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Capcom's become open for potential buying out now

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To be completely honest, I was expecting this to happen considering the path they've gone as of late 






Thoughts on this? Any company's you think/hope would go for it? For me, it'd probably be Nintendo


Pretty silly in some cases, isn't it?

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Reminder that just because Capcom is open to buyout doesn't mean that anybody would necessarily buy them.

What they basically did was open up their stocks for other companies to purchase, which is a good thing for Capcom in the longer run.


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^Wait, how so? (Quote function's not working for me right now.)

Just because Capcom allows for fangames and mugen stuff doesnt mean their potential parent company will, especially if the parent company ends up being Disney or SquareEnix. Case in point: Lucasfilm

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If Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo buy it, man I have a feeling the game will be exclusive for one console only after this. Imagine Microsoft buy it, the Street Fighter, Devil May Cry and Resident Evil ended up being the XBOne/360 exclusive??? I don't want to see Bayonetta's case happen again...hope so...


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