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Cvs 2 Bars Edited For 1.0 (640P) Screenpacks By -Shin_Hado-

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Alright. Shin here, back with more lifebar edits. This time two of the MANY CvS 2 Lifebars out there, PabloSSB's Orange Bars and M3's Bars, both found on ProtomanX's MediaFire, which they were for the 720p screenpacks, but now for the 480p peeps out there, available for you! No screenshots, but I have the video to prove it.


NOTE: Will edit with screenshots when able.

You are all welcome.

Thanks are in order:

IMT-Blue Screenpack - for the trials and errors that went into the final product.

ProtomanX - Whose MediaFire files are accessible to the Mugenite

The Original Authors of the Lifebars

DL Links:

The Orange Bars:

CvS 2 Orange Bars (PabloSSB Edit) 640p Version.rar

M3's Bars:

CvS 2 Bars (M3 Edit) 640p Version.rar

You got any Lifebars or Screenpacks for me to try to edit? Drop a PM, E-Mail me, or leave a comment in this topic.

Shin signing out, saying... PEACE.

NOTE: Alternative Links:

M3 Edit:


Orange Bars:



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Heh...well...I have a screenpack I'll be working on in the near future. :heeee: But I have one "other" project I must finish first. Call it a "collaboration" with ZombieBrock. :goodmood:


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best


Well, good luck with that, bro. Since the lifebars are going to be an edit of an edit, does one give credit to the guy who edited it?



Well, good luck with that, bro. Since the lifebars are going to be an edit of an edit, does one give credit to the guy who edited it?

lol! Good point. I usually credit the source, whether the source is the original...."source" or not. That way I'm covered.

I certainly don't mind giving credit. :=D:


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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