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Goku - Beta Release


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Goku - Beta Release




2nd release so far of this wip. All basic attacks are done and he has 1 special now, the mighty blast of rage, the same blast that beat frieza! A lot of sprites are still incomplete and there are still some specials that need to be done. This release has no hypers. The character is now palette compatible and a few things got fixed.

Some stuff will come up in the final release

Specials Planned
  -head tackle
  -instant gut punch

Hypers Planned
  -Super Saiyan 2 Ascended Ka-Me-Ha Wave
  -Spirit Bomb shot


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Good to see you update him and, this beta feel playable now compare to the previous alpha you released. I hope you will keep update him. My only feedback, please fix his intro and add outro for him in the next update.


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I usually don't care about intros and outros but for Goku I may very well make him some since he has such memorable lines and moments in the anime. I may even add in a special round 2 intro after losing round 1 to show Goku's renouwned comebacks.


I've always wanted to make Frieza saga Goku into mugen and seeing Bathazarr's capcom version really motivated me to do one. I must admit that I am passonate about this one. I've put a lot of research and time into this and I am doing a lot of detail work.


The next update I plan to make it the final release and I have nothing but overpowered attacks in progress.


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Good to hear that but ah, about that overpowered attacks, I hope you make his AI strong and not cheap. Since Balthazar Goku was your inspiration, you can make his AI as strong as his Goku.


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He inspired me to do a capcom sized fighter but not a Z2 character. As usual I have to do my own custom version with new attacks.


I'm hoping to make him cheap like broly by necromancer. I hate easy a.i. fights, they end too quick and are not challenging at all.


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The previous version was alpha so yeah it was very incomplete but now the wip is at beta.


I'm watching dbz for more ideas right now because I wanna do a lot more specials. Like 6-8 specials total with 3-4 hypers. I'm playing goku hr and goku by sanskiti for ideas also. I hope to finish this before 2015.


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This is goku were talking about this should be second nature to you.


I can't really memorize all of his fighting moves so I take my time to pause dbz video and sketch something down to remake in frankenspriting for Goku.


Some moves are easy to memorize such as that common axe kick into the air or that super chop attack commonly used behind opponent's neck. That stuff is easy to find but everything else is subtle. Not every punch or kick can work. This stuff required research.





The specials are going to give me a lot of trouble because they are few and in most games they are made up into punches or kicks not in the series.


Goku's special attacks are very plain and few and often borrowed from his friends which kinda take away their uniqueness.


Goku does kai blast and kai waves like everyone else (not impressive and anyone can do it to...) and the KaMeHa technique (standard attack and used by many characters to). He has the kaio-kan technique which isn't anything special, and Tien's technique the solar flare which is only good for stunning and makes for a terrible special. The afterimage is useless in a fighter unless it can somehow attack back? I don't think it does. Instant transmission is useless to because it has to be followed up with an attack.


You can see my dilemma


I'm gonna have to dig deep and look for something that Goku did which looks and works great for specials. I might have to rewatch all of dbz and db. I only have the move ideas above confirmed in the first post which will work well.


Though I would really like 6-8 specials total with 3-4 hypers so I have to study Goku :P


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Some feedback

Medium Kick Pushback should be increased. It's currently shorter than the light kick and the crouching light or medium kicks.

Heavy Kick seems like it'd be better as a special.

Medium and Heavy Punch have no push-back. As least with the Medium Punch there's enough time between blows to block...

Matter of fact, Crouching Heavy has no push-back either.

I'd recommend changing the hitboxes on the Raging Blast, since it currently can hit a downed opponent.

I'd shorten the "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" that is his KO cry.

And now for some possible special intros.

vs. Ginyu: "You can still choose to admit you're wrong and leave this place. Alright, one or the other, lets settle this right now."

vs. Frieza: " I am the hope of the universe! Ally to good! Nightmare to you!"

vs. Cell: "There's no way you can beat me with your stolen fighting techniques. Now, give up."

vs. Fat Buu: "This is a Super Saiyan."

vs. Super Saiyan Vegeta: "Alright Vegeta, let's settle this."

Some other ideas (for later)

Bring in the Kamehameha. (EDIT: Just saw the above post)

Solar Flare could work as a stunning move to set up for a Raging Blast or Kamehameha.

Kaio-ken, I'm not so sure about. After becoming a Super Saiyan, Goku never used the Kaio-ken again, at least in the manga. He did in DBZ, but that was exclusive to filler. It's your call, I suppose.

Perhaps instead of the Spirit bomb toss, he does what he did at the end of the Android 13 movie, where he ends up absorbing the Spirit Bomb's power and defeats Super Android 13 with just his aura.

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Some feedback

Medium Kick Pushback should be increased. It's currently shorter than the light kick and the crouching light or medium kicks.

Heavy Kick seems like it'd be better as a special.

Medium and Heavy Punch have no push-back. As least with the Medium Punch there's enough time between blows to block...

Matter of fact, Crouching Heavy has no push-back either.

I'd recommend changing the hitboxes on the Raging Blast, since it currently can hit a downed opponent.

I'd shorten the "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" that is his KO cry.

And now for some possible special intros.

vs. Ginyu: "You can still choose to admit you're wrong and leave this place. Alright, one or the other, lets settle this right now."

vs. Frieza: " I am the hope of the universe! Ally to good! Nightmare to you!"

vs. Cell: "There's no way you can beat me with your stolen fighting techniques. Now, give up."

vs. Fat Buu: "This is a Super Saiyan."

vs. Super Saiyan Vegeta: "Alright Vegeta, let's settle this."

