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NZCR Lifebar Recreation


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I posted this over at MFG first, but I'll post it here too:


Hey everyone,
For my game, NZCR, I'm recreating the lifebars and would like some advice and how I can improve them. Here's what I've done so far, but I feel it's lacking. I'm going to keep working on it, but I need different opinions. Even if it looks like shit to you, please tell me why.
The old and current:
The new:
Some features that need to be there:
- Indication of how many times you can do Kawarimi Substitute (the log).
- Indication that you can go into Chak-rush mode, when it's ready.
P.S. I'll move this into the game's subforum after some time has passed.



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Yeah, I was thinking that something needed to behind them as well. I tried drawing clouds and failed miserably, lol. I'm a shitty artist, I know.


Well, I don't mind doing a complete overhaul, but it's gotta match Naruto, not look like something that belongs in Blaz Blue :P



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Yeah, Ultimate Ninja Storm seemed to really calm down the crazy, so it appeals to me more. :P You're right. They're directly inspired from it, but I know they're lacking something. Thanks! Chak-rush is a mode from the NZC (Shinboi Rumble) game on the NDS. Basically, you have unlimited Chakra and gain Super Armor and are slightly more powerful. In the source, you can still block and do supers, but my implementation is more restrictive, because if you could do that, then you could just spam your level 3 supers, lol.



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Nice clouds :P


Maybe add a brush stroke or something under the bars? i think it could use something (but minimal) under there.


Looks great though

Thanks, I shamelessly traced drew them myself. :)


I'll try out some things after work today. I think I know what you mean. Brush strokes are very common. Don't want to clutter them too much.





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I figured you were avoiding a cluttered look.


I honestly can't think of anything else besides ninja scrolls but i have a feeling you don't want to do that either

Maybe find a way to have the lifebar connect to the timer? (which would make the timer look less empty)


Anyway good luck

If you want my released works, go here.

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I figured you were avoiding a cluttered look.


I honestly can't think of anything else besides ninja scrolls but i have a feeling you don't want to do that either

Maybe find a way to have the lifebar connect to the timer? (which would make the timer look less empty)


Anyway good luck

Right you are, lol. That's a good idea. I'll try doing something like that too. Maybe the brush stroke could come in handy there?


Thanks, I'll post the update later today.



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Yeah that looks much better. (just an idea)It would be cool if the ninja star spun a little while time was going down or something


What are those three dots btw?

Thanks! Yeah man, I was planning on having the shuriken actually spinning at all times.


The three dots are the round win icons. Instead of having them show up when you win, I want them to light up, like other games do.



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So Simple but it makes a difference

Edit: I was gonna suggest trying out diff cloud colors :P

I know right? Credit to Legend Ivanhoe for the idea. Haha, yeah, clouds belong white-ish, and they look really nice now. :P



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