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Kyo...my "brother!" We finally meet. You may call me..."Kusanagi." I've heard so much about you. Although I must admit your not as good looking as I expected. I'm sure you're wondering, "Who is this dashing, sharply dressed individual?" Well let me answer that for you. I am another clone. But not just any clone! No no! Im THE clone! Hahaha! Isn't technology wonderful!? It's always improving! And that's just what we clones do...we...improve. Now...you could make this easy and join us. Buuuut...the Kyo genes in me tell me that you wont. So...we'll stick to plan B. Which in all honesty "brother" was plan A.


Well...my family just keeps getting bigger. You're definitely stronger than the other two, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm going to turn you into barbecue. But hey! What's a little incineration between family?


Kyo, I don't think this will be as easy as we initially thought. The two previous clones were already a handful but now we're outnumbered. On top of that this "Kusanagi" is just as strong as you or me by himself. We need a plan...

Does it look like we have time for a plan?!KyoFace1_small.png

ryuio.gifNot exactly. But we can't rush in. I think you know that by now.

Well you'd better think of something quick! Cuz... kyos-yell.gif




*Kyo counters as his fist collides with Kusanagi's fist*


Not so fast..."brother". I've got this one, LightFlare. Can you handle the other two?

ryuio.gifShouldn'be a problem.

Well then! Let's go!






*Kyo and Kusanagi collide in battle as LightFlare engages the Kyo Clone 1 and 2*

kyo999.gifkyo9992.gif Let's go..."Mr Legendary"HAHAHA

ryuw.gifIt! Won't be easy I can asure you!












This isn't possible! I'm better than you! I'M BETTER THAN YOU!


Don't look so surprised. You should know the copy will never surpass the original. I have to say that you were much more than I expected. But that ain't enough, buddy.


AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! You WILL join us...one way or another! O1! 02! Retreat!



*The clones vanished into the night*


Looks like there gone...for now. That was intense. What's strange is that the cops aren't here yet.


Heh...the police don't come round here much. I'd offer you a round on me but I don't think we'll be getting any drinks tonight.


You know I don't drink...


Yea yea...goody two shoes. "Mr All I Do Is Train." Hahaha!


Seems to be paying off. Don'tcha think?


Meh...perhaps, bro. Perhaps. Where ya staying?


I was gonna get a room at that hotel over there. I'll be fine.


Heh...good luck with that. I've gotta keep moving. I've got things to do. Take care...


You too..

*LightFlare fist bumps Kyo and they part ways*

LightFlare is exhausted. He checks into the hotel and rests for the night. He wonders about what lead to the creation of the clones? Will he meet them again? Who is their "father"? He tries not to dwell on this to much as he needs his rest. He's got get going in the morning to continue his journey.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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I'll leave you two alone while I go speak with Hastur. *walks past a room to see Hastur and Cooler sitting down, having a chat* I'm back, sir

 Within the ship...


"I see you've returned," Hastur states.


"Tell me, what information have you found on that package of yours?" Cooler asks.


So...uhm, what's the name of your organization, and what do you people actually do?

Outside the ship


"We don't have a big fancy name. The closest thing I suppose would be Hastur's Legion," the guard replies, "but we do fight against various opponents and criminals."


The scene of the battle


"They handled themselves pretty well..." the Miko thought, "they're definitely strong. I wanna fight them."

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Well, nothing on the sword and the latest package, when I took a look inside, it looked like a scythe. If you have a blacksmith or something that can build this real quick for me, that would be great.


"Intriguing..." is all that the commander says.


Outside of Lightflare's Motel


The American Miko arrived, wanting to meet with the warrior known as Lightflare.

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Uuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. What a night. Time to get up.

*LightFlare roles out of bed showers for the day. He looks at the tv and is a bit surprised*

ryu-fanime_small.jpg What the...

*LightFlare turns the tv up*

"...last night was a scene of chaos as five men were seen engaged in what some call a battle royal. Although one of the men has not been identified it is beleived that he is LightFlare_Da_Realist, what makes this story amazing is that the other four men looked related. Witnesses reported that three of the men described themselves as "clones." If this were true it would prove that despite various corporations denying the existence of clones they do in fact exist. The other man is speculated to be the "original" from which clones were made from and is believed to be Kyo Kusanagi, hier to the Kusanagi Clan. Based on the footage and witness reports he and LightFlare were defending themselves from the other three. One thing is for sure, if you see any of these men you should be very careful. More news at the top of the hour. "

*suddenly there was a knock at the door, and someone speaks*

This is the police! Sir, open the door! We would like to ask you some questions!

ryur.gif That's my cue...

