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"Hehehe, the name's not quite important.""Alright, shall we prepare the ship?"

What do you mean it's not important? What if I considered joining you?....O_o did you say ship? Jesus, how much money are you funded...or is that not important either?

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Guess you'll have to take my word. Part of my agreement is that I do not use my dark powers here. Blame your spikey red head comrade for that.


"Oi oi. Why don't you use that restriction as part of your training instead? Surely, someone like you shouldn't be relying on such dark powers all the time."


"Hmph. You're making him hold back against Grant? I sincerely hope you're not overestimating him. It would be boring if Grant finishes him too quick."


"...hmph. Hopefully you can still provide a challenge even without your dark powers. Perhaps in the end, it's for the best."

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*Meimu gaps Trini into the desert again, this time taking away his transporter in the process.*

Stop stop stop.

Okay, let's pause the roleplay for a moment.

You obviously have no grasp of how a teleporter works.

Okay, nothing to see here anymore.

*roleplay resumes again*

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And you have no idea about roleplay etiquette. You think you can just waltz in like that and suddenly make up a bunch of crap that makes no sense and disrupts the rp for the others?

And Meimu has gap hax.

Man, I was just trying to do a small little joke.

There was no reason for you to react so sensitive to that.

Please calm down.

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On 8/12/2014 at 2:48 AM, Darkflare said:

akumaw.gif"Oi oi. Why don't you use that restriction as part of your training instead? Surely, someone like you shouldn't be relying on such dark powers all the time."Ren_Onodera_zps5226a061.png"Hmph. You're making him hold back against Grant? I sincerely hope you're not overestimating him. It would be boring if Grant finishes him too quick."grant-sel.gif"...hmph. Hopefully you can still provide a challenge even without your dark powers. Perhaps in the end, it's for the best."


Someone like me? Heh...I'm no better or worse than anyone here. But I understand your point-of-veiw.


Young lady...I suspect you like what you see. In fact if I didn't know better I'd say you were looking at me as if I were..."food." Either way, don't worry about me. This isn't my first dance...

*focuses on Grant*


A challenge? Guess there's only one way to find out...








ryu-cvs2-stance.gif VS snk-grant.gif



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Man, I was just trying to do a small little joke.

There was no reason for you to react so sensitive to that.

Please calm down.

What a coincidence. So was I.


Someone like me? Heh...I'm no better or worse than anyone here. But I understand your point-of-veiw.ryue.gif

Young lady...I suspect you like what you see. In fact if I didn't know better I'd say you were looking at me as if I were..."food." Either way, don't worry about me. This isn't my first dance...

*focuses on Grant*ryusf3end3.gif

A challenge? Guess there's only one way to find out...



ryu-cvs2-stance.gif VS snk-grant.gifPREPARE FOR THE NEXT BATTLE!


"Let's just say....that I am very fond of hunting."

*Grant proceeded to take a stance as the room seemingly began to quake from Grant's sheer power.*


"You who call yourself a warrior, come to me and demonstrate to me that you are indeed worthy of being called a warrior.*

*A burst of energy exploded around Grant as the room stopped quaking when Grant assumes his stance.*


"And the hunt begins...."

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*Grant proceeded to take a stance as the room seemingly began to quake from Grant's sheer power.*grant-sel.gif

"You who call yourself a warrior, come to me and demonstrate to me that you are indeed worthy of being called a warrior.*

*A burst of energy exploded around Grant as the room stopped quaking when Grant assumes his stance.


*a sudden burst of energy explodes from within LightFlare*


*attacks Grant from all angles*


Stand up and fight...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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*Grant stood his ground. As Lightflare attacked, Grant observed his movements as he went on a defensive role minimizing the effects of his assault.*


"He's studying him..."

*Grant spots an opening as he makes a quick charge to knock Lightflare into the air. With his leg imbued with dark energy, Grant proceeds to deliver a powerful kick toward the helpless warrior knocking him back*


"If an offensive assault is all you can do....then this fight is over."


"Trying to overpower one that thrives on overpowering his opponents to begin with....foolish."

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*Grant spots an opening as he makes a quick charge to knock Lightflare into the air. With his leg imbued with dark energy, Grant proceeds to deliver a powerful kick toward the helpless warrior knocking him back*grant-sel.gif

"If an offensive assault is all you can do....then this fight is over.


Just as strong as I remember. Don't worry...I didn't expect you to go down.

*LightFlare closes his eyes as if meditating*


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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What do you mean it's not important? What if I considered joining you?....O_o did you say ship? Jesus, how much money are you funded...or is that not important either?

"We're a group with no name, I suppose. It's difficult to find a name. As for the ship, well, follow me."

The commander exits the room.

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On 8/13/2014 at 0:00 AM, Darkflare said:

*Noting his opponent's change in tactics, Grant goes on the offense and closes some distance to unleash a swing from his arm and fire a dark wave attack toward Lightflare*

*the attack makes a direct hit...or so it seems*


*LightFlare's eyes suddenly open as he passes through the attack*



You're open...





*LightFlare counters and sends Grant into the air*









*LightFlare blasts Grant before he hits the ground engraving Grant's body into the wall behind Grant*


*silently returns to meditative state*


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"That looked like a clean hit, how did he shrug it off like that?"

*Grant freed himself from the wall as he brushed himself off. If he was affected by the attack, he certainly did a good job hiding it. It would be impossible to tell his emotions due to his mask. He once again charged toward Lightflare and once he was at the proper distance, he seemingly proceeded to go for the dark wave attack again. This time however, it was a feint to trick him into attacking."

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"That looked like a clean hit, how did he shrug it off like that?"

*Grant freed himself from the wall as he brushed himself off. If he was affected by the attack, he certainly did a good job hiding it. It would be impossible to tell his emotions due to his mask. He once again charged toward Lightflare and once he was at the proper distance, he seemingly proceeded to go for the dark wave attack again. This time however, it was a feint to trick him into attacking."

*LightFlare clenches his fist...*

ryuq.gif(Something is wrong)

*LightFlare retreats backwards and immediately advances forward with an assult*


*Grant lands to ground creating a crater...and slowly begins to move...*

He's not done...incredible. A normal LightFlare Cannon won't do...


*LightFlare begins charging his next attack*


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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*Unfortunately for Lightflare, Grant's feint did it's intended purpose. By attacking in an assault, Grant would counter it with a rising palm attack sending both into the air. From there, Grant would strike with a dive kick imbued with dark energy*


"Played right into his trap. He knew he would attack recklessly like that."

*Once on the ground, Grant covered himself with his cape as he looked toward Lightflare.*


"I had thought that you realized that you would need more than power to defeat me, but I see now that you lack technique and must rely on your brute strength. Only a true warrior has a chance to defeat me, aast will never defeat me."

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*Unfortunately for Lightflare, Grant's feint did it's intended purpose. By attacking in an assault, Grant would counter it with a rising palm attack sending both into the air. From there, Grant would strike with a dive kick imbued with dark energy*akumae.gif

"Played right into his trap. He knew he would attack recklessly like that."

*Once on the ground, Grant covered himself with his cape as he looked toward Lightflare.*grant-sel.gif

"I had thought that you realized that you would need more than power to defeat me, but I see now that you lack technique and must rely on your brute strength. Only a true warrior has a chance to defeat me, aast will never defeat me."


*slowly stands to his feet*

You act as if you are not trying to defeat me as well.


*LightFlare begins to focus*


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"....not really grasping how meditation is supposed to work."

*Grant proceeded to walk toward Lightflare. As he did, he watched Lightflare carefully for any movements.*



* LightFlare focuses*

(I have to look deep...within myself)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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