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[Full Game] Sonic Speed Fighters 2


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like i said before, i don't like smbz so i will never use that stuff


mephiles, you know..... theres just some stuff that he might not fit in


well... making a spritesheet depends on yourself and how fast you make it. There's no real amount of time.


also btw, the character select you see on the OP is final meaning there will be no more characters


if you want newer characters stay tuned for something :P

I never knew anyone that didn't like SMBZ. But we all have opinions :D

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I actually liked SMBZ before, but that's before it started to go downhill with...whatever episode introduced that Koopa, who could turn the heroes into stone.

But now, we're getting off-topic.

Seriously, SSF2 is full of potential, but it sadly get worsened by Neo_Fire_Sonic's...let's say not so good decisions.

First off: Sonic is not the main hero. Instead, it's some OC. If it is a Sonic game with Sonic in its name, then the hero HAS to be Sonic. That's an unwritten rule that even the fangame creator have to follow, or else, the name would be misleading beyond all hell.

Second off: There are too many OCs. One is fine, but five is way to much. Especially if four of them are just lazy Sonic edits. I mean, come on. The Sonic franchise has many memorable non-Hedgehog characters to offer. Especially the Sonic comics by Archie.

Third off: The bosses. A game can be hard, but fair. But Neo_Fire_Sonic wants to make his bosses typical cheap characters, which MUGEN already has like, I dunno, 1000 times already? Seriously, bosses should be a FAIR challenge, and they should NOT rely on cheap methods like unblockable full-screen attacks, which cannot be stopped at all. If something is unavoidable AND unblockable, then the start-up has to be long enough, so human players can cancel the opponent's attack by simply attacking the opponent.

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Lol, bosses with a fair challenge, that doesn't exist.


I noticed that in any fighting game with final bosses. And besides did you actually play SSF2, if your saying that stuff without experience, then there's no argument.


The Sonic franchise has many memorable non-Hedgehog characters to offer. Especially the Sonic comics by Archie.



like i said before

if you want newer characters stay tuned for something :P


also besides heres the thing, there are characters i want to make, and characters I CAN make.

those 2 lists are very different.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Lol, bosses with a fair challenge, that doesn't exist.


I noticed that in any fighting game with final bosses. And besides did you actually play SSF2, if your saying that stuff without experience, then there's no argument.


And using old fighting games as an example is bullshit as well.

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old fighting games? k won't use


look at tabuu





besides like i said,

Again, you're using an old game (Super Street Fighter 2) as an example. And it's actually Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo that introduced Akuma.

And what the fuck is Tabuu?

Man, I'm getting the feeling that you are only refering to bosses as unfair, because you cannot play fighting games properly.

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Tabuu is the final boss of Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary mode. He has an attack that can K.O. you instantly if you don't know how to dodge. Here, have an image:



Now as a note for señor developer here:

Smash Bros. isn't a conventional 2D fighting game like this is supposed to be, so don't compare the two. Also, I think you're mistaking "unfair" for "difficult". Bosses can be more powerful than regular characters (like final boss Seth is to playable Seth in SSFIV), or have some nasty AI, but making them stupidly cheap with unblockable whatsits is a hilariously bad decision.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Again, you're using an old game (Super Street Fighter 2) as an example. And it's actually Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo that introduced Akuma.

And what the fuck is Tabuu?

Man, I'm getting the feeling that you are only refering to bosses as unfair, because you cannot play fighting games properly.



-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Tabuu is the final boss of Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary mode. He has an attack that can K.O. you instantly if you don't know how to dodge. Here, have an image:


Oh...THAT Tabuu.

I thought that Neo_Fire_Sonic meant a fighting game, that was called "Tabuu".

But yeah, you're right. Bosses should be a fair challenge, and not cheap like how Neo_Fire_Sonic does.

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like i said before, i don't like smbz so i will never use that stuff


mephiles, you know..... theres just some stuff that he might not fit in


well... making a spritesheet depends on yourself and how fast you make it. There's no real amount of time.


also btw, the character select you see on the OP is final meaning there will be no more characters


if you want newer characters stay tuned for something :P

Also i tried playing with Nazo and i find some of his specials wierd. For example the lightning attack. I never knew he could do that.

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Also i tried playing with Nazo and i find some of his specials wierd. For example the lightning attack. I never knew he could do that.



You do know the real "Nazo" actually can do nothing right




this is the only official thing of nazo

ANYTHING ELSE of him you see on the internet is fake/fanmade


he has no confirmed name/powers or really anything.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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  • 4 weeks later...

There is indeed a rule for not bumping a thread but it currently only counts for the NEWS and RELEASES sections of the site.


However just bumping a thread, be it your own or not, by posting a single word like "bump" just to put it back on the top of the WIP overview page is considered spamming which is against the forum rules.


So NFS, as Trini said : don't bump something if you don't have anything to add.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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I thought bumping your own thread was fine, seeing as it's your thread. That said, one normally bumps a thread if they're waiting for a response to something, which Neo does not appear to be...








...Unless he's foreshadowing the inclusion of Bump the Hedgewhoreg, who has bigger tits than all those Eggman's robots :=D:

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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...Unless he's foreshadowing the inclusion of Bump the Hedgewhoreg, who has bigger tits than all those Eggman's robots :=D:

I'm sorry, but I cannot laugh at that joke.

Not with a character like Neo_Fire_Sonic being in the roster and with Sonic NOT being the main hero although it's called Sonic Speed Fighters, not -Z- Speed Fighters.

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I thought bumping your own thread was fine, seeing as it's your thread. That said, one normally bumps a thread if they're waiting for a response to something, which Neo does not appear to be...








...Unless he's foreshadowing the inclusion of Bump the Hedgewhoreg, who has bigger tits than all those Eggman's robots :=D:


as much as i'd like to add another character, the roster you see is final.......


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Yeah, but still:

Don't bump your thread.

If you don't get enough feedback, then it's probably because not enough people download your fullgame.

If you want more people to download it, then you have to make it more interesting for them.

And usually, people don't like stuff like "original character do not steal", especially not after the Dark Pit incident.

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Yeah, but still:

Don't bump your thread.

If you don't get enough feedback, then it's probably because not enough people download your fullgame.

If you want more people to download it, then you have to make it more interesting for them.

And usually, people don't like stuff like "original character do not steal", especially not after the Dark Pit incident.


And usually people like you still don't understand the difference between a simple palette swap and a different person.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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