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The Role-Play Paradise


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I'm not doing nothing. I'm just waiting for the moment to join in. And could you please STOP RUINING MY RP ALREADY?! I'm not breaking any rules!

Waiting to join is the equivalent of doing nothing. Which reminds me...



"Okay NOW I think those fireworks stopped."


*Cirian then walks towards her and sighs*



"What the fuck were you doing this time?"

The two would soon find out where the fireworks are coming from and some of the fairies began to shoot them with danmaku as well.
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Okay...let's say I am doing nothing ATM. Since when is doing nothing forbidden as well?

Then leave since it bothers you so much. Even though your precious robot masters should be able to handle a few generic nameless stupid fairies.



"Oh fuck!"


*both dodge the danmaku, although Ranmilia barely made it*

"Ooooh, almost got that one!" one of the fairies calls out.

The fairies continue to shoot danmaku at them.

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Then leave since it bothers you so much. Even though your precious robot masters should be able to handle a few generic nameless stupid fairies.


"Ooooh, almost got that one!" one of the fairies calls out.

The fairies continue to shoot danmaku at them.





"You do know you have a sword, right? Fucking use it!"



"Errr right!" 

She then proceeds to fire a wave generated from darkness

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Then leave since it bothers you so much. Even though your precious robot masters should be able to handle a few generic nameless stupid fairies.

I would have handled them very easy, if it wouldn't be you, who is using the fairies, but oh well.

6ZYkwTZ.pngThey keep coming! *TrinitroMan conitnues spraying nitroglycerin at the faries*

6ZYkwTZ.pngPlease let me know, when they became fried enough.

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"You do know you have a sword, right? Fucking use it!"



"Errr right!" 

She then proceeds to fire a wave generated from darkness

The wave strikes a few fairies which spectacularly explode.

"AIEEEEEEEEEE. It's attacking back! Quick, shoot more of them!"

The remaining fairies continue to shoot more danmaku at them.


I would have handled them very easy, if it wouldn't be you, who is using the fairies, but oh well.

6ZYkwTZ.pngThey keep coming! *TrinitroMan conitnues spraying nitroglycerin at the faries*

6ZYkwTZ.pngPlease let me know, when they became fried enough.

The nitroglycerin hits one of the fairies which lights up on fire before exploding spectacularly.

"AIEEEEEEEEE. That weird stuff is taking us out! Shoot that one so he can stop using that weird thing!"

The remaining fairies began to focus their danmaku on TrinitroMan completely ignoring the other robot masters.

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The wave strikes a few fairies which spectacularly explode.

"AIEEEEEEEEEE. It's attacking back! Quick, shoot more of them!"

The remaining fairies continue to shoot more danmaku at them.


The nitroglycerin hits one of the fairies which lights up on fire before exploding spectacularly.

"AIEEEEEEEEE. That weird stuff is taking us out! Shoot that one so he can stop using that weird thing!"

The remaining fairies began to focus their danmaku on TrinitroMan completely ignoring the other robot masters.


"Well, only one thing to do."

First they dodge the danmaku



"Take this!"

Her eyes then glow red (as I might change later) as a blue fire burns in her hand. She then attempts to burn some of the fairies with it.

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The wave strikes a few fairies which spectacularly explode.

"AIEEEEEEEEEE. It's attacking back! Quick, shoot more of them!"

The remaining fairies continue to shoot more danmaku at them.


The nitroglycerin hits one of the fairies which lights up on fire before exploding spectacularly.

"AIEEEEEEEEE. That weird stuff is taking us out! Shoot that one so he can stop using that weird thing!"

The remaining fairies began to focus their danmaku on TrinitroMan completely ignoring the other robot masters.

dmohMl7.pngBig mistake. REPUKKEN! *YoyoMan unleashes bursts of wind waves, which can cut through metal*

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First of all... Darkflare, I don't understand why you have to be so hostile towards everyone, but I'm sorry on my behalf.

Second, the reason of out constant fights is because we're lacking a set of rules here. Plus, we have to nominate a GM (and Co-GMs, if necessary) so everything can be less complicated.


And third... I'm not up for posting now, so you guys can go ahead and follow the story without me for a while.


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First of all... Darkflare, I don't understand why you have to be so hostile towards everyone, but I'm sorry on my behalf.

Second, the reason of out constant fights is because we're lacking a set of rules here. Plus, we have to nominate a GM (and Co-GMs, if necessary) so everything can be less complicated.


And third... I'm not up for posting now, so you guys can go ahead and follow the story without me for a while.

Actually, Winmugen already PMed and asked me, what rules this thread should have.

I could post you the convo, if I get permission from Winmugen.

