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Sora (Beta) By C.V.S Artist


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 as some of you might have seen my post of sora in my full game project I now release sora just so everyone can try him out enjoy and in 2 days sora will be finished and everyone can really play with him
this is for some of you who would like to play around with sora

missing from this beta

-super moves
-more ex moves
-effects position



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So after this 2 days coming he will released the full version? Well, I'm waiting for that.


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So after this 2 days coming he will released the full version? Well, I'm waiting for that.

eh, think of this author as chuchoryu too, I mean yeah he/she updates it once in awhile but the gameplay remains the same with little changes.


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eh, think of this author as chuchoryu too, I mean yeah he/she updates it once in awhile but the gameplay remains the same with little changes.

Yeah I notice that too, CVS always update his character quite recently. Sometimes I don't even know his character is finish or not.


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Worth the try

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I just check on guild, CVS has released the finished Sora.


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