Some other ideas (for later)

Bring in the Kamehameha. (EDIT: Just saw the above post)

Solar Flare could work as a stunning move to set up for a Raging Blast or Kamehameha.

Kaio-ken, I'm not so sure about. After becoming a Super Saiyan, Goku never used the Kaio-ken again, at least in the manga. He did in DBZ, but that was exclusive to filler. It's your call, I suppose.

Perhaps instead of the Spirit bomb toss, he does what he did at the end of the Android 13 movie, where he ends up absorbing the Spirit Bomb's power and defeats Super Android 13 with just his aura.

I will fix the pushback errors you listed. Thank you. I agree, they are off.


The heavy kick will remain as a basic attack. It's an easy 3-hit combo for younger gamers who don't know how to play I guess :P


I may do more of these extra hit attacks that chain but no more than 1 extra hit from now on. The heavy kick is enjoyable to me as is. I must insist it stay.



@raging blast,


You mean crouching or the opponent on the floor having fallen? Either way I don't think it's an issue? What's the problem? Please explain.


@K.O. sound,


I purposely focused on making this Goku dramatic. Only a few of the Goku's out there for mugen had time put into this aspect where Goku would speak but would also have a memorable soundtrack in the background play during his scenario and I wanna do the same. I am not focusing on making Goku clean and scrisp but rather directly out of his Freiza saga where everything for that 1 week was constantly epic. Goku was super buff, bloody, ripped, yelled all the time, and attacked with heavy attacks only against Maximum Frieza's 100% power level on an exploding Namek for 20 episodes straight while a lot of his friends died.


I'm making that Goku.


The raging blast is huge for a regular special and heavy in detail. I plan to add dust and rocks to.


I'm also going to add music when Goku does hypers, real quotes from the show (instead of clean and dry audio recordings from Budokai, etc.) and a lot of other details.


Basically I am working hard to make it epic like the show. I want dirty, power, and emotion.



So yeah I need Goku to really yell Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! when he dies.







@special intros,


I want to generalize his intros to where anything he says will be epic. Not everything he said to his foes was epic so I may not do that idea. Unless he yelled at Vegeta and really said something memorable for years like Vegeta's 9000 quote. I'll check out your ideas and see if they tickle my DBZ senses.


@Solar flare,


The move is just weak for Goku and if he fights Tien or Krillin it's going to be awkward to have them both shooting each other with that. I put in the KaMeHa wave because I had to; but the solar flare is optional and I just don't see it working for this particular wip. I need every attack to hit and hit hard right away. This Goku was super serious in his final battle against Frieza, he had everything to lose. In other fights he took the Cell thing lightly, even as a super saiyan and he didn't train again in the time chamber. The fight again Buu, if he was serious he would have fused again but he didn't.




To me it's nothing really unique, it helps but it doesn't change the attacks, though they are stronger, they are still the same. It's basically a palette code with a little extra damage for your attacks. It's nothing unique. It's boring unless he shoots something from the Kaio-ken.


@absorbing the Spirit Bomb,


This is a great idea if it wasn't so long and complicated of an attack. It could work but it will have to exclude the absorption part, in which case it's probably better as a different attack under its own name.


For the spirit bomb I have an idea all ready of how it's going to work. I'm gonna make it a small ball instead of the giant one but it will do multiple damage like dr.doom's hyper on contact and it will be hard to dodge because it will have a little tracking on the opponent and it's going to come fast to. None of that charging stuff. We'll say he all ready charged it and has it handy in his hand and ready to fire.


The damage logic will not apply well for stronger enemies but it will be a great and fun attack this way. The previous Goku's for mugen that use giant spirit bombs based on the last animes aren't as excitingly quick as the early sagas and movies. The weaker version was definitely cool back in the old days and it was a perfect compliment to the giant KaMeHa Wave in that it was the opposite. It was small and round whereas the wave was huge and long.


For an attack as big as the giant spirit bomb, I rather just give Goku an aura explosion and have it do pretty much the same thing with the exception of the giant ball since it'll hit the same in a sense.




Thanks for the ideas and feedback though. I got a lot of ideas out of this.


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@raging blast,


You mean crouching or the opponent on the floor having fallen? Either way I don't think it's an issue? What's the problem? Please explain.

When the character is fallen on the floor. It does seem to vary just how much it hits depending on the character. With Dabura, it hits fully, while with Piccolo, Beatrice, Eve, and Sasuke, it hit less (it still hit, but it hit less.)

I guess it just bugs me. Most of my other DBZ character beam attacks sail over a knocked down opponent, and I suppose it feels odd for a range attack to hit a fallen opponent.

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Somehow with all of this, it just feels like I'm restricted to give this Goku some feedback. I'm not even trying to be another Darkflare, I just want to help out. But with all of this (plus the fact that I got a rep down by Ax himself).. should I?



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Somehow with all of this, it just feels like I'm restricted to give this Goku some feedback. I'm not even trying to be another Darkflare, I just want to help out. But with all of this (plus the fact that I got a rep down by Ax himself).. should I?

Sorry I got your reply mixed up with

Shiro Yukaimura


he also used a spoiler in his post but his post had a dirty word in it.


You may proceed.


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Somehow with all of this, it just feels like I'm restricted to give this Goku some feedback. I'm not even trying to be another Darkflare, I just want to help out. But with all of this (plus the fact that I got a rep down by Ax himself).. should I?

1. Don't drag me into this.

2. I'm not going to bother with something that isn't to be cheap and broken.

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