*LightFlare jumps out the window and lands on the ground right next to an old lady and her dog*

ryur.gifGood morning, ma'am.

*LightFlare sprints down a back alley*

ryur.gif Taxi!

*LightFlare hops in the cab*

crazy2_slashboxart_160w.jpg Where to, mack?

ryur.gif Where's the nearest metropolitan area?

crazy2_slashboxart_160w.jpg Kalos City. You wanna go there?!

ryur.gif Yes.

crazy2_slashboxart_160w.jpg Ok bro. Let's roll!

As LightFlare heads towards Kalos City he wonders what lies ahead. He hopes Kyo is ok. Maybe he can lay low for a while until the heat dies down. Or is he heading into an even bigger surprise...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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....what does that mean? But really, can you help me? I'm honestly tired of feeling weak, and I don't care if I have to go through some sort of Hyperbolic Time Chamber or a training montage in order to get stronger.


"Hmm... I believe I know where to go," Hastur states, before turning toward Cooler, "I will need a shuttle. Where TimeWeaver and I go next is not somewhere that can easily handle larger craft."


"Right. Dore, prepare a shuttle for Hastur and TimeWeaver," Cooler commands. His subordinate complies.


Some time later, a shuttle is prepared.

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*sends a message to Trinitro, that says: turns out this quick stop may be much longer than anticipated. See if there's anyone who might want to spar with you.* Where are we headed?


"We're heading to an interesting group of allies. Tell me, are you familiar with the rune forges of Acherus?"

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The tan silver haired man arrived at a large house, a meeting place that has been arranged after the discovery of the Kyo clones. He buzzed the door alarm as he looked at the rest of the house.


"Large place. I suppose it needed to be for Glaugan."

The door proceed to open as Krizalid met his former partner and friend.


"Thank you for coming. Come, we don't have much time."

Krizalid proceeded inside as Zero closed the door.


"I would ask if such a large place would really be ideal in keeping a low profile, but I assume you have your reasons."


"I certainly have no intention in keeping Glaugan in a cage, in addition to the children I've raised.


"Oh right. I forgot you were kind of a family man. That last one you raised certainly ended up rather like you."


"I only hope she doesn't end up committing the same mistakes I have make."

The two proceeded to a living room with a couch and several chairs set up. A table was in the center with nothing currently on it. Nearby lied Glaugan, a large black lion and Zero's pet. When Krizalid looked at him, he sensed a chill in his spine not caused by the lion, but by the figure that was currently petting it. The very same witch Kriz had requested not to contact.


"Why is she here?"


"Krizzy! You almost sound like you don't miss me at all!


"Truth be told, your more destructive tendencies have made it hard for me to miss you to begin with."


"Oh come on, Kriz. I've been a good girl. I haven't blown up anything....much."


"Hopefully, it will remain that way. However, I've called her in as a last resort and she was the only one I could get on such short notice."


"You couldn't even get Avalonne?"


"Mildred can't leave the Top of the world forever. So even if she agreed, her help would be temporary at best before being forced to return."


"Fair enough."


"At any rate, I've taken the liberty to study the news footage and I must say that I'm rather impressed. The Kyo clones are very similar to the ones we've made back in our NESTS days."


"You think they might have stolen our data? But how would that even possible? NESTS was pretty much destroyed completely."


"I have considered it, much like I have considered that Igniz may be trying to rebuild NESTS."


"Tch. To be honest....even I don't know if I want to re-live...."those" particular glory days."


"If I could contact Igniz himself. I would be able to confirm..."


"I take it neither of you checked back with Mildred."


"What do you mean?"


"I just think that a place we used to call the Top of the world would be a prime spot for star gazing. Actually, it was one of the reasons why Igniz chose that place for our base back in the day."


"Witch has a point. Igniz always loved looking at outer space."


"Then that's where were heading next. If Igniz is indeed there, we might get some answers regarding these new Kusanagi clones."

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Who are we looking for again?


Well Teoc, you and I are going to help this LightFlare person.


And I look for TimeWeaver. All right, best of luck to you guys.

*the three disperse, as a new person steps up*


And so it begins. Hehe, who should I destroy first?

