still have not change a single bit with any of your creations they need to be fix there no need for work like this the more you rush the more shit isnt going to be fix your not the only one that does it but that also doesnt make it right either i for one well not be downloading this until it majorly gets worked on same go for your other stuff 

I thought I made myself pretty clear.

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You did, it's just that some people think getting a warning point and one-week probation period where all his posts now need moderator approval for ignoring a mod warning is somehow worth it.

To reiterate what Kai said, if you have nothing constructive to say about the character then DO NOT POST. If you are here purely to flame Ax for any reason then DO NOT POST. This goes both ways and applies to Ax as well. Just as we take action when you step out of line, we shall do the same if Ax steps out of line. We do not need backseat moderators here.

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I don't mind it at all. I deserve it for many other reasons. Thanks for sticking up for me but it's okay, I'm used to it.


Back to work,


This is the 4th hyper/super, I based it on an energy field used in conjunction with a tackle, based on these various scenes. I don't believe Goku has ever done this attack, however. So this will be an original move, it's designed to work like Pikkons, But it' going to look like Gregory. The attack will behave like Frieza's counter assault, but rather than a counter, it'll be a direct attack like Gohan's attack on Radditz. This will be a multi-hit rush. So it's a nice new move and fun finale.


I might end it Nappa style?


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but that is a spriteswap of one of Akira Toriyama's characters to your kakarot...also the look on your kakarot looks horrible, axkeeper

Maybe Rice and I weren't being clear enough.

This thread is about the CHARACTER only. If you have nothing constructive to say, then forget about posting or you can gladly join the list. Understand?

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I took the time to switch out the hit sparks with blood! XD


Now Goku won't be the only bloody fighter in the ring LOL

They came from Samurai showdown, asura blade, and a bunch of other games from the collection here at MFFA.


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I took the time to switch out the hit sparks with blood! XD


Now Goku won't be the only bloody fighter in the ring LOL

They came from Samurai showdown, asura blade, and a bunch of other games from the collection here at MFFA.

The blood seems to come out of odd places, even if it is Goku punching someone so hard they bleed.

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I do not create chars but i think it would be better if it came out in certain super attacks

I made more blood coming out during a super attack. I'm trying blood for normal sparks because it really hasn't been done yet as a normal reaction to fighting dbz characters. I know the uncensored anime had a lot. If after the release it doesn't end up going well then I'll consider ditching it for traditional mugen flash.


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I made more blood coming out during a super attack. I'm trying blood for normal sparks because it really hasn't been done yet as a normal reaction to fighting dbz characters. I know the uncensored anime had a lot. If after the release it doesn't end up going well then I'll consider ditching it for traditional mugen flash.

i don't think it's a good idea but do whatever you want. But if they do not like that choice try to do what i said ok?

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The problem with "Blood Hitsparks" as a concept is that it can get in the way of the actual fight if too many of this type of hitspark are overlayed in the fight.

It's an interface issue, for the most part, as one of the essential mechanics in a fighting game is to be able to see your actions, not have them be drowned out in a tide of sanguine bodily fluid.

That's just my take on it, though.

To live is to fight against death. To exist is to fight against inexistence. No matter how peaceful your life, remember that there is a fighting spirit in you.

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I should note that the blood occurs lightning fast, so you will indeed still be able to see every frame. The timing of the attacks are also slower now so you won't miss anything at all anymore.


New gut punch, the attack starts by Goku teleporting behind his opponent, as his opponent turns in surprise, he punches that sweet gut for that ultra satisfaction of making your opponent fall in utter defeat. This attack is also rich in sounds and fxs. There is a bright spark, as well as blood coming out of the mouth area for the opponent, as well as a bg flash and lots of shaking for added impact.

It's a nice filler until you get to the super kaio-kan punch.

The attack is a grab only move. It happens in place of a throw.


The next attack will be a completion of Goku's air kick. Goku will kick his opponent into the air and will appear above his opponent in a flash to deliver a doubled handed knock down punch like in the animes and DBZ Legends for PSX. This will be a normal attack.

As an added note, the normal attacks have been enhanced with variations in affect. Some attacks  will send your opponent flying in a unique direction with a few fxs.

Lastly, the spirit bomb technique now has an effect on startup.



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