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"I think that explosion came from the Hakurei Shrine," the American Miko states.


Both Sakuya and Flandre look more than a bit shocked.


"What's going on at the shrine?" Sakuya inquired.


"Some serious sh-stuff," Raina replied.


"Let's go!" Flandre said.


"Flandre-sama, normally we don't let you off the manor grounds, but you've been well behaved, so..." Sakuya then disappeared. A few seconds later, she reappeared with an umbrella, "take this, you'll need it to block the sun."


"Thank you Sakuya-san!"


With that final preparation, Raina and Flandre then began their journey back to the Hakurei Shrine.

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"Well, only one thing to do."

First they dodge the danmaku



"Take this!"

Her eyes then glow red (as I might change later) as a blue fire burns in her hand. She then attempts to burn some of the fairies with it.


The flames hits some of the fairies which proceed to burn and then explode spectacularly.

"AH! Now they're making us be on fire!"

"I know! Let's bop them in the head!"

The remaining fairies have decided that dive bombing toward the girls is a much better plan than shooting danmaku at them.


dmohMl7.pngBig mistake. REPUKKEN! *YoyoMan unleashes bursts of wind waves, which can cut through metal*

As YoyoMan would find out, using a GROUNDED energy wave is a very poor attack choice against FLYING targets. Additionally, one could question whether it's a good idea to fire an attack that can cut through metal near the proximity of metal made allies especially when the targets are so close to them.

One of the fairies breaks from the group to shoot danmaku at YoyoMan while the rest continue to shoot Danmaku at TrinitroMan.



First of all... Darkflare, I don't understand why you have to be so hostile towards everyone, but I'm sorry on my behalf.

Second, the reason of out constant fights is because we're lacking a set of rules here. Plus, we have to nominate a GM (and Co-GMs, if necessary) so everything can be less complicated.


And third... I'm not up for posting now, so you guys can go ahead and follow the story without me for a while.

A called or forced hit is when someone forces a direct hit on another character without allowing the other person to react to the attack. It's rude, it's cheap and it's something that avoiding to do should be common sense in an RP. Really, it's RPing 101 right there with Godmoding and bunnying.

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The flames hits some of the fairies which proceed to burn and then explode spectacularly.

"AH! Now they're making us be on fire!"

"I know! Let's bop them in the head!"

The remaining fairies have decided that dive bombing toward the girls is a much better plan than shooting danmaku at them.


"Hey is it me or are they charging at u-"

Ranmila then gets dive bombed by one of the fairies



"....Yeah, she'll be fine."

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I didn't did forced hits right now, though. Now you're just desperately trying to shit on me.

6ZYkwTZ.pngHey, Yoyo. Watch out!

dmohMl7.pngPfft, then I will use my blades instead. They are equally sharp. YOYO BLADE!

*YoyoMan continously throws his sharp blades at the airbourn faries, while TrinitroMan keeps on spraying nitroglycerin on the faries*

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Because it's working so well, the fairies continue to do dive bomb attack on them while shouting



"Just how many of these shits are trying to kill us?!"



"Wait...I got an idea."



"What now?"



"Use your flames while I use my powers to form a combination."



"Sounds interesting."


The two start to prepare for a team attack.

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I didn't did forced hits right now, though. Now you're just desperately trying to shit on me.

6ZYkwTZ.pngHey, Yoyo. Watch out!

dmohMl7.pngPfft, then I will use my blades instead. They are equally sharp. YOYO BLADE!

*YoyoMan continously throws his sharp blades at the airbourn faries, while TrinitroMan keeps on spraying nitroglycerin on the faries*


Some of the fairies get hit by the blades and lit on fire by the nitroglycerin and proceed to explode spectacularly.

The remaining fairies switch from shooting danmaku to attempting to dive bomb toward the robot masters.



"Just how many of these shits are trying to kill us?!"



"Wait...I got an idea."



"What now?"



"Use your flames while I use my powers to form a combination."



"Sounds interesting."


The two start to prepare for a team attack.


The two remaining fairies proceed to do their dive bomb strategy once again.

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Ow... point taken. OK. I promise, as a Roleplayer, that I won't do that anymore. So, no more hostility between us, right?


Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine


Lilly who was possessed, talked with Chaos on her mind.



"Ready, Chaos? This will be it."

"Lady Lilly... if we lose, I am sorry."


"Don't be, this was my choice in the beginning. I thank you for your help."

"It was my pleasure, my Lady..."



"Be engulfed on this!! "Wind Unlimit"!!"


Below them, the field that the stakes created gave birth to a giant wyvern. It rose, stood behind Lilly and drained all of the wind surrounding them. Then, he shot a colossal beam made with the ultimate power of the wind.