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LightFlare arrives in Kalos City. One of the most technologically advanced cities in existence. With a population of about 28 million, it is the single largest city in terms of population. Within its city limits there is a multitude of opportunities. But with all its good qualities it also boasts the highest crime rate. Indeed...it was a city full of intrigue and danger. What awaits LightFlare in this city...

crazy2_slashboxart_160w.jpg We're here. This place never ceases to amaze me.

ryur.gifIncredible. This is far enough.

crazy2_slashboxart_160w.jpg Ya sure? This neighborhood ain't the most friendly.

ryur.gifThis will do.

*LightFlare hands the cabbie his fair*

crazy2_slashboxart_160w.jpg Thanks bro. Be safe my friend...

ryur.gif Thanks.

*LightFlare steps out of the cab*


I'm running low on cash. I'd better find some soon or I'll be out in the cold. And it doesn't look like I wanna do that here. Not that I'm too worried...

*LightFlare notices a small flyer in a store window*

Underground Slugfest! Bring your fists! Prize money is 100,000 gill! Vring this flyer to "The Bottom!"

ryue.gif Sounds like my kinda party. Now...where is...the bottom?

*LightFlare walks in and asks the clerk where to locate the Bottom*

ryue.gif Excuse me sir. Where can I find..."The Bottom?"

JasonMichaels-TLAD.jpgYou looking to party?

ryue.gifI'm looking for a fight.

JasonMichaels-TLAD.jpg Heh...ok tough guy.

*The clerk hands LightFlare a card*

ryue.gif A club? Nothing new I guess. How far is this address?

JasonMichaels-TLAD.jpg About 5 blocks that way.

ryur.gif Thanks.

LightFlare heads towards the address on the card. He can't help but be amazed at this enormous city. So much to take in. Within minutes of his arrival he'd already found the answer to his problem and was on his way to claim his prize. But at what cost?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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LightFlare arrives in Kalos City. One of the most technologically advanced cities in existence. With a population of about 28 million, it is the single largest city in terms of population. Within its city limits there is a multitude of opportunities. But with all its good qualities it also boasts the highest crime rate. Indeed...it was a city full of intrigue and danger. What awaits LightFlare in this city...

crazy2_slashboxart_160w.jpg We're here. This place never ceases to amaze me.

ryur.gifIncredible. This is far enough.

crazy2_slashboxart_160w.jpg Ya sure? This neighborhood ain't the most friendly.

ryur.gifThis will do.

*LightFlare hands the cabbie his fair*

crazy2_slashboxart_160w.jpg Thanks bro. Be safe my friend...

ryur.gif Thanks.

*LightFlare steps out of the cab*


I'm running low on cash. I'd better find some soon or I'll be out in the cold. And it doesn't look like I wanna do that here. Not that I'm too worried...

*LightFlare notices a small flyer in a store window*

Underground Slugfest! Bring your fists! Prize money is 100,000 gill! Vring this flyer to "The Bottom!"

ryue.gif Sounds like my kinda party. Now...where is...the bottom?

*LightFlare walks in and asks the clerk where to locate the Bottom*

ryue.gif Excuse me sir. Where can I find..."The Bottom?"

JasonMichaels-TLAD.jpgYou looking to party?

ryue.gifI'm looking for a fight.

JasonMichaels-TLAD.jpg Heh...ok tough guy.

*The clerk hands LightFlare a card*

ryue.gif A club? Nothing new I guess. How far is this address?

JasonMichaels-TLAD.jpg About 5 blocks that way.

ryur.gif Thanks.

LightFlare heads towards the address on the card. He can't help but be amazed at this enormous city. So much to take in. Within minutes of his arrival he'd already found the answer to his problem and was on his way to claim his prize. But at what cost?

A sudden headache grips the warrior he clenches his eyes shut and sees a vision




The image and pain passes and lightflare finds himself in a park.


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Not really. And you are familiar with them? What exactly will we do there?

The shuttle has taken off, heading for Acherus.

"These Rune Forges are not like a normal forge. In addition to being able to forge a weapon or armor, these forges can bring out the full potential of a weapon through affixing runes and spells to it. They can thus forge weapons no ordinary forge could produce. And I feel that weapon of yours is hardly ordinary. Ah, here we are."


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You think I'm the copy weakling you fought before? Laughable. All of the reploids' skills Zero may have acquired were mine to begin with. But be my guest. Perhaps you won't be a disappointment.

But how long will you last?

Hmm...I guess long enough to come out victorious of the upcoming fight.

CONCENTRATED NITRO BURST! *TrinitroMan shoots out an aimed laser of nitroglycerin at Omega Zero, creating a hole in Omega Zero's chest*

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*Looks at chest.* If you think this will be that easy, you are mistaken. HEAL!! *the wound closes*

Now it's my turn


Reppuugeki! *chains into another attack*


Tenresujin! *uses Trinitro's head to ascend into the air*


Rakusaiga! *approaches Trinitro with a falling blade*

(Megaman zero 3 he does have a healing ability, it's annoying as fuck, but it had a time limit between uses)

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High above in his space station, Igniz sits on his throne awating the report from the Kusanagi Clones. Suddenly he receives an incomming message

kyo-half-kusan.gifSir we were unsuccessful in capturing Kyo.


Indeed. It seems LightFlare has stuck his nose in the wrong business. But I cannot deny the fact that his fighting ability is extraordinary. He seems even more"controlled" than previous data suggested. Such potential...

kyo-half-kusan.gif Sir, Kyo is well aware of us and will be that much more difficult to capture. But I am fairly certain that given the nature of LightFlare, they have most likely parted ways. By himself, he cannot hope to defeat us.


Perhaps you are right. But now we have some loose ends to tie up. With your recent battle you have gained quite a bit of attention. No doubt Krizalid and Zero have seen you the news. They will most likely come for me...if they are still alive.

kyo-half-kusan.gifYes...I got a bit...excited.

igniz-hood.gif Yes. Although it is fine to be passionate about one's occupation, one must be wise in thier decisions. Do I make myself clear?

kusanagiww.gif Yes sir.

igniz-hood.gif Good. Continue on your mission.




Kyo. You are an elusive young man indeed. However my quest for power cannot be so easily denied. You're skill is unique, but it is your heritage that makes you invaluable. After all...only a true Kusanagi is blessed with the Crimson Flame. Soon...I'll catch you. Then when I'll finish what we started.




LightFlare awakens in a park. Unsure of what happened he can only reflect on the image that flashed befors him. After he gains his senses, LightFlare walks the dangerous streets of Kalos City. Indeed it was overwhelming. But with so many people around, LightFlare felt lonely. He'd been walking his own path for quite some time. And although he has made friends along the way, he always seems find himself alone again. He wonders if he is truly on the right path. Even still, he believes that in order to know his own strength he must first know his own self.

*LightFlare walks past a tall dark skinned individual. He begins to follow LightFlare. LightFlare continues walking. He begins to walk beside LightFlare. LightFlare continues walking. *


heavyd-pr.jpgSup, homie. Not many guys walking around here in a Karate Gi. I'm guessing you're on your way to the Underground Slugfest?


heavyd-pr.jpg I'm on my way there too. Mind if I tag along, homie?

ryur.gifHeh...do I have a choice?

heavyd-pr.jpg We all have choices. It's the consequences that we can't change.

ryur.gif Well then...let's go..uh...?

heavyd-pr.jpg The names Heavy-D. Aka H. Dizzle aka The D aka H.D. aka...

ryur.gif I got it. I'll just call you "D."

heavyd-pr.jpg No doubt. So what's your story, bruh?

ryur.gif I'm just a nomad.


I get it. I used to box professionally. But I was a little too "rough". So I've been street fighting to make ends meet. This tournament will be just another day on the job.

ryur.gif You and I are not too different.

heavyd-pr.jpg Truestory. These streets are dangerous, bruh. You're gonna need a guide. Ill help you out, bruh.

ryur.gifOk, Mr Tour Guide. Lead the way...

heavyd-pr.jpg Fah sho, homie. I got'chu.

The two continue sharing with one another as they head towards The Bottom. LightFlare is somewhat comforted by D's. company. Perhaps he's just another friend along the way. Or maybe he's not a friend at all. Either way it's nice to have someone to talk to. And having a guide in such a large new city isn't such a bad idea. The image continues to be in the back of LightFlare's mind. What does not mean? And how the heck did he end up in that park? Stranger things have happened, but it's pretty high on the list.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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*Looks at chest.* If you think this will be that easy, you are mistaken. HEAL!! *the wound closes*

Now it's my turn


Reppuugeki! *chains into another attack*


Tenresujin! *uses Trinitro's head to ascend into the air*


Rakusaiga! *approaches Trinitro with a falling blade*

(Megaman zero 3 he does have a healing ability, it's annoying as fuck, but it had a time limit between uses)

Ugh...not bad. But I do know that even healing abilities of that magnitude have a limit.

I just need to use my strongest attacks, that always hit my target.

How lucky I am, because that's the gimmick of nitroglycerin.


*TrinitroMan hits both fist on the ground, and many pillars of nitroglycerin appear, and Omega Zero is completely engulfed in one of the pillars*

That should weaken him enough, yo.

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