Necrox simply smiled and entered on the ground, disappearing. Maribel, who had been calm until now, lost her patience.





With that scream, a giant gap opened and dropped out something. It was a Tyrant, under the codename of T-A.L.O.S





"Necrox was my friend and all that he tried to do was helping me. But you...!! You were trying to... trying to...!!"


(W-W-What... is this thing?! How did she summoned it?! Is this girl even considered human?!)


After that, Maribel's face returned to normal. It was strange. Then, she started to talk.



"... People that force others out are so boring... they're, like, forcing their opinions on others..."


"Well, this time paradox can wait. I can have a little fun with you before I go home."


(I don't like the sound of what she's doing...)


"Now then, my little pet. If you can bring me her corpse, I will give it to you as food for today. Let's avenge our friend Necrox."


T-A.L.O.S growled and started to shoot missiles from his equipment. Maribel took a fan out of nowhere and covered her mouth, similar to Yukari.


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Role-play be serious business.


The Route between the Scarlet Devil Mansion and Hakurei Shrine


Raina began to explain everything that'd happened recently, though leaving out the parts about the possible time paradox: meeting Reimu, Hikari, the encounter with Yukari and Meimu, and moore.


Of course, they encountered Gensokyo's number one threat: fairies.



More specifically, a group of five fairies decided to attack Raina and Flandre. This would be what is considered an unwise move.


"Freedom Seal -Spread-!" shouted the American Miko.


"Taboo "Lävatein"!" yelled the Scarlet Devil's sister.


This combined onslaught proved too much for most of the fairies, who promptly exploded. Of course, one fairy managed to avoid both attacks, and decided to charge the American Miko. Fairies are not smart creatures.


"So is that how you wanna play? Alright! Falcon..." the miko began. The fairy continued to charge, ignorant of what was about to happen. Once the fairy was in range...


"PUNCH!" Raina's fist, infused with holy energy, slammed into the fairy, knocking it out. Still, a better fate than the other four.


With that minor distraction done, the two continued on their way.


The World of Dreams


Sometimes, though, actions have unintended consequences.


This random unconscious fairy, for instance, appeared in the dream world, fully conscious. The smallfry looked around at the confusing landscape and saw one man, wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. He possessed brown hair, blueish eyes, and a small amount of stubble on his chin.


Victor looked and noticed the sudden appearance of the fairy, clearly confused about the situation.


"Follow me," he said, before flying off to the distance. The fairy obliged, or maybe she was just following the moving thing. Victor didn't know for sure.

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*While Toki is still sitting, a phantom of Reimu appears, holding her remaining spell cards*


It's over. Divine Arts: Omnidirectional Demon-Binding Circle!! *using four spell cards, a stronger barrier surrounds Toki's body.* And finally, Fantasy Nature!! *7 orbs appear, all shining bright. They form a circle, as phantom Reimu returns to Toki, who finished her attack*


It's done. Hokuto Ujou Haganken!! *Fires a laser into the circle of orbs, which stays suspended in the air as Toki gets up, her other hand holding a laser as well* Fantasy Nature: Ultima Beam!!

*Firing her last attack, the two attacks become a large beam of concentrated energy, clashing with Lily's attack.*

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The two of them then fire their projectile at the fairies.

The fairies got hit by the projectiles and proceeded to explode spectacularly. It doesn't seem like there were any more of them.




Necrox simply smiled and entered on the ground, disappearing. Maribel, who had been calm until now, lost her patience.





With that scream, a giant gap opened and dropped out something. It was a Tyrant, under the codename of T-A.L.O.S





"Necrox was my friend and all that he tried to do was helping me. But you...!! You were trying to... trying to...!!"


(W-W-What... is this thing?! How did she summoned it?! Is this girl even considered human?!)


After that, Maribel's face returned to normal. It was strange. Then, she started to talk.



"... People that force others out are so boring... they're, like, forcing their opinions on others..."


"Well, this time paradox can wait. I can have a little fun with you before I go home."


(I don't like the sound of what she's doing...)


"Now then, my little pet. If you can bring me her corpse, I will give it to you as food for today. Let's avenge our friend Necrox."


T-A.L.O.S growled and started to shoot missiles from his equipment. Maribel took a fan out of nowhere and covered her mouth, similar to Yukari.


"She's suddenly becoming more like Yu- ah crap..."

Meimu held out her hand as she formed her Quadruple barrier spellcard to protect herself from the missiles.


"Ok, this is rather excessive. It's not like I killed the guy. Besides he attacked ME first. You're going to leave anyway, so my work here is